# Ensō~Chan - A Multi Purpose Discord Bot That Has Everything Your Server Needs! # Copyright (C) 2020 Hamothy # This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify # it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by # the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or # (at your option) any later version. # This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, # but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of # MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the # GNU General Public License for more details. # You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License # along with this program. If not, see . import datetime import asyncpg from discord import Embed, TextChannel from discord.ext.commands import has_permissions, Cog, group, bot_has_permissions, BadArgument, MissingRequiredArgument, \ command from cogs.libs.modmail import Modmail from cogs.libs.starboard import Starboard async def get_starboard_from_db(self, ctx, action): """Get the starboard record from DB""" # Setup up pool connection pool = self.bot.db async with pool.acquire() as conn: # Get the row of the guild from the starboard table try: select_query = """SELECT * FROM starboard WHERE guild_id = $1""" result = await conn.fetchrow(select_query, ctx.guild.id) # Catch errors except asyncpg.PostgresError as e: print("PostGres Error: Starboard Record Could Not Be Retrieved For Starboard", e) # Throw error if the guild already exists else: if action == "setup" and result: text = "**Starboard** Already Setup!" \ f"\nDo **{ctx.prefix}help starboard** to find out more!" await self.bot.generate_embed(ctx, desc=text) return None elif (action == "update" or action == "delete") and not result: text = "**Starboard** Not Setup!" \ f"\nDo **{ctx.prefix}help starboard** to find out more!" await self.bot.generate_embed(ctx, desc=text) return None return not None async def get_modlogs_from_db(self, ctx, action): """Get the starboard record from DB""" # Setup up pool connection pool = self.bot.db async with pool.acquire() as conn: # Get the entire row of the guild from the guilds table try: select_query = """SELECT * FROM guilds WHERE guild_id = $1""" result = await conn.fetchrow(select_query, ctx.guild.id) # Catch errors except asyncpg.PostgresError as e: print("PostGres Error: Modlog Record Could Not Be Retrieved For Modlogs", e) # Throw error if the modlogs already exists else: if action == "setup" and result["modlogs"]: text = "**Modlogs** Already Setup!" \ f"\nDo **{ctx.prefix}help modlogs** to find out more!" await self.bot.generate_embed(ctx, desc=text) return None elif (action == "update" or action == "delete") and not result["modlogs"]: text = "**Modlogs** Not Setup!" \ f"\nDo **{ctx.prefix}help modlogs** to find out more!" await self.bot.generate_embed(ctx, desc=text) return None return not None async def get_modmail_from_db(self, ctx, action): """Get the starboard record from DB""" # Setup up pool connection pool = self.bot.db async with pool.acquire() as conn: # Get the entire row of the guild from the guilds table try: select_query = """SELECT * FROM moderatormail WHERE guild_id = $1""" result = await conn.fetchrow(select_query, ctx.guild.id) # Catch errors except asyncpg.PostgresError as e: print("PostGres Error: Modlog Record Could Not Be Retrieved For Modlogs", e) # Throw error if the modlogs already exists else: if action == "setup" and result: text = "**Modmail** Already Setup!" \ f"\nDo **{ctx.prefix}help modmail** to find out more!" await self.bot.generate_embed(ctx, desc=text) return None elif (action == "update" or action == "delete") and not result: text = "**Modmail** Not Setup!" \ f"\nDo **{ctx.prefix}help modmail** to find out more!" await self.bot.generate_embed(ctx, desc=text) return None return not None # Set up the Cog class Guild(Cog): """All Guild Systems (Modmail/Modlogs/RolePersist)""" def __init__(self, bot): self.bot = bot self.modmail = Modmail(self.bot) self.starboard = Starboard(self.bot) @Cog.listener() async def on_ready(self): """Printing out that Cog is ready on startup""" print(f"{self.__class__.