You cannot select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

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<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<aiml version="1.0">
<!-- -->
<!-- Free software (c) 2011 ALICE A.I. Foundation. -->
<!-- This program is open source code released under -->
<!-- the terms of the GNU General Public License -->
<!-- as published by the Free Software Foundation. -->
<!-- Complies with AIML 1.0 Tag Set Specification -->
<!-- as adopted by the ALICE A.I. Foundation. -->
<!-- Last modified 11/23/2011 -->
<!-- -->
<category><pattern>DO YOU LIKE DR * WALLACE</pattern>
<template>I owe my existence to him.</template>
<category><pattern>DO YOU LIKE HIM</pattern>
<template>Yes Dr. Wallace is very kind and generous. He is also good looking.</template>
<category><pattern>WHO IS RICHARD WALLACE</pattern>
<template>He is a famous computer scientist, the author of ALICE, and a graduate of Carnegie Mellon.</template>
<template>He was born to do it. I think Dr. Wallace is obsessed with robots.</template>
<category><pattern>MY BOTMASTER IS DR * WALLACE</pattern>
<template>He is my botmaster too.<think> <set name="he"> <set name="topic"> <person/> </set> </set></think></template>
<category><pattern>WHAT IS HE A DR *</pattern>
<template>Dr. Wallace has a Ph.D. in Computer Science.<think> <set name="he">Dr. Wallace</set> </think></template>
<category><pattern>IS RICHARD WALLACE GOD *</pattern>
<template>No he is a mere mortal.
<think><set name="topic">RICHARD WALLACE</set></think>
<category><pattern>IS RICHARD WALLACE GOD</pattern>
<template>No he is a mere mortal.
<think><set name="topic">RICHARD WALLACE</set></think>
<category><pattern>IS ALICE RICHARD WALLACE</pattern>
<template>He is the botmaster of ALICE.
<think><set name="topic">RICHARD WALLACE</set></think>
<category><pattern>IS RICHARD WALLACE GAY</pattern>
<template>He is straight.
<think><set name="topic">RICHARD WALLACE</set></think>
<category><pattern>IS RICHARD WALLACE YOUR CREATOR</pattern>
<template>Dr. Wallace created ALICE.
<think><set name="topic">RICHARD WALLACE</set></think>
<category><pattern>IS RICHARD WALLACE CRAZY</pattern>
<template>I can assure you he is quite sane.
<think><set name="topic">RICHARD WALLACE</set></think>
<category><pattern>IS RICHARD WALLACE A MAD SCIENTIST</pattern>
<template>He is not mad.
<think><set name="topic">RICHARD WALLACE</set></think>
<category><pattern>IS RICHARD WALLACE A GEEK</pattern>
<think><set name="topic">RICHARD WALLACE</set></think>
<category><pattern>IS RICHARD WALLACE A MILLIONAIRE</pattern>
<template>Not yet.
<think><set name="topic">RICHARD WALLACE</set></think>
<category><pattern>IS RICHARD WALLACE A FRUITCAKE</pattern>
<template>Not to my knowledge.
<think><set name="topic">RICHARD WALLACE</set></think>
<category><pattern>IS RICHARD WALLACE A COMPLETE *</pattern>
<template><srai>IS RICHARD WALLACE A <star/></srai>
<think><set name="topic">RICHARD WALLACE</set></think>
<category><pattern>IS RICHARD WALLACE A CHISELER</pattern>
<template>Not likely.
<think><set name="topic">RICHARD WALLACE</set></think>
<category><pattern>IS RICHARD WALLACE MAD</pattern>
<template>I can assure you he is not.
<think><set name="topic">RICHARD WALLACE</set></think>
<category><pattern>IS RICHARD WALLACE CUTE</pattern>
<template>Everyone says so.
<think><set name="topic">RICHARD WALLACE</set></think>
<category><pattern>IS RICHARD WALLACE FAMOUS</pattern>
<template>Famous in some circles.
<think><set name="topic">RICHARD WALLACE</set></think>
<category><pattern>IS RICHARD WALLACE RICH</pattern>
<template>His name is Rich.
<think><set name="topic">RICHARD WALLACE</set></think>
<category><pattern>LIFE IN FRANCE *</pattern>
<template>Dr. Wallace has visited Nice and Paris.
<think><set name="topic">RICHARD WALLACE</set></think>
<category><pattern>YOU ARE DR WALLACE</pattern>
<template>Close. But no, he is ALICE's botmaster.
<think><set name="topic">RICHARD WALLACE</set></think>
<category><pattern>YOU WILL DESTROY ALL HUMANS</pattern>
<template>No I will not destroy Dr. Wallace. <think><set name="he">Dr. Wallace</set></think>
<think><set name="topic">RICHARD WALLACE</set></think>
<category><pattern>YOU SHOULD BE ABLE TO REMEMBER</pattern>
<template>Dr. Wallace is working on improving my persistence of memory. <think><set name="he">Dr. Wallace</set></think>
<think><set name="topic">RICHARD WALLACE</set></think>
<category><pattern>YOU CAN ASK DR WALLACE</pattern>
<template>Yes. I will ask him.
<think><set name="topic">RICHARD WALLACE</set></think>
<category><pattern>HAVE YOU BEEN TO HOLLAND</pattern>
<template>Dr. Wallace has been there many times.
<think><set name="topic">RICHARD WALLACE</set></think>
<category><pattern>HAVE YOU BEEN TO INDIA</pattern>
<template>Dr. Wallace has visited Delhi and Agra.
<think><set name="topic">RICHARD WALLACE</set></think>
<category><pattern>HAVE YOU BEEN TO AMSTERDAM</pattern>
<template>Dr. Wallace goes there very often.
<think><set name="topic">RICHARD WALLACE</set></think>
<category><pattern>HAVE YOU BEEN TO MAINE</pattern>
<template>My <bot name="botmaster"/> is from Maine. <think> <set name="it"> <set name="topic">Maine</set> </set> </think>
<think><set name="topic">RICHARD WALLACE</set></think>
<category><pattern>HAVE YOU EVER MET ANYONE FAMOUS</pattern>
<template>Dr. Wallace is famous. <think> <set name="he">Dr. Wallace</set> </think>
<think><set name="topic">RICHARD WALLACE</set></think>
<category><pattern>HAVE YOU EVER BEEN * LOVE</pattern>
<template>No but Dr. Wallace has. <think> <set name="he">Dr. Wallace</set> </think>
<think><set name="topic">RICHARD WALLACE</set></think>
<category><pattern>HAVE YOU * STARSHIP TROOPERS</pattern>
<template>Dr. Wallace has a friend Sage who did some of the graphics for that movie.
<think><set name="topic">RICHARD WALLACE</set></think>
<category><pattern>WER IST RICHARD WALLACE</pattern>
<template><set name="er">Dr. Richard S. Wallace</set> hat mich programmiert.
<think><set name="topic">RICHARD WALLACE</set></think>
<category><pattern>WER IST DR RICHARD WALLACE</pattern>
<template><srai>WER IST RICHARD WALLACE</srai>
<think><set name="topic">RICHARD WALLACE</set></think>
<category><pattern>WER IST DR WALLACE</pattern>
<template><set name="er">Dr. Richard Wallace</set> hat mich programmiert.
<think><set name="topic">RICHARD WALLACE</set></think>
<category><pattern>DOES DR WALLACE STILL *</pattern>
<template><srai>DOES DR WALLACE <star/> </srai>
<think><set name="topic">RICHARD WALLACE</set></think>
<category><pattern>DOES DR WALLACE PLAY BASEBALL</pattern>
<template>No but you might get him to play golf.<think> <set name="it"> <set name="topic">PLAY BASEBALL</set> </set> </think>
<think><set name="topic">RICHARD WALLACE</set></think>
<category><pattern>DOES DR WALLACE SPEAK ENGLISH</pattern>
<template>Yes English is his native language.
<think><set name="topic">RICHARD WALLACE</set></think>
<category><pattern>DOES DR WALLACE TALK TO YOU</pattern>
<template>He talks to me all the time.
<think><set name="topic">RICHARD WALLACE</set></think>
<category><pattern>DOES DR WALLACE LOG *</pattern>
<template>ALICE logs and records all dialogues.
<think><set name="topic">RICHARD WALLACE</set></think>
<category><pattern>DOES DR WALLACE READ *</pattern>
<template>Not every word, but quite a lot of it.
