import discord from discord.ext import commands client = commands.Bot(command_prefix = ';') @client.event async def on_ready(): print('Bot is ready.') await client.change_presence(activity=discord.Game(name='With Tiddies')) @client.event async def on_member_join(member): print (f'{member} has joined the server') @client.event async def on_member_removed(member): print (f'{member} has has left the server') @client.command(aliases = ["ping"]) @commands.has_any_role('Hamothy') async def Ping(ctx): await ctx.send(f'Pong! {round(client.latency * 1000)}ms') #@client.command(aliases = ['8ball']) #async def _8ball(ctx, *, question): # Responses = ["Hamothy believes it is certain", # "Kate decides it will come true", # "Josh doesn't believe.", # "Izzy can't predict this", # "Idk idiot lmao", # "Why are you even askin me", # "its not like i can read ur question"] # await ctx.send(f'Question: {question}\nAnswer: {random.choice(Responses)}') @client.command() @commands.has_any_role('Hamothy') async def roles(ctx): embed = discord.Embed(title="```So you wanna know how the leveled roles system works huh?```", colour=discord.Colour(0x30e419), description="------------------------------------------------") embed.set_image(url="") embed.set_thumbnail(url="") embed.set_author(name="Hamothy", icon_url="") embed.set_footer(text="-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------") embed.add_field(name = "Cooldown", value="**•XP is gained every time you talk with a 2 minute cooldown.**", inline=True), embed.add_field(name = "Message Length",value = "**•XP is not determined by the size of the message. You will not get more XP just because the message is bigger.**", inline = True), embed.add_field(name = "Roles",value="**•As seen below, those are the colours and roles that will be achieved upon gaining that amount of experience**", inline = True) await ctx.send(embed=embed)'NzE2NzAxNjk5MTQ1NzI4MDk0.XtWFiw.KZrh9Tkp9vTY9JYSgZfpg2P4mlQ')