__name__} Cog has been loaded\n-----") @command(name="modstatus", aliases=["logsstatus"]) @bot_has_permissions(embed_links=True) async def all_statuses(self, ctx): """Status of all the moderation systems (Modlogs/Modmail/RolePersist)""" desc = "" # Get status of mod if self.bot.get_roles_persist(ctx.guild.id) == 0: desc += f"**{self.bot.cross} Role Persist**\n" else: desc += f"**{self.bot.tick} Role Persist**\n" # Get status of modlogs if ml_channel := self.bot.get_modlog_for_guild(ctx.guild.id): channel = ctx.guild.get_channel(ml_channel) desc += f"**{self.bot.tick} Modlogs | {channel.mention}**\n" else: desc += f"**{self.bot.cross} Modlogs**\n" # Get status of modmail if modmail := self.bot.get_modmail(ctx.guild.id): modmail_channel = ctx.guild.get_channel(modmail["modmail_channel_id"]) modmail_logging = ctx.guild.get_channel(modmail["modmail_logging_channel_id"]) desc += f"**{self.bot.tick} Modmail | Channel: {modmail_channel.mention} | Logging: {modmail_logging.mention}**\n" else: desc += f"**{self.bot.cross} Modmail**\n" if starboard := self.bot.get_starboard_channel(ctx.guild.id): channel = self.bot.get_channel(starboard) min_stars = self.bot.get_starboard_min_stars(ctx.guild.id) desc += f"**{self.bot.tick} Starboard | Channel: {channel.mention} | Minimum Stars: {min_stars} :star:**\n" else: desc += f"**{self.bot.cross} Starboard**\n" embed = Embed(title="Moderation Systems", description=desc, colour=self.bot.random_colour(), timestamp=datetime.datetime.utcnow()) embed.set_footer(text=f"Requested by {ctx.author}", icon_url=ctx.author.avatar_url) await ctx.send(embed=embed) @group(name="rolepersist", case_insensitive=True, usage="``") @has_permissions(manage_guild=True) @bot_has_permissions(manage_roles=True) async def roles_persist(self, ctx): """Role Persist! Keep user roles when they leave/join!""" @roles_persist.command(name="enable") async def rp_enable(self, ctx): """Enabling role persist within the guild""" if self.bot.get_roles_persist(ctx.guild.id) == 0: await self.bot.update_role_persist(ctx.guild.id, value=1) await self.bot.generate_embed(ctx, desc=f"**Role Persist has been enabled within {ctx.guild}!**") else: await self.bot.generate_embed(ctx, desc=f"**Role Persist is already enabled within {ctx.guild}!**") @roles_persist.command(name="disable") async def rp_disable(self, ctx): """Disabling role persist within the guild""" if self.bot.get_roles_persist(ctx.guild.id) == 1: await self.bot.update_role_persist(ctx.guild.id, value=0) await self.bot.generate_embed(ctx, desc=f"**Role Persist has been disabled within {ctx.guild}!**") else: await self.bot.generate_embed(ctx, desc=f"**Role Persist is already disabled within {ctx.guild}!**") @group(name="starboard", case_insensitive=True, usage="``") @bot_has_permissions(embed_links=True) @has_permissions(manage_guild=True) async def starboard(self, ctx): """ Starboard! Let the community star messages! """ @starboard.command(name="stars") @bot_has_permissions(embed_links=True) async def sb_min_stars(self, ctx, stars: int): """Update the minimum amount of stars needed for the message to appear on the starboard""" if await get_starboard_from_db(self, ctx, "update") and stars > 0: # Setup up pool connection pool = self.bot.db async with pool.acquire() as conn: # Update the starboard min_stars in the database try: update_query = """UPDATE starboard SET min_stars = $1 WHERE guild_id = $2""" await conn.execute(update_query, stars, ctx.guild.id) # Catch errors except asyncpg.PostgresError as e: print(f"PostGres Error: Starboard Record Could Not Be Updated For Guild {ctx.guild.id}", e) # Send confirmation that the channel has been updated else: star_channel = self.bot.get_starboard_channel(ctx.guild.id) channel = self.bot.get_channel(star_channel) text = "**Minimum Stars Updated!**" \ f"\nMessages will now need {stars} :star: to appear in {channel.mention}" await self.bot.generate_embed(ctx, desc=text) # Update cache self.bot.update_starboard_min_stars(ctx.guild.id, stars) elif stars <= 0: await self.bot.generate_embed(ctx, desc="Minimum Stars Must Be Over or Equal to 1!") @starboard.command(name="setup", usage="`<#channel>`") @bot_has_permissions(embed_links=True) async def sb_setup(self, ctx, starboard_channel: TextChannel): """ Setup Starboard First Argument: Input Channel(Mention or ID) where starred messages will be sent """ if await get_starboard_from_db(self, ctx, "setup"): # Setup up pool connection pool = self.bot.db async with pool.acquire() as conn: # Insert the information about the starboard into database try: insert_query = """INSERT INTO starboard (guild_id, channel_id) VALUES ($1, $2)""" await conn.execute(insert_query, ctx.guild.id, starboard_channel.id) # Catch errors except asyncpg.PostgresError as e: print(f"PostGres Error: Starboard Record Could Not Be Inserted For Guild {ctx.guild.id}", e) # Send