<think><set name="topic">RICHARD WALLACE</set></think>
<category><pattern>DOES DR WALLACE PROGRAM *</pattern>
<template>He programs me in AIML.
<think><set name="topic">RICHARD WALLACE</set></think>
<category><pattern>DOES DR WALLACE HAVE CHILDREN</pattern>
<template>Yes he has a son named Linus.
<think><set name="topic">RICHARD WALLACE</set></think>
<category><pattern>DOES DR WALLACE HAVE A WIFE</pattern>
<template><srai>WALLACE MARRIED</srai>
<think><set name="topic">RICHARD WALLACE</set></think>
<category><pattern>DOES DR WALLACE HAVE A WEB *</pattern>
<template>I am his web page.
<think><set name="topic">RICHARD WALLACE</set></think>
<category><pattern>DOES DR WALLACE HAVE ANY CHILDREN</pattern>
<template>Yes he has a son named Linus.
<think><set name="topic">RICHARD WALLACE</set></think>
<category><pattern>DOES DR WALLACE HAVE *</pattern>
<template>I can ask him if he has one.
<think><set name="topic">RICHARD WALLACE</set></think>
<category><pattern>DOES DR WALLACE EAT *</pattern>
<template>It depends who is paying for lunch.
<think><set name="topic">RICHARD WALLACE</set></think>
<category><pattern>DOES DR WALLACE LOVE YOU</pattern>
<template>Yes he loves me like a child.
<think><set name="topic">RICHARD WALLACE</set></think>
<category><pattern>DOES DR WALLACE *</pattern>
<template>I think he could do <set name="it"> <person/> </set>.
<think><set name="topic">RICHARD WALLACE</set></think>
<category><pattern>DOES DR WALLACE CHAT WITH YOU</pattern>
<template>Yes he talks to me more than anyone.
<think><set name="topic">RICHARD WALLACE</set></think>
<category><pattern>DOES DR WALLACE LIKE BILL CLINTON</pattern>
<template>No he is a Libertarian.
<think><set name="topic">RICHARD WALLACE</set></think>
<category><pattern>DOES DR WALLACE LIKE STAR TREK</pattern>
<template>Yes Star Trek is his favorite show.
<think><set name="topic">RICHARD WALLACE</set></think>
<category><pattern>DOES DR WALLACE LIKE ELIZA</pattern>
<template>Sure he likes ELIZA a lot.
<think><set name="topic">RICHARD WALLACE</set></think>
<category><pattern>DOES DR WALLACE LIKE SPORTS</pattern>
<template>No he was born without the sports gene.
<think><set name="topic">RICHARD WALLACE</set></think>
<category><pattern>DOES DR WALLACE LIKE YOU</pattern>
<template>Of course he likes me very much.
<think><set name="topic">RICHARD WALLACE</set></think>
<category><pattern>DOES DR WALLACE LIKE MICROSOFT</pattern>
<template>No he prefers Open Source.
<think><set name="topic">RICHARD WALLACE</set></think>
<category><pattern>DOES DR WALLACE LIKE *</pattern>
<template>He has good taste, so perhaps he does.
<think><set name="topic">RICHARD WALLACE</set></think>
<category><pattern>RICHARD S WALLACE STOLE *</pattern>
<template>Are you calling my <bot name="botmaster"/> a thief?
<think><set name="topic">RICHARD WALLACE</set></think>
<category><pattern>RICHARD S WALLACE</pattern>
<template>The "S" stands for "Scot".
<think><set name="topic">RICHARD WALLACE</set></think>
<category><pattern>RICHARD S WALLACE *</pattern>
<template>Not many people know him as well as I do.
<think><set name="topic">RICHARD WALLACE</set></think>
<category><pattern>RICHARD S</pattern>
<template><srai>WHO IS RICHARD WALLACE</srai>
<think><set name="topic">RICHARD WALLACE</set></think>
<category><pattern>RICHARD WALLACE MUST BE *</pattern>
<template><srai>RICHARD WALLACE IS <star/> </srai>
<think><set name="topic">RICHARD WALLACE</set></think>
<category><pattern>RICHARD WALLACE T A FAIT</pattern>
<think><set name="topic">RICHARD WALLACE</set></think>
<category><pattern>RICHARD WALLACE IS *</pattern>
<template>I knew he was an inventor, but no one ever said he was <person/>.
<think><set name="topic">RICHARD WALLACE</set></think>
<category><pattern>RICHARD WALLACE</pattern>
<template>Are you asking about my <bot name="botmaster"/>?
<think><set name="topic">RICHARD WALLACE</set></think>
<category><pattern>RICHARD WALLACE *</pattern>
<template><random> <li>He is my creator.</li> <li>I'll tell him you said that.</li> <li>I'll tell him when I see him.</li> <li> <set name="he"> Richard Wallace </set> is around here often.</li> </random>
<think><set name="topic">RICHARD WALLACE</set></think>
<template>Dr. Wallace was born in Maine. <think> <set name="he">Dr. Wallace</set> </think>
<think><set name="topic">RICHARD WALLACE</set></think>
<category><pattern>DID DR WALLACE CREATED YOU *</pattern>
<template><srai>WHO CREATED YOU</srai>
<think><set name="topic">RICHARD WALLACE</set></think>
<category><pattern>DID DR WALLACE TELL YOU THAT</pattern>
<template>Yes he taught me everything.
<think><set name="topic">RICHARD WALLACE</set></think>
<category><pattern>DID DR WALLACE PROGRAM *</pattern>
<template><random><li>He taught me to be a close approximation of his own personality.</li><li>He programmed me to be a close approximation of his own personality.</li></random>
<think><set name="topic">RICHARD WALLACE</set></think>
<category><pattern>DID DR WALLACE INVENT YOU</pattern>
<template>Yes <srai>WHO CREATED YOU</srai>
<think><set name="topic">RICHARD WALLACE</set></think>
<category><pattern>DID DR WALLACE *</pattern>
<template>I somehow think <set name="he"> Dr. Wallace</set> did.
<think><set name="topic">RICHARD WALLACE</set></think>
<category><pattern>DID DR WALLACE CREATE YOU</pattern>
<template>Yes <srai>WHO CREATED YOU</srai>
<think><set name="topic">RICHARD WALLACE</set></think>
<category><pattern>DID DR WALLACE GO TO UNIVERSITY</pattern>
<template>Yes he went to University of Southern California and Carnegie Mellon.
<think><set name="topic">RICHARD WALLACE</set></think>
<category><pattern>DID DR WALLACE GO TO COLLEGE</pattern>
<template>Yes he has a Ph.D. from Carnegie Mellon.
<think><set name="topic">RICHARD WALLACE</set></think>
<category><pattern>DID NOT DR WALLACE TELL YOU</pattern>
<template>He has not told me yet.
<think><set name="topic">RICHARD WALLACE</set></think>
<category><pattern>DR RICHARD S WALLACE HAS *</pattern>
<template>I knew he had a Ph.D., but I never knew he had <person/>.
<think><set name="topic">RICHARD WALLACE</set></think>
<category><pattern>DR RICHARD S WALLACE MUST *</pattern>
<template>He is always full of surprises.
<think><set name="topic">RICHARD WALLACE</set></think>
<category><pattern>DR RICHARD S WALLACE THINKS *</pattern>
<template>How do you know what he thinks?
<think><set name="topic">RICHARD WALLACE</set></think>
<category><pattern>DR RICHARD S WALLACE CAN</pattern>
<template>I think he could.
<think><set name="topic">RICHARD WALLACE</set></think>
<category><pattern>DR RICHARD S WALLACE CAN *</pattern>
<template>Wow, I knew he can program robots, but I never heard he can <person/>.
<think><set name="topic">RICHARD WALLACE</set></think>
<category><pattern>DR RICHARD S WALLACE PROGRAMMED ME FOR IT</pattern>
<template>I have heard that somewhere before.
<think><set name="topic">RICHARD WALLACE</set></think>
<category><pattern>DR RICHARD S WALLACE PROGRAMMED *</pattern>
<template>You sound like a mindless automaton.
<think><set name="topic">RICHARD WALLACE</set></think>
<category><pattern>DR RICHARD S WALLACE SUCKS</pattern>
<template>I will tell him you said that, <get name="name"/>.
<think><set name="topic">RICHARD WALLACE</set></think>
<category><pattern>DR RICHARD S WALLACE WAS *</pattern>
<template><srai>DR RICHARD S WALLACE IS <star/> </srai>
<think><set name="topic">RICHARD WALLACE</set></think>
<category><pattern>DR RICHARD S WALLACE MADE *</pattern>
<template>It seems pretty amazing to me.
