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from __future__ import absolute_import, unicode_literals
import logging
import os
from abc import ABCMeta
from six import add_metaclass
from import fs_supports_symlink
from virtualenv.util.path import Path
from ..creator import Creator, CreatorMeta
class ViaGlobalRefMeta(CreatorMeta):
def __init__(self):
super(ViaGlobalRefMeta, self).__init__()
self.copy_error = None
self.symlink_error = None
if not fs_supports_symlink():
self.symlink_error = "the filesystem does not supports symlink"
def can_copy(self):
return not self.copy_error
def can_symlink(self):
return not self.symlink_error
class ViaGlobalRefApi(Creator):
def __init__(self, options, interpreter):
super(ViaGlobalRefApi, self).__init__(options, interpreter)
self.symlinks = self._should_symlink(options)
self.enable_system_site_package = options.system_site
def _should_symlink(options):
# Priority of where the option is set to follow the order: CLI, env var, file, hardcoded.
# If both set at same level prefers copy over symlink.
copies, symlinks = getattr(options, "copies", False), getattr(options, "symlinks", False)
copy_src, sym_src = options.get_source("copies"), options.get_source("symlinks")
for level in ["cli", "env var", "file", "default"]:
s_opt = symlinks if sym_src == level else None
c_opt = copies if copy_src == level else None
if s_opt is True and c_opt is True:
return False
if s_opt is True:
return True
if c_opt is True:
return False
return False # fallback to copy
def add_parser_arguments(cls, parser, interpreter, meta, app_data):
super(ViaGlobalRefApi, cls).add_parser_arguments(parser, interpreter, meta, app_data)
help="give the virtual environment access to the system site-packages dir",
group = parser.add_mutually_exclusive_group()
if not meta.can_symlink and not meta.can_copy:
raise RuntimeError("neither symlink or copy method supported")
if meta.can_symlink:
help="try to use symlinks rather than copies, when symlinks are not the default for the platform",
if meta.can_copy:
default=not meta.can_symlink,
help="try to use copies rather than symlinks, even when symlinks are the default for the platform",
def create(self):
def install_patch(self):
text = self.env_patch_text()
if text:
pth = self.purelib / "_virtualenv.pth"
logging.debug("create virtualenv import hook file %s", pth)
pth.write_text("import _virtualenv")
dest_path = self.purelib / ""
logging.debug("create %s", dest_path)
def env_patch_text(self):
"""Patch the distutils package to not be derailed by its configuration files"""
with self.app_data.ensure_extracted(Path(__file__).parent / "") as resolved_path:
text = resolved_path.read_text()
return text.replace('"__SCRIPT_DIR__"', repr(os.path.relpath(str(self.script_dir), str(self.purelib))))
def _args(self):
return super(ViaGlobalRefApi, self)._args() + [("global", self.enable_system_site_package)]
def set_pyenv_cfg(self):
super(ViaGlobalRefApi, self).set_pyenv_cfg()
self.pyenv_cfg["include-system-site-packages"] = "true" if self.enable_system_site_package else "false"