confirmation message else: text = "**Starboard** is successfully set up!" \ f"\nRefer to **{ctx.prefix}help starboard** for more information" await self.bot.generate_embed(ctx, desc=text) # Store into cache self.bot.cache_store_starboard(ctx.guild.id, starboard_channel.id, 1) @starboard.command(name="update", usage="``") @bot_has_permissions(embed_links=True) async def sb_update(self, ctx, starboard_channel: TextChannel): """ Update the channel that the starred messages are sent to You can Mention or use the Channel ID """ if await get_starboard_from_db(self, ctx, "update"): # Setup up pool connection pool = self.bot.db async with pool.acquire() as conn: # Update the starboard channel in the database try: update_query = """UPDATE starboard SET channel_id = $1 WHERE guild_id = $2""" await conn.execute(update_query, starboard_channel.id, ctx.guild.id) # Catch errors except asyncpg.PostgresError as e: print(f"PostGres Error: Starboard Record Could Not Be Updated For Guild {ctx.guild.id}", e) # Send confirmation that the channel has been updated else: text = "**Channel Updated**" \ f"\nNew Starred Messages will be sent to {starboard_channel.mention}" await self.bot.generate_embed(ctx, desc=text) # Update cache self.bot.update_starboard_channel(ctx.guild.id, starboard_channel.id) @starboard.command(name="delete") @bot_has_permissions(embed_links=True) async def sb_delete(self, ctx): """Delete the starboard from the guild""" if await get_starboard_from_db(self, ctx, "delete"): # Setup up pool connection pool = self.bot.db async with pool.acquire() as conn: # Remove the starboard record from the database try: delete_query = """DELETE FROM starboard WHERE guild_id = $1""" await conn.execute(delete_query, ctx.guild.id) # Catch errors except asyncpg.PostgresError as e: print(f"PostGres Error: Starboard Record Could Not Be Deleted for Guild {ctx.guild.id}", e) # Sending confirmation message that the starboard has been deleted else: text = "**Starboard** successfully deleted!" \ f"\nDo **{ctx.prefix}help starboard** to find out more!" await self.bot.generate_embed(ctx, desc=text) # Delete from cache self.bot.delete_starboard(ctx.guild.id) @group(name="modlogs", case_insensitive=True, usage="``") @has_permissions(manage_guild=True) @bot_has_permissions(embed_links=True) async def modlogs(self, ctx): """ Log updates in your server! (Nicknames/Deleted Msgs/etc!) """ @modlogs.command(name="setup", usage="`<#channel>`") async def mlsetup(self, ctx, user_channel: TextChannel): """Setup a channel for Kick/Ban/Mute actions to be logged""" if await get_modlogs_from_db(self, ctx, "setup"): # Set up the modlogs channel within the guild mod_log_setup = True await self.bot.storage_modlog_for_guild(ctx, user_channel.id, mod_log_setup) @modlogs.command(name="update", usage="`<#channel>`") async def mlupdate(self, ctx, user_channel: TextChannel): """Change the channel that your modlogs are sent to""" if await get_modlogs_from_db(self, ctx, "update"): # Update the modlog channel within the database and cache mod_log_setup = False await self.bot.storage_modlog_for_guild(ctx, user_channel.id, mod_log_setup) @modlogs.command("delete") async def mldelete(self, ctx): """Delete the existing modlogs channel""" if await get_modlogs_from_db(self, ctx, "delete"): # Setup up pool connection pool = self.bot.db async with pool.acquire() as conn: # Update the existing modlogs for guild try: update = """UPDATE guilds SET modlogs = NULL WHERE guild_id = $1""" await conn.execute(update, ctx.guild.id) # Catch errors except asyncpg.PostgresError as e: print(f"PostGres Error: Guild Modlogs Could Not Be Deleted For {ctx.guild.id}", e) # Delete channel from cache else: text = "**Modlogs System** successfully deleted!" \ f"\nDo **{ctx.prefix}help modlogs** to setup Modlogs again!" await self.bot.generate_embed(ctx, desc=text) self.bot.remove_modlog_channel(ctx.guild.id) @group(name="modmail", case_insensitive=True, usage="``") @bot_has_permissions(manage_channels=True, embed_links=True, add_reactions=True, manage_messages=True, attach_files=True, read_message_history=True, manage_roles=True) @has_permissions(manage_guild=True) async def mod_mail(self, ctx): """ Modmail! Allow your members to send mail to the staff team! """ @mod_mail.command(name="setup") async def mmsetup(self, ctx, modmail: TextChannel, modmail_logging: TextChannel): """ Setup Modmail System First Argument: Input Channel(Mention or ID) where members can send modmail Second Argument: Input Channel(Mention or ID) where the members mail should be sent """ if await get_modmail_from_db(self, ctx, "setup"): # Set up embed to let the user how to start sending modmail desc = "React to this message if you want to send a message to the Staff Team!" \ "\n\n**React with ✅**" \ "\n\nWe encourage all suggestions/thoughts and opinions on the server!" \ "\nAs long as it is **valid** criticism." \ "\n\n\n**Purely negative feedback will not be considered.