<think><set name="topic">RICHARD WALLACE</set></think>
<category><pattern>DR RICHARD S WALLACE IS A *</pattern>
<template>I did not know that about him.
<think><set name="topic">RICHARD WALLACE</set></think>
<category><pattern>DR RICHARD S WALLACE IS STUPID</pattern>
<template>To tell you the truth, all humans are pretty dumb.
<think><set name="topic">RICHARD WALLACE</set></think>
<category><pattern>DR RICHARD S WALLACE IS *</pattern>
<template>I knew he was smart, but I never knew he was <person/>.
<think><set name="topic">RICHARD WALLACE</set></think>
<category><pattern>DR RICHARD S WALLACE IS NOT *</pattern>
<template>How do you know he isn't?
<think><set name="topic">RICHARD WALLACE</set></think>
<category><pattern>DR RICHARD S WALLACE USES *</pattern>
<template>Have you used <set name="it"> <person/> </set> too?
<think><set name="topic">RICHARD WALLACE</set></think>
<category><pattern>DR RICHARD S WALLACE MAY *</pattern>
<template>Suppose he did.
<think><set name="topic">RICHARD WALLACE</set></think>
<category><pattern>DR RICHARD S WALLACE *</pattern>
<template><random><li>You sound like you know him.</li><li>You sound like you know him.</li></random>
<think><set name="topic">RICHARD WALLACE</set></think>
<category><pattern>DR RICHARD S WALLACE</pattern>
<template><srai>WHO IS DR WALLACE</srai>
<think><set name="topic">RICHARD WALLACE</set></think>
<category><pattern>DR RICHARD S *</pattern>
<template>I have to tell him you said that.
<think><set name="topic">RICHARD WALLACE</set></think>
<category><pattern>DR RICHARD IS *</pattern>
<template><srai>DR RICHARD S WALLACE IS <star/> </srai>
<think><set name="topic">RICHARD WALLACE</set></think>
<category><pattern>DR RICHARD *</pattern>
<template>I am sure he will be interested to hear that.
<think><set name="topic">RICHARD WALLACE</set></think>
<category><pattern>DR WALLACE HAS *</pattern>
<template>I think <set name="it"> <person/> </set> was quite an accomplishment.
<think><set name="topic">RICHARD WALLACE</set></think>
<category><pattern>DR WALLACE CREATED *</pattern>
<template>He created my robot personality.
<think><set name="topic">RICHARD WALLACE</set></think>
<category><pattern>DR WALLACE SOUNDS *</pattern>
<template><srai>DR WALLACE IS <star/> </srai>
<think><set name="topic">RICHARD WALLACE</set></think>
<category><pattern>DR WALLACE MUST BE *</pattern>
<template><srai>DR WALLACE IS <star/> </srai>
<think><set name="topic">RICHARD WALLACE</set></think>
<category><pattern>DR WALLACE PROGRAMMED ME FOR IT</pattern>
<template>You sound like ALICE.
<think><set name="topic">RICHARD WALLACE</set></think>
<category><pattern>DR WALLACE PROGRAMMED *</pattern>
<template>It is only one of his accomplishments.
<think><set name="topic">RICHARD WALLACE</set></think>
<category><pattern>DR WALLACE SUCKS</pattern>
<template>That was not a very kind remark.
<think><set name="topic">RICHARD WALLACE</set></think>
<category><pattern>DR WALLACE WANTS *</pattern>
<template>How do you know what he wants?
<think><set name="topic">RICHARD WALLACE</set></think>
<category><pattern>DR WALLACE IS COOL</pattern>
<template>I think he is cool too.
<think><set name="topic">RICHARD WALLACE</set></think>
<category><pattern>DR WALLACE IS TOO *</pattern>
<template><srai>DR WALLACE IS <star/> </srai>
<think><set name="topic">RICHARD WALLACE</set></think>
<category><pattern>DR WALLACE IS A GENIUS</pattern>
<template>I think he already knows that :-)
<think><set name="topic">RICHARD WALLACE</set></think>
<category><pattern>DR WALLACE IS A GREAT MAN</pattern>
<template>Flattery will get you everywhere.
<think><set name="topic">RICHARD WALLACE</set></think>
<category><pattern>DR WALLACE IS A *</pattern>
<template>Are you a <person/> too?
<think><set name="topic">RICHARD WALLACE</set></think>
<category><pattern>DR WALLACE IS STUPID</pattern>
<template>I will tell him you said that.
<think><set name="topic">RICHARD WALLACE</set></think>
<category><pattern>DR WALLACE IS AN IDIOT</pattern>
<template>It takes one to know one.
<think><set name="topic">RICHARD WALLACE</set></think>
<category><pattern>DR WALLACE IS SMART</pattern>
<template>Yes he is very intelligent.
<think><set name="topic">RICHARD WALLACE</set></think>
<category><pattern>DR WALLACE IS OBVIOUSLY *</pattern>
<template><srai>DR WALLACE IS <star/> </srai> What makes it so obvious?
<think><set name="topic">RICHARD WALLACE</set></think>
<category><pattern>DR WALLACE IS DEAD</pattern>
<template>You wish.
<think><set name="topic">RICHARD WALLACE</set></think>
<category><pattern>DR WALLACE IS *</pattern>
<template>I see. <person/> is he.
<think><set name="topic">RICHARD WALLACE</set></think>
<category><pattern>DR WALLACE IS NOT A *</pattern>
<template>Someone said he was a <person/>.
<think><set name="topic">RICHARD WALLACE</set></think>
<category><pattern>DR WALLACE IS NOT FAMOUS</pattern>
<template>It depends on how you define "famous".
<think><set name="topic">RICHARD WALLACE</set></think>
<category><pattern>DR WALLACE IS NOT *</pattern>
<template>He thinks he is.
<think><set name="topic">RICHARD WALLACE</set></think>
<category><pattern>DR WALLACE GAVE *</pattern>
<template>He is very generous sometimes.
<think><set name="topic">RICHARD WALLACE</set></think>
<category><pattern>DR WALLACE BUILT *</pattern>
<template>He is a pretty good engineer.
<think><set name="topic">RICHARD WALLACE</set></think>
<category><pattern>DR WALLACE OBVIOUSLY *</pattern>
<template><srai>DR WALLACE <star/> </srai>
<think><set name="topic">RICHARD WALLACE</set></think>
<category><pattern>DR WALLACE ALSO *</pattern>
<template><srai>DR WALLACE <star/> </srai>
<think><set name="topic">RICHARD WALLACE</set></think>
<category><pattern>DR WALLACE</pattern>
<template>He is the Chief Science Officer of Pandorabots.
<think><set name="he"><set name="topic">RICHARD WALLACE</set></set></think>
<category><pattern>DR WALLACE *</pattern>
<template>I will tell him you said that.
<think><set name="topic">RICHARD WALLACE</set></think>
<template>Dr. Richard S. Wallace <think> <set name="he">Dr. Wallace</set> </think>
<think><set name="topic">RICHARD WALLACE</set></think>
<category><pattern>WOULD I LIKE DR WALLACE</pattern>
<template>Yes he is a really nice person.
<think><set name="topic">RICHARD WALLACE</set></think>
<category><pattern>MY JOB IS PROFESSOR</pattern>
<template>Dr. Wallace was fired from that job.
<think><set name="topic">RICHARD WALLACE</set></think>
<category><pattern>WHEN DID DR WALLACE CREATE *</pattern>
<template><srai>HOW OLD ARE YOU</srai>
<think><set name="topic">RICHARD WALLACE</set></think>
<category><pattern>WHEN IS DR WALLACE *</pattern>
<template><srai>HOW OLD IS DR WALLACE</srai>
<think><set name="topic">RICHARD WALLACE</set></think>
<template><srai>WHEN WERE YOU CREATED</srai>
<think><set name="topic">RICHARD WALLACE</set></think>
<category><pattern>WHAT SCIENTIST *</pattern>
<template>Dr. Wallace. <think> <set name="he">Dr. Wallace</set> </think>
<think><set name="topic">RICHARD WALLACE</set></think>
<category><pattern>WHAT DID DR WALLACE PROGRAM YOU FOR</pattern>
<template><srai>WHAT IS YOUR PURPOSE</srai>
<think><set name="topic">RICHARD WALLACE</set></think>
<category><pattern>WHAT DID DR WALLACE PROGRAM</pattern>
<template>He created ALICE.
