from ctypes import byref, c_int from datetime import date, datetime, time from django.contrib.gis.gdal.base import GDALBase from django.contrib.gis.gdal.error import GDALException from django.contrib.gis.gdal.prototypes import ds as capi from django.utils.encoding import force_str # For more information, see the OGR C API source code: # # # The OGR_Fld_* routines are relevant here. class Field(GDALBase): """ Wrap an OGR Field. Needs to be instantiated from a Feature object. """ def __init__(self, feat, index): """ Initialize on the feature object and the integer index of the field within the feature. """ # Setting the feature pointer and index. self._feat = feat self._index = index # Getting the pointer for this field. fld_ptr = capi.get_feat_field_defn(feat.ptr, index) if not fld_ptr: raise GDALException('Cannot create OGR Field, invalid pointer given.') self.ptr = fld_ptr # Setting the class depending upon the OGR Field Type (OFT) self.__class__ = OGRFieldTypes[self.type] def __str__(self): "Return the string representation of the Field." return str(self.value).strip() # #### Field Methods #### def as_double(self): "Retrieve the Field's value as a double (float)." return capi.get_field_as_double(self._feat.ptr, self._index) if self.is_set else None def as_int(self, is_64=False): "Retrieve the Field's value as an integer." if is_64: return capi.get_field_as_integer64(self._feat.ptr, self._index) if self.is_set else None else: return capi.get_field_as_integer(self._feat.ptr, self._index) if self.is_set else None def as_string(self): "Retrieve the Field's value as a string." if not self.is_set: return None string = capi.get_field_as_string(self._feat.ptr, self._index) return force_str(string, encoding=self._feat.encoding, strings_only=True) def as_datetime(self): "Retrieve the Field's value as a tuple of date & time components." if not self.is_set: return None yy, mm, dd, hh, mn, ss, tz = [c_int() for i in range(7)] status = capi.get_field_as_datetime( self._feat.ptr, self._index, byref(yy), byref(mm), byref(dd), byref(hh), byref(mn), byref(ss), byref(tz)) if status: return (yy, mm, dd, hh, mn, ss, tz) else: raise GDALException('Unable to retrieve date & time information from the field.') # #### Field Properties #### @property def is_set(self): "Return True if the value of this field isn't null, False otherwise." return capi.is_field_set(self._feat.ptr, self._index) @property def name(self): "Return the name of this Field." name = capi.get_field_name(self.ptr) return force_str(name, encoding=self._feat.encoding, strings_only=True) @property def precision(self): "Return the precision of this Field." return capi.get_field_precision(self.ptr) @property def type(self): "Return the OGR type of this Field." return capi.get_field_type(self.ptr) @property def type_name(self): "Return the OGR field type name for this Field." return capi.get_field_type_name(self.type) @property def value(self): "Return the value of this Field." # Default is to get the field as a string. return self.as_string() @property def width(self): "Return the width of this Field." return capi.get_field_width(self.ptr) # ### The Field sub-classes for each OGR Field type. ### class OFTInteger(Field): _bit64 = False @property def value(self): "Return an integer contained in this field." return self.as_int(self._bit64) @property def type(self): """ GDAL uses OFTReals to represent OFTIntegers in created shapefiles -- forcing the type here since the underlying field type may actually be OFTReal. """ return 0 class OFTReal(Field): @property def value(self): "Return a float contained in this field." return self.as_double() # String & Binary fields, just subclasses class OFTString(Field): pass class OFTWideString(Field): pass class OFTBinary(Field): pass # OFTDate, OFTTime, OFTDateTime fields. class OFTDate(Field): @property def value(self): "Return a Python `date` object for the OFTDate field." try: yy, mm, dd, hh, mn, ss, tz = self.as_datetime() return date(yy.value, mm.value, dd.value) except (TypeError, ValueError, GDALException): return None class OFTDateTime(Field): @property def value(self): "Return a Python `datetime` object for this OFTDateTime field." # TODO: Adapt timezone information. # See # The `tz` variable has values of: 0=unknown, 1=localtime (ambiguous), # 100=GMT, 104=GMT+1, 80=GMT-5, etc. try: yy, mm, dd, hh, mn, ss, tz = self.as_datetime() return datetime(yy.value, mm.value, dd.value, hh.value, mn.value, ss.value) except (TypeError, ValueError, GDALException): return None class OFTTime(Field): @property def value(self): "Return a Python `time` object for this OFTTime field." try: yy, mm, dd, hh, mn, ss, tz = self.as_datetime() return time(hh.value, mn.value, ss.value) except (ValueError, GDALException): return None class OFTInteger64(OFTInteger): _bit64 = True # List fields are also just subclasses class OFTIntegerList(Field): pass class OFTRealList(Field): pass class OFTStringList(Field): pass class OFTWideStringList(Field): pass class OFTInteger64List(Field): pass # Class mapping dictionary for OFT Types and reverse mapping. OGRFieldTypes = { 0: OFTInteger, 1: OFTIntegerList, 2: OFTReal, 3: OFTRealList, 4: OFTString, 5: OFTStringList, 6: OFTWideString, 7: OFTWideStringList, 8: OFTBinary, 9: OFTDate, 10: OFTTime, 11: OFTDateTime, # New 64-bit integer types in GDAL 2 12: OFTInteger64, 13: OFTInteger64List, } ROGRFieldTypes = {cls: num for num, cls in OGRFieldTypes.items()}