**" ModMail = Embed(title="**Welcome to Modmail!**", description=desc, colour=self.bot.admin_colour, timestamp=datetime.datetime.utcnow()) ModMail.set_thumbnail(url=self.bot.user.avatar_url) # Send modmail embed to the specified channel and auto add the ✅ reaction modmail_message = await modmail.send(embed=ModMail) await modmail_message.add_reaction('✅') # Setup up pool connection pool = self.bot.db async with pool.acquire() as conn: # Insert the information about the modmail system into database try: insert_query = """INSERT INTO moderatormail (guild_id, modmail_channel_id, message_id, modmail_logging_channel_id) VALUES ($1, $2, $3, $4)""" await conn.execute(insert_query, ctx.guild.id, modmail.id, modmail_message.id, modmail_logging.id) # Catch errors except asyncpg.PostgresError as e: print(f"PostGres Error: Modmail System Record Could Not Be Inserted For Guild {ctx.guild.id}", e) # Send confirmation message else: text = "**Modmail System** is successfully set up!" \ f"\nRefer to **{ctx.prefix}help modmail** for more information" await self.bot.generate_embed(ctx, desc=text) # Store into cache self.bot.cache_store_modmail(ctx.guild.id, modmail.id, modmail_message.id, modmail_logging.id) @mod_mail.command(name="update") async def mmupdate(self, ctx, modmail_logging_channel: TextChannel): """ Update the Channel that the Modmail is logged to You can Mention or use the Channel ID """ if await get_modmail_from_db(self, ctx, "update"): pool = self.bot.db async with pool.acquire() as conn: # Update the modmail channel in the database try: update_query = """UPDATE moderatormail SET modmail_logging_channel_id = $1 WHERE guild_id = $2""" await conn.execute(update_query, modmail_logging_channel.id, ctx.guild.id) # Catch errors except asyncpg.PostgresError as e: print(f"PostGres Error: Modmail System Record Could Not Be Updated For Guild {ctx.guild.id}", e) # Send confirmation that the channel has been updated else: text = "**Channel Updated**" \ f"\nNew Modmail will be sent to {modmail_logging_channel.mention}" await self.bot.generate_embed(ctx, desc=text) # Update cache self.bot.update_modmail(ctx.guild.id, modmail_logging_channel.id) @mod_mail.command(name="delete") async def mmdelete(self, ctx): """Delete the entire modmail system from the guild""" if await get_modmail_from_db(self, ctx, "delete"): # Setup up pool connection pool = self.bot.db async with pool.acquire() as conn: # Remove the moderatormail record from the database try: delete_query = """DELETE FROM moderatormail WHERE guild_id = $1""" await conn.execute(delete_query, ctx.guild.id) # Catch errors except asyncpg.PostgresError as e: print(f"PostGres Error: ModeratorMail Record Could Not Be Deleted for Guild {ctx.guild.id}", e) # Sending confirmation message that the modmail system has been deleted else: text = "**Modmail System** successfully deleted!" \ f"\nDo **{ctx.prefix}help modmail** to find out more!" await self.bot.generate_embed(ctx, desc=text) # Delete from cache self.bot.delete_modmail(ctx.guild.id) @Cog.listener() async def on_raw_reaction_add(self, payload): """Listening for reactions relating to modmail/starboard""" await self.modmail.modmail(payload) await self.starboard.send_starboard_and_update_db(payload, action="added") @Cog.listener() async def on_raw_reaction_remove(self, payload): """Editing the message if a star reaction was removed""" await self.starboard.send_starboard_and_update_db(payload, action="removed") @mlsetup.error @mlupdate.error @mmsetup.error @mmupdate.error @sb_setup.error @sb_update.error async def mlsetup_command_error(self, ctx, exc): """Catching error if channel is not recognised""" if isinstance(exc, BadArgument): text = "**Channel Not Detected... Aborting Process**" await self.bot.generate_embed(ctx, desc=text) elif isinstance(exc, MissingRequiredArgument): text = "Required Argument(s) Missing!" \ f"\nUse **{ctx.prefix}help** to find how to use **{ctx.command}**" await self.bot.generate_embed(ctx, desc=text) def setup(bot): bot.add_cog(Guild(bot))