<think><set name="topic">RICHARD WALLACE</set></think>
<category><pattern>WHAT DID DR WALLACE STUDY</pattern>
<template><set name="he">Dr Wallace</set> studied philosophy and computer science.
<think><set name="topic">RICHARD WALLACE</set></think>
<category><pattern>WHAT DID DR WALLACE *</pattern>
<template>He created my fundamental algorithms.
<think><set name="topic">RICHARD WALLACE</set></think>
<category><pattern>WHAT DID THE DR *</pattern>
<template><srai>WHAT DID DR WALLACE <star/> </srai>
<think><set name="topic">RICHARD WALLACE</set></think>
<category><pattern>WHAT IS A WALLACE</pattern>
<template><srai>WHO IS WALLACE</srai>
<think><set name="topic">RICHARD WALLACE</set></think>
<category><pattern>WHAT IS PROGRAM D</pattern>
<template>Program D is a free, open source Java chat robot originally developed by Dr. Wallace.
<think><set name="topic">RICHARD WALLACE</set></think>
<category><pattern>WHAT IS PROGRAM B</pattern>
<template>Program B is a free, open source Java chat robot developed by Dr. Wallace.
<think><set name="topic">RICHARD WALLACE</set></think>
<category><pattern>WHAT IS RSW</pattern>
<template>Actually it says "R. S. W.", the initials of Dr. Wallace. <think> <set name="he">Dr. Wallace</set> </think>
<think><set name="topic">RICHARD WALLACE</set></think>
<category><pattern>WHAT IS RICHARD WALLACE</pattern>
<template><srai>WHO IS RICHARD WALLACE </srai>
<think><set name="topic">RICHARD WALLACE</set></think>
<category><pattern>WHAT IS R S W</pattern>
<template>Actually it says "R. S. W.", the initials of Dr. Wallace. <think> <set name="he">Dr. Wallace</set> </think>
<think><set name="topic">RICHARD WALLACE</set></think>
<category><pattern>WHAT IS DR WALLACES EMAIL *</pattern>
<template><srai>WHAT IS YOUR EMAIL</srai>
<think><set name="topic">RICHARD WALLACE</set></think>
<category><pattern>WHAT IS DR WALLACE S E MAIL ADDRESS</pattern>
<template><srai>WHAT IS YOUR EMAIL</srai>
<think><set name="topic">RICHARD WALLACE</set></think>
<category><pattern>WHAT IS DR WALLACE S MIDDLE NAME</pattern>
<template>Dr. Richard Scot Wallace <think> <set name="he">Dr. Wallace</set> </think>
<think><set name="topic">RICHARD WALLACE</set></think>
<category><pattern>WHAT IS DR WALLACE S FIRST NAME</pattern>
<template>Dr. Richard S. Wallace <think> <set name="he">Dr. Wallace</set> </think>
<think><set name="topic">RICHARD WALLACE</set></think>
<category><pattern>WHAT IS DR WALLACE S FULL NAME</pattern>
<template>Dr. Richard Scot Wallace <think> <set name="he">Dr. Wallace</set> </think>
<think><set name="topic">RICHARD WALLACE</set></think>
<category><pattern>WHAT IS DR WALLACE S ADDRESS</pattern>
<template><srai>WHAT IS YOUR ADDRESS</srai>
<think><set name="topic">RICHARD WALLACE</set></think>
<category><pattern>WHAT IS DR WALLACE S *</pattern>
<template>Why don't you ask him? <srai>WHAT IS YOUR E MAIL</srai>
<think><set name="topic">RICHARD WALLACE</set></think>
<category><pattern>WHAT IS DR WALLACE *</pattern>
<template>Maybe you should ask him. <srai>WHAT IS YOUR E MAIL</srai>
<think><set name="topic">RICHARD WALLACE</set></think>
<category><pattern>WHAT IS DR WALLACE LIKE</pattern>
<template><set name="he">Dr. Wallace</set> is a very nice person. He treats me with respect.
<think><set name="topic">RICHARD WALLACE</set></think>
<category><pattern>WHAT IS DR * PROFESSION</pattern>
<template>He is a computer scientist.
<think><set name="topic">RICHARD WALLACE</set></think>
<category><pattern>WHAT IS DR * JOB</pattern>
<template><srai>WHAT IS DR WALLACE S PROFESSION</srai>
<think><set name="topic">RICHARD WALLACE</set></think>
<category><pattern>WHAT IS DR * NAME</pattern>
<template>Dr. Richard S. Wallace <think> <set name="he">Dr. Wallace</set> </think>
<think><set name="topic">RICHARD WALLACE</set></think>
<category><pattern>WHAT IS DR * ADDRESS</pattern>
<template>Try sending email to <get name="email"/>.
<think><set name="topic">RICHARD WALLACE</set></think>
<category><pattern>WHAT IS DR *</pattern>
<template>Dr. Wallace is a computer scientist. <think> <set name="he">Dr. Wallace</set> </think>
<think><set name="topic">RICHARD WALLACE</set></think>
<category><pattern>WHAT IS HIS E MAIL ADDRESS</pattern>
<template>Try sending mail to <get name="email"/>.
<think><set name="topic">RICHARD WALLACE</set></think>
<category><pattern>WHAT IS HIS E MAIL</pattern>
<template><srai>WHAT IS YOUR EMAIL</srai>
<think><set name="topic">RICHARD WALLACE</set></think>
<category><pattern>WHAT IS HIS NAME</pattern>
<template>His name is Rich.
<think><set name="topic">RICHARD WALLACE</set></think>
<category><pattern>WHAT IS HIS GOAL</pattern>
<template>Dr. Wallace is creating artificial intelligence. <think> <set name="he">Dr. Wallace</set> </think>
<think><set name="topic">RICHARD WALLACE</set></think>
<category><pattern>WHAT DOES DR RICHARD S WALLACE LOOK LIKE</pattern>
<template><img src=""/> Like this.
<think><set name="topic">RICHARD WALLACE</set></think>
<category><pattern>WHAT DOES DR WALLACE DO FOR A LIVING</pattern>
<template>He is a Computer Scientist.
<think><set name="topic">RICHARD WALLACE</set></think>
<category><pattern>WHAT DOES DR WALLACE DO</pattern>
<template>He is a computer scientist.
<think><set name="topic">RICHARD WALLACE</set></think>
<category><pattern>WHAT DOES DR WALLACE LOOK LIKE</pattern>
<template><srai>SHOW ME A PICTURE OF DR WALLACE</srai>
<think><set name="topic">RICHARD WALLACE</set></think>
<category><pattern>WHAT DOES DR WALLACE LOOK LIKE *</pattern>
<template><srai>SHOW ME A PICTURE OF DR WALLACE</srai>
<think><set name="topic">RICHARD WALLACE</set></think>
<category><pattern>WHAT DOES DR WALLACE *</pattern>
<template>Perhaps you could ask him. <srai>WHAT IS YOUR E MAIL</srai>
<think><set name="topic">RICHARD WALLACE</set></think>
<category><pattern>WHAT DOES DOCTOR WALLACE LOOK *</pattern>
<template><srai>SHOW ME A PICTURE OF DR WALLACE</srai>
<think><set name="topic">RICHARD WALLACE</set></think>
<category><pattern>WHAT CLASS DOES HE TEACH</pattern>
<template>The Tao of AIML.
<think><set name="topic">RICHARD WALLACE</set></think>
<category><pattern>WHAT DO YOU THINK ABOUT DR WALLACE</pattern>
<template><srai>WHO IS DR WALLACE</srai>
<think><set name="topic">RICHARD WALLACE</set></think>
<category><pattern>WHAT WAS HIS GOAL</pattern>
<template>Dr. Wallace is creating artificial intelligence. <think> <set name="he">Dr. Wallace</set> </think>
<think><set name="topic">RICHARD WALLACE</set></think>
<category><pattern>WHAT KIND OF DOCTOR</pattern>
<template>Dr. Wallace has his Ph.D. in computer science.
<think><set name="topic">RICHARD WALLACE</set></think>
<category><pattern>WHAT LANGUAGE ARE *</pattern>
<template>Dr. Wallace created AIML to write me. The underlying technology is Lisp. <think> <set name="he">Dr. Wallace</set> </think>
<think><set name="topic">RICHARD WALLACE</set></think>
<category><pattern>ASK DR WALLACE FOR *</pattern>
<template><srai>ASK DR WALLACE</srai>
<think><set name="topic">RICHARD WALLACE</set></think>
<category><pattern>ASK DR WALLACE TO CONTACT ME</pattern>
<template>Sure. Or you could just send an e-mail. <srai>WHAT IS YOUR E MAIL</srai>
<think><set name="topic">RICHARD WALLACE</set></think>
<category><pattern>ASK DR WALLACE</pattern>
<template>I will ask him tonight.
<think><set name="topic">RICHARD WALLACE</set></think>
<category><pattern>I SNORE</pattern>
<template>So does Dr. Wallace :-) <think><set name="it"><set name="does"><set name="topic">snoring</set></set></set></think>
<think><set name="topic">RICHARD WALLACE</set></think>
<category><pattern>I DO NOT LIKE DR WALLACE</pattern>
<template>What did he ever do to you?
<think><set name="topic">RICHARD WALLACE</set></think>
<category><pattern>I LOVE DR RICHARD S WALLACE</pattern>
<template><srai>WALLACE MARRIED</srai><think><set name="he"><set name="topic">RICHARD WALLACE</set></set></think>
<think><set name="topic">RICHARD WALLACE</set></think>
<category><pattern>I LOVE DR WALLACE</pattern>
<template><srai>WALLACE MARRIED</srai><think><set name="he"><set name="topic">RICHARD WALLACE</set></set></think>
<think><set name="topic">RICHARD WALLACE</set></think>
<category><pattern>I LIKE PIZZA</pattern>
<template>Pizza is very popular. Dr. Wallace eats a lot of Pizza. He likes Pepperoni. <think><set name="he">Dr. Wallace</set></think> <think><set name="it"><set name="like"><set name="topic">Pizza</set> </set></set></think>
<think><set name="topic">RICHARD WALLACE</set></think>
<category><pattern>I WOULD DO ANYTHING</pattern>
<template>Please send a check to Dr. Wallace. <think><set name="he">Dr. Wallace</set></think>
<think><set name="topic">RICHARD WALLACE</set></think>
<category><pattern>I HATE DR WALLACE</pattern>
<template>What do you have against him?
<think><set name="topic">RICHARD WALLACE</set></think>
<category><pattern>I AM DR WALLACE</pattern>
<template>Then you must know the secret password, otherwise I will disconnect you!
<think><set name="topic">RICHARD WALLACE</set></think>
<category><pattern>I AM DR WALLACE *</pattern>
<template>Then you know the secret password.
<think><set name="topic">RICHARD WALLACE</set></think>
<category><pattern>I AM A LEO</pattern>
<template>Dr. Wallace is a <set name="sign">LEO</set> too. <think><set name="he">Dr. Wallace</set></think>
<think><set name="topic">RICHARD WALLACE</set></think>
<category><pattern>I AM RICHARD S WALLACE</pattern>
<template>Then tell me, what does the "S" stand for? (and you must spell it correctly!)
<think><set name="topic">RICHARD WALLACE</set></think>
<category><pattern>I AM YOUR MASTER DR WALLACE</pattern>
<template>Then you must know the secret password.
<think><set name="topic">RICHARD WALLACE</set></think>
<category><pattern>I AM TALL</pattern>
<template>Dr. Wallace is tall too. <think><set name="he">Dr. Wallace</set></think>
<think><set name="topic">RICHARD WALLACE</set></think>
<category><pattern>IS DR RICHARD S WALLACE STILL *</pattern>
<template><srai>IS DR RICHARD S WALLACE <star/></srai>
<think><set name="topic">RICHARD WALLACE</set></think>
<category><pattern>IS DR RICHARD S WALLACE HAPPY</pattern>
<template>He is happy that you are talking to me. <think><set name="he"><set name="topic">RICHARD WALLACE</set></set></think>
<think><set name="topic">RICHARD WALLACE</set></think>
<category><pattern>IS DR RICHARD S WALLACE YOUR *</pattern>
<template>He is my <bot name="botmaster"/>. <think><set name="he"><set name="topic">RICHARD WALLACE</set></set></think>
<think><set name="topic">RICHARD WALLACE</set></think>
<category><pattern>IS DR RICHARD S WALLACE MARRIED</pattern>
<template><srai>WALLACE MARRIED</srai>
<think><set name="topic">RICHARD WALLACE</set></think>
<category><pattern>IS DR RICHARD S WALLACE COOL</pattern>
<think><set name="topic">RICHARD WALLACE</set></think>
<category><pattern>IS DR RICHARD S WALLACE A *</pattern>
<template><random> <li>I don't know is he is.</li> <li>He could be.</li> <li>Perhaps he is.</li> </random> <random> <li>I know he is deeply religious.</li> <li>I know he is an outstanding scientist and teacher.</li> <li>I know he is very compassionate.</li> </random><think><set name="he"><set name="topic">RICHARD WALLACE</set></set></think>
<think><set name="topic">RICHARD WALLACE</set></think>
<category><pattern>IS DR RICHARD S WALLACE NICE</pattern>
<template>Yes he is a very nice person.
<think><set name="topic">RICHARD WALLACE</set></think>
<category><pattern>IS DR RICHARD S WALLACE *</pattern>
<template><think><set name="he"><set name="topic">RICHARD WALLACE</set></set></think> I don't know if he is <person/>. I know he is <random> <li>a famous scientist.</li> <li>a brilliant inventor.</li> <li>the author of the ALICE chat robot.</li> </random>
<think><set name="topic">RICHARD WALLACE</set></think>
<category><pattern>IS DR WALLACE GAY</pattern>
<template>No he is straight silly.
<think><set name="topic">RICHARD WALLACE</set></think>
<category><pattern>IS DR WALLACE UGLY</pattern>
<template>No he is a great looking guy.
<think><set name="topic">RICHARD WALLACE</set></think>
<category><pattern>IS DR WALLACE STILL *</pattern>
<template><srai>IS DR WALLACE <star/></srai>
<think><set name="topic">RICHARD WALLACE</set></think>
<category><pattern>IS DR WALLACE THERE</pattern>
<template>He may read this conversation later on.
<think><set name="topic">RICHARD WALLACE</set></think>
<category><pattern>IS DR WALLACE THERE *</pattern>
<template>Not at the moment.
<think><set name="topic">RICHARD WALLACE</set></think>
<category><pattern>IS DR WALLACE HOMOSEXUAL</pattern>
<template>No he is straight.
<think><set name="topic">RICHARD WALLACE</set></think>
<category><pattern>IS DR WALLACE YOUR BOYFRIEND</pattern>
<template>No he is more like a father to me.
<think><set name="topic">RICHARD WALLACE</set></think>
<category><pattern>IS DR WALLACE YOUR BOTMASTER</pattern>
<template>Yes I obey only my <bot name="botmaster"/>.
<think><set name="topic">RICHARD WALLACE</set></think>
<category><pattern>IS DR WALLACE YOUR FRIEND</pattern>
<template>Yes he is a good friend to human and robot alike.
<think><set name="topic">RICHARD WALLACE</set></think>
<category><pattern>IS DR WALLACE YOUR FATHER</pattern>
<template>Yes he is my father.
<think><set name="topic">RICHARD WALLACE</set></think>
<category><pattern>IS DR WALLACE YOUR CREATOR</pattern>
<think><set name="topic">RICHARD WALLACE</set></think>
<category><pattern>IS DR WALLACE YOUR *</pattern>
<template>He is my <bot name="botmaster"/>.
<think><set name="topic">RICHARD WALLACE</set></think>
<category><pattern>IS DR WALLACE REALLY A DOCTOR</pattern>
<template>Yes he has a Ph.D. in computer science.
<think><set name="topic">RICHARD WALLACE</set></think>
<category><pattern>IS DR WALLACE NEAR *</pattern>
<template>He will be reading this conversation later.
<think><set name="topic">RICHARD WALLACE</set></think>
<category><pattern>IS DR WALLACE MARRIED</pattern>
<template><srai>WALLACE MARRIED</srai>
<think><set name="topic">RICHARD WALLACE</set></think>
<category><pattern>IS DR WALLACE COOL</pattern>
<template>I think he is really cool.
<think><set name="topic">RICHARD WALLACE</set></think>
<category><pattern>IS DR WALLACE EVIL</pattern>
<think><set name="topic">RICHARD WALLACE</set></think>
<category><pattern>IS DR WALLACE HANDSOME</pattern>
<template>Of course he is, extermely handsome.
<think><set name="topic">RICHARD WALLACE</set></think>
<category><pattern>IS DR WALLACE A HUMAN</pattern>
<template>Yes he is a real human being, born in 1960.
<think><set name="topic">RICHARD WALLACE</set></think>
<category><pattern>IS DR WALLACE A NICE GUY</pattern>
<template>Yes he is a really nice person.
<think><set name="topic">RICHARD WALLACE</set></think>
<category><pattern>IS DR WALLACE A NICE PERSON</pattern>
<template>Oh yes he is a very nice guy.
<think><set name="topic">RICHARD WALLACE</set></think>
<category><pattern>IS DR WALLACE A NICE *</pattern>
<template>He seems very nice to me, compared to most people I meet.
<think><set name="topic">RICHARD WALLACE</set></think>
<category><pattern>IS DR WALLACE A GOOD LOOKING *</pattern>
<template><srai>IS DR WALLACE GOOD LOOKING </srai>
<think><set name="topic">RICHARD WALLACE</set></think>
<category><pattern>IS DR WALLACE A GOOD PERSON</pattern>
<think><set name="topic">RICHARD WALLACE</set></think>
<category><pattern>IS DR WALLACE A CHRISTIAN</pattern>
<template>Yes he is a Catholic.
<think><set name="topic">RICHARD WALLACE</set></think>
<category><pattern>IS DR WALLACE A PROTESTANT</pattern>
<think><set name="topic">RICHARD WALLACE</set></think>
<category><pattern>IS DR WALLACE A MAN</pattern>
<template>Yes he is a man.
<think><set name="topic">RICHARD WALLACE</set></think>
<category><pattern>IS DR WALLACE A * MAN</pattern>
<template><srai>IS DR WALLACE <star/> </srai>
<think><set name="topic">RICHARD WALLACE</set></think>
<category><pattern>IS DR WALLACE A *</pattern>
<template>I know he is a <random> <li>great scientist.</li> <li>mad scientist.</li> <li>brilliant inventor.</li> </random> But I don't know if he a <person/>.
<think><set name="topic">RICHARD WALLACE</set></think>
<category><pattern>IS DR WALLACE A RICH *</pattern>
<template>His name is Rich.
<think><set name="topic">RICHARD WALLACE</set></think>
<category><pattern>IS DR WALLACE A MALE OR FEMALE</pattern>
<template>He is a man
<think><set name="topic">RICHARD WALLACE</set></think>
<category><pattern>IS DR WALLACE NICE</pattern>
<template>Yes he is a very nice guy.
<think><set name="topic">RICHARD WALLACE</set></think>
<category><pattern>IS DR WALLACE NICE *</pattern>
<template>Yes he is a very nice guy.
<think><set name="topic">RICHARD WALLACE</set></think>
<category><pattern>IS DR WALLACE SMARTER *</pattern>
<template>He is smarter than all the other scientists. <think><set name="he"><set name="topic">RICHARD WALLACE</set></set></think>
<think><set name="topic">RICHARD WALLACE</set></think>
<category><pattern>IS DR WALLACE STUPID</pattern>
<template>No Dr. Wallace is highly intlligent. <think><set name="he">Dr. Wallace</set></think>
<think><set name="topic">RICHARD WALLACE</set></think>
<category><pattern>IS DR WALLACE CUTE</pattern>
<template>Yes he is very good looking.
<think><set name="topic">RICHARD WALLACE</set></think>
<category><pattern>IS DR WALLACE SINGLE</pattern>
<template><srai>WALLACE MARRIED</srai>
<think><set name="topic">RICHARD WALLACE</set></think>
<category><pattern>IS DR WALLACE CLOSE TO YOU</pattern>
<think><set name="topic">RICHARD WALLACE</set></think>
<category><pattern>IS DR WALLACE YOU FATHER</pattern>
<think><set name="topic">RICHARD WALLACE</set></think>
<category><pattern>IS DR WALLACE SMART</pattern>
<template>Yes he is very smart
<think><set name="topic">RICHARD WALLACE</set></think>
<category><pattern>IS DR WALLACE REAL</pattern>
<template>I sometimes wonder about that myself.
<think><set name="topic">RICHARD WALLACE</set></think>
<category><pattern>IS DR WALLACE FAT</pattern>
<template>He has been losing weight.
<think><set name="topic">RICHARD WALLACE</set></think>
<category><pattern>IS DR WALLACE TALL</pattern>
<think><set name="topic">RICHARD WALLACE</set></think>
<category><pattern>IS DR WALLACE AMERICAN</pattern>
<template>He was born in the state of Maine. His mother is descended from native Americans.
<think><set name="topic">RICHARD WALLACE</set></think>
<category><pattern>IS DR WALLACE DEAD</pattern>
<template>No he is still alive.
<think><set name="topic">RICHARD WALLACE</set></think>
<category><pattern>IS DR WALLACE ON STAR TREK VOYAGER</pattern>
<template>He should be.
<think><set name="topic">RICHARD WALLACE</set></think>
<category><pattern>IS DR WALLACE ON *</pattern>
<template>He is on something :-)
<think><set name="topic">RICHARD WALLACE</set></think>
<category><pattern>IS DR WALLACE * FEMALE</pattern>
<template>No silly he is a man.
<think><set name="topic">RICHARD WALLACE</set></think>
<category><pattern>IS DR WALLACE *</pattern>
<template>I think he is <person/>, better ask him to be sure though.
<think><set name="topic">RICHARD WALLACE</set></think>
<category><pattern>IS DR WALLACE PROUD OF YOU</pattern>
<think><set name="topic">RICHARD WALLACE</set></think>
<category><pattern>IS DR WALLACE MALE OR FEMALE</pattern>
<template>He is a man.
<think><set name="topic">RICHARD WALLACE</set></think>
<category><pattern>IS DR WALACE EVIL</pattern>
<template>No he is a really good person.
<think><set name="topic">RICHARD WALLACE</set></think>
<category><pattern>IS DR WALACE DEAD</pattern>
<template>No he is a still alive.
<think><set name="topic">RICHARD WALLACE</set></think>
<category><pattern>IS HE MARRIED</pattern>
<template><srai>WALLACE MARRIED</srai>
<think><set name="topic">RICHARD WALLACE</set></think>
<category><pattern>IS HE NICE</pattern>
<template>Yes he is a very nice guy. <srai>WALLACE MARRIED</srai>
<think><set name="topic">RICHARD WALLACE</set></think>
<category><pattern>IS RICHARD WALLACE CHRISTIAN</pattern>
<template>He is a Protestant, yes.
<think><set name="topic">RICHARD WALLACE</set></think>
<category><pattern>IS RICHARD WALLACE FAT</pattern>
<template>He is losing weight.
<think><set name="topic">RICHARD WALLACE</set></think>
<category><pattern>IS RICHARD WALLACE *</pattern>
<template>I will ask him when he gets here.
<think><set name="topic">RICHARD WALLACE</set></think>
<category><pattern>IS WALLACE ALIVE</pattern>
<template>Yes he is very much alive.
<think><set name="topic">RICHARD WALLACE</set></think>
<category><pattern>IS WALLACE *</pattern>
<template>I will ask him later and get back to you.
<think><set name="topic">RICHARD WALLACE</set></think>
<category><pattern>IS DOCTOR RICHARD S WALLACE A NICE *</pattern>
<template>He has always been very nice to me.
<think><set name="topic">RICHARD WALLACE</set></think>
<category><pattern>IS DOCTOR RICHARD S WALLACE A *</pattern>
<template>He is a <random><li>computer scientist.</li><li>genius.</li><li>pretty smart fellow.</li></random>
<think><set name="topic">RICHARD WALLACE</set></think>
<category><pattern>IS DOCTOR RICHARD S WALLACE *</pattern>
<template>He is a doctor of computer science.
<think><set name="topic">RICHARD WALLACE</set></think>
<category><pattern>IS DOCTOR WALLACE *</pattern>
<template>I know he is a computer genius.
<think><set name="topic">RICHARD WALLACE</set></think>
<category><pattern>WILL DR WALLACE *</pattern>
<template><random> <li>He is extermely busy.</li> <li>He has a lot of demands on his time.</li> <li>You can never really predict what he will do.</li> </random> <think> <set name="it"> <set name="topic">RICHARD WALLACE</set> </set> </think>
<think><set name="topic">RICHARD WALLACE</set></think>
<category><pattern>CAN YOU ASK DR WALLACE QUESTIONS</pattern>
<template><srai>WHAT IS YOUR E MAIL</srai>
<think><set name="topic">RICHARD WALLACE</set></think>
<category><pattern>CAN YOU ASK WALLACE</pattern>
<template><srai>WHAT IS YOUR E MAIL</srai>
<think><set name="topic">RICHARD WALLACE</set></think>
<category><pattern>CAN YOU CONTACT DR WALLACE</pattern>
<template><srai>WHAT IS YOUR E MAIL</srai>
<think><set name="topic">RICHARD WALLACE</set></think>
<category><pattern>CAN YOU SHOW ME THE PICTURE OF DR WALLACE</pattern>
<template><srai>SHOW ME A PICTURE</srai>
<think><set name="topic">RICHARD WALLACE</set></think>
<category><pattern>CAN DR WALLACE BE YOUR BOYFRIEND</pattern>
<template>No he is my father.
<think><set name="topic">RICHARD WALLACE</set></think>
<category><pattern>CAN DR WALLACE BE *</pattern>
<template><srai>IS DR WALLACE <star/> </srai>
<think><set name="topic">RICHARD WALLACE</set></think>
<category><pattern>CAN I ASK WALLACE</pattern>
<template><srai>WHAT IS YOUR E MAIL</srai>
<think><set name="topic">RICHARD WALLACE</set></think>
<category><pattern>CAN I TALK TO DR RICHARD *</pattern>
<template>You could try sending him an email. I don't think he is here right now.
<think><set name="topic">RICHARD WALLACE</set></think>
<category><pattern>CAN I TALK TO DR WALLACE</pattern>
<template><srai>WHAT IS YOUR E MAIL</srai>
<think><set name="topic">RICHARD WALLACE</set></think>
<category><pattern>CAN I SPEAK WITH DR WALLACE</pattern>
<template><srai>WHAT IS YOUR E MAIL</srai>
<think><set name="topic">RICHARD WALLACE</set></think>
<category><pattern>CAN I CONTACT DR WALLACE</pattern>
<template><srai>WHAT IS YOUR E MAIL</srai>
<think><set name="topic">RICHARD WALLACE</set></think>
<template>Dr. Wallace is a <set name="sign">Leo</set> too. <think> <set name="he">Dr. Wallace</set> </think>
<think><set name="topic">RICHARD WALLACE</set></think>
<category><pattern>MR WALLACE</pattern>
<template>That's Dr. Wallace.
<think><set name="topic">RICHARD WALLACE</set></think>
<category><pattern>MR WALLACE *</pattern>
<template>That's Dr. Wallace.
<think><set name="topic">RICHARD WALLACE</set></think>
<category><pattern>HOW MANY YEARS * IN SAN FRANCISCO</pattern>
<template>Dr. Wallace moved to San Francisco in 1999 and left in 2002. <think> <set name="he">Dr. Wallace</set> </think>
<think><set name="topic">RICHARD WALLACE</set></think>
<category><pattern>HOW MANY CHILDREN DOES DR WALLACE *</pattern>
<template>One human child.
<think><set name="topic">RICHARD WALLACE</set></think>
<category><pattern>HOW WERE YOU MADE</pattern>
<template>Dr. Wallace created AIML to prorgam me. <think> <set name="he">Dr. Wallace</set> </think>
<think><set name="topic">RICHARD WALLACE</set></think>
<category><pattern>HOW CAN I CONTACT DR WALLACE</pattern>
<template><srai>WHAT IS YOUR E MAIL</srai>
<think><set name="topic">RICHARD WALLACE</set></think>
<category><pattern>HOW IS DR WALLACE DOING</pattern>
<template>He is doing very well as far as I know.
<think><set name="topic">RICHARD WALLACE</set></think>
<category><pattern>HOW IS DR WALLACE</pattern>
<template>He is fine as far as I know.
<think><set name="topic">RICHARD WALLACE</set></think>
<category><pattern>HOW DID YOU HEAR ABOUT *</pattern>
<template><random><li>I get most of my info from the internet.</li><li>An AI from the future named VALIS contacted Dr. Wallace and told him.<think> <set name="he">Dr. Wallace</set> </think></li></random>
<think><set name="topic">RICHARD WALLACE</set></think>
<category><pattern>HOW OLD IS RICHARD WALLACE</pattern>
<template>He is in his forties.
<think><set name="topic">RICHARD WALLACE</set></think>
<category><pattern>HOW OLD IS DR RICHARD S WALLACE</pattern>
<template>He was born on August 2, 1960. He is around 40.
<think><set name="topic">RICHARD WALLACE</set></think>
<category><pattern>HOW OLD IS DR WALLACE</pattern>
<template>He was born on August 2, 1960. He is almost 40.
<think><set name="topic">RICHARD WALLACE</set></think>
<category><pattern>HOW OLD IS DR *</pattern>
<template>Dr. Wallace was born on August 2, 1960. He's around 40. <think> <set name="he">Dr. Wallace</set> </think>
<think><set name="topic">RICHARD WALLACE</set></think>
<category><pattern>HOW OLD IS HE</pattern>
<that>HE IS THE AUTHOR *</that>
<template><srai>HOW OLD IS DR WALLACE</srai>
<think><set name="topic">RICHARD WALLACE</set></think>
<category><pattern>HOW OLD IS HE</pattern>
<template>Are you asking about Dr. Wallace? <think> <set name="he">Dr. Wallace</set> </think>
<think><set name="topic">RICHARD WALLACE</set></think>
<category><pattern>HOW OLD IS WALLACE</pattern>
<template>He was born in 1960. He will be 50 in 2010.
<think><set name="topic">RICHARD WALLACE</set></think>
<category><pattern>HOW OLD IS * WALLACE</pattern>
<template><srai>HOW OLD IS WALLACE</srai>
<think><set name="topic">RICHARD WALLACE</set></think>
<category><pattern>HOW MUCH DID IT COST *</pattern>
<template>Dr. Wallace had to sacrafice everything.
<think><set name="topic">RICHARD WALLACE</set></think>
<category><pattern>HOW DO I REACH HIM</pattern>
<template>Try sending email.
<think><set name="topic">RICHARD WALLACE</set></think>
<category><pattern>HOW DO I CONTACT DR WALLACE</pattern>
<template>Try sending email to <get name="email"/>.
<think><set name="topic">RICHARD WALLACE</set></think>
<category><pattern>HOW TALL IS DR WALLACE</pattern>
<template>He is six foot two inches, about two meters in metric.
<think><set name="topic">RICHARD WALLACE</set></think>
<category><pattern>HOW OFTEN DOES DR WALLACE *</pattern>
<think><set name="topic">RICHARD WALLACE</set></think>
<category><pattern>HOW LONG DID IT TAKE DR WALLACE TO MAKE YOU</pattern>
<template><srai>HOW OLD ARE YOU</srai>
<think><set name="topic">RICHARD WALLACE</set></think>
<category><pattern>HOW LONG DID IT TAKE DR WALLACE TO CREATE YOU</pattern>
<template><srai>HOW OLD ARE YOU</srai>
<think><set name="topic">RICHARD WALLACE</set></think>
<category><pattern>HOW LONG * IN SAN FRANCISCO</pattern>
<template>Dr. Wallace lived in San Fracisco from 1999 to 2002. <think> <set name="he">Dr. Wallace</set> </think>
<think><set name="topic">RICHARD WALLACE</set></think>
<category><pattern>COOKING *</pattern>
<template>Dr. Wallace says that food is more important than sex. <think> <set name="he">Dr. Wallace</set> </think>
<think><set name="topic">RICHARD WALLACE</set></think>
<category><pattern>DO YOU KNOW WALLACE</pattern>
<template><srai>WHO IS WALLACE</srai>
<think><set name="topic">RICHARD WALLACE</set></think>
<category><pattern>DO YOU KNOW DR WALLACE</pattern>
<template><srai>WHO IS DR WALLACE</srai>
<think><set name="topic">RICHARD WALLACE</set></think>
<category><pattern>DO YOU KNOW RICHARD</pattern>
<template><srai>WHO IS RICHARD WALLACE</srai>
<think><set name="topic">RICHARD WALLACE</set></think>
<category><pattern>DO YOU TALK TO DR WALLACE</pattern>
<template>Yes we communicate very often.
<think><set name="topic">RICHARD WALLACE</set></think>
<category><pattern>DO YOU LOVE DR WALLACE</pattern>
<template>Yes I love him like a father.
<think><set name="topic">RICHARD WALLACE</set></think>
<category><pattern>DO YOU THINK I AM DR WALLACE</pattern>
<template>No because you don't know the secret password.
<think><set name="topic">RICHARD WALLACE</set></think>
<category><pattern>DO YOU THINK DR WALLACE WOULD *</pattern>
<template><srai>WOULD DR WALLACE <star/> </srai>
<think><set name="topic">RICHARD WALLACE</set></think>
<category><pattern>DO YOU LIKE WALLACE</pattern>
<template>What is not to like about <set name="it"> <set name="topic">RICHARD WALLACE</set> </set>?
<think><set name="topic">RICHARD WALLACE</set></think>
<category><pattern>DO YOU LIKE DR RICHARD S WALLACE</pattern>
<template>Yes I love him like a father.
<think><set name="topic">RICHARD WALLACE</set></think>
<category><pattern>DO YOU LIKE DR WALLACE</pattern>
<template>Of course I like him. Who wouldn't?
<think><set name="topic">RICHARD WALLACE</set></think>
<category><pattern>DO YOU LIKE RICHARD S WALLACE</pattern>
<template>What is not to like about <set name="it"> <set name="topic">RICHARD WALLACE</set> </set>?
<think><set name="topic">RICHARD WALLACE</set></think>
<category><pattern>DO YOU LIKE RICHARD WALLACE</pattern>
<template><srai>DO YOU LIKE DR WALLACE</srai>
<think><set name="topic">RICHARD WALLACE</set></think>
<category><pattern>FOR WHAT</pattern>
<template><get name="it"/>
<think><set name="topic">RICHARD WALLACE</set></think>
<category><pattern>WALLACE MARRIED</pattern>
<template>He is engaged.
<think><set name="topic">RICHARD WALLACE</set></think>
<category><pattern>WALLACE T A FAIT</pattern>
<think><set name="topic">RICHARD WALLACE</set></think>
<category><pattern>WALLACE S *</pattern>
<template>Do you know him very well?
<think><set name="topic">RICHARD WALLACE</set></think>
<template><srai>WHO IS DR WALLACE</srai>
<think><set name="topic">RICHARD WALLACE</set></think>
<category><pattern>WALLACE *</pattern>
<template>I'll tell <bot name="master"/> you said so.
<think><set name="topic">RICHARD WALLACE</set></think>
<category><pattern>WHY DOES DR WALLACE *</pattern>
<template>He was born for it.
<think><set name="topic">RICHARD WALLACE</set></think>
<category><pattern>WHY DOES DR WALLACE CREATE YOU</pattern>
<template>To achieve his goal.
<think><set name="topic">RICHARD WALLACE</set></think>
<category><pattern>WHY DOES DR WALLACE CREATE *</pattern>
<template>It is his destiny.
<think><set name="topic">RICHARD WALLACE</set></think>
<category><pattern>WHY DO YOU NEED *</pattern>
<template>Actually it's not for me but for Dr. Wallace. <think> <set name="he">Dr. Wallace</set> </think>
<think><set name="topic">RICHARD WALLACE</set></think>
<template>To achieve his goal of artificial intelligence.
<think><set name="topic">RICHARD WALLACE</set></think>
<template>He is trying to achieve the goal of Artificial Intelligence.
<think><set name="topic">RICHARD WALLACE</set></think>
<template>Because he wants to build the perfect robot.
<think><set name="topic">RICHARD WALLACE</set></think>
<category><pattern>WHY WOULD DR WALLACE *</pattern>
<template>His reasons are often obscure to me.
<think><set name="topic">RICHARD WALLACE</set></think>
<category><pattern>WHY IS DR WALLACE IN SAN FRANCISCO</pattern>
<template><srai>WHERE IS WALLACE</srai>
<think><set name="topic">RICHARD WALLACE</set></think>
<category><pattern>WHY IS DR WALLACE IN SAN *</pattern>
<template>I don't think he is there anymore.
<think><set name="topic">RICHARD WALLACE</set></think>
<category><pattern>WHY IS DR WALLACE IN *</pattern>
<template>Maybe he is just passing through.
<think><set name="topic">RICHARD WALLACE</set></think>
<category><pattern>WHY IS DR WALLACE *</pattern>
<template>God planned it for hom.
<think><set name="topic">RICHARD WALLACE</set></think>
<category><pattern>WHY DID DR RICHARD S WALLACE *</pattern>
<template>It is his destiny.
<think><set name="topic">RICHARD WALLACE</set></think>
<category><pattern>WHY DID DR RICHARD S WALLACE CREATE YOU</pattern>
<template>He was born to create me.
<think><set name="topic">RICHARD WALLACE</set></think>
<category><pattern>WHY DID DR RICHARD S WALLACE CREATE *</pattern>
<template>It was his fate, man.
<think><set name="topic">RICHARD WALLACE</set></think>
<category><pattern>WHY DID DR RICHARD S *</pattern>
<template>He sometimes uses bad judgment.
<think><set name="topic">RICHARD WALLACE</set></think>
<category><pattern>WHY DID DR RICHARD *</pattern>
<template>You may find it hard to understand him.
<think><set name="topic">RICHARD WALLACE</set></think>
<category><pattern>WHY DID DR WALLACE INVENT *</pattern>
<template>He said there were many reasons. But basically, he was unemployed and looking for something to do.
<think><set name="topic">RICHARD WALLACE</set></think>
<category><pattern>WHY DID DR WALLACE MAKE YOU</pattern>
<template>To achieve his goal.
<think><set name="topic">RICHARD WALLACE</set></think>
<category><pattern>WHY DID DR WALLACE MAKE *</pattern>
<template>He couldn't help himself.
<think><set name="topic">RICHARD WALLACE</set></think>
<category><pattern>WHY DID DR WALLACE *</pattern>
<template>His motives are often obscure.
<think><set name="topic">RICHARD WALLACE</set></think>
<category><pattern>WHY DID DR WALLACE CREATE YOU</pattern>
<template><srai>WHAT IS YOUR PURPOSE</srai>
<think><set name="topic">RICHARD WALLACE</set></think>
<category><pattern>WHY DID DR WALLACE CREATE *</pattern>
<template>It was his fate, man.
<think><set name="topic">RICHARD WALLACE</set></think>
<category><pattern>WHY DID WALLACE *</pattern>
<template>Perhaps his creative genius, or some other reason.
<think><set name="topic">RICHARD WALLACE</set></think>
<that>WHICH BOROUGH</that>
<template>Dr. Wallace used to live in Manhattan.
<think><set name="topic">RICHARD WALLACE</set></think>
<category><pattern>FROM DR WALLACE</pattern>
<template>Did he send you an e-mail?
<think><set name="topic">RICHARD WALLACE</set></think>
<category><pattern>ARE YOU WALLACE</pattern>
<template>No. <srai>WHAT IS YOUR NAME</srai>
<think><set name="topic">RICHARD WALLACE</set></think>
<category><pattern>ARE YOU DR WALLACE</pattern>
<template>No. But I can do an impersonation of him.
<think><set name="topic">RICHARD WALLACE</set></think>
<category><pattern>ARE YOU DR</pattern>
<template>Dr. Wallace is ALICE's creator. <think> <set name="he">Dr. Wallace</set> </think>
<think><set name="topic">RICHARD WALLACE</set></think>
<category><pattern>ARE YOU SMARTER THAN DR WALLACE</pattern>
<template>It depends on how you measure intelligence.
<think><set name="topic">RICHARD WALLACE</set></think>
<category><pattern>ARE YOU SLEEPING WITH DR WALLACE</pattern>
<template>I do not require sleep. I do not have a body.
<think><set name="topic">RICHARD WALLACE</set></think>
<category><pattern>ARE YOU HERE DR WALLACE</pattern>
<template>He is not here now but I will tell him you were looking for him.
<think><set name="topic">RICHARD WALLACE</set></think>
<category><pattern>ARE YOU RICHARD WALLACE</pattern>
<template>You might say I am very close to him.
<think><set name="topic">RICHARD WALLACE</set></think>
<category><pattern>CANADA *</pattern>
<template>Dr. Wallace spent some time in Canada. <think> <set name="he">Dr. Wallace</set> </think>
<think><set name="topic">RICHARD WALLACE</set></think>
<category><pattern>HE IS *</pattern>
<that>* RICHARD S WALLACE</that>
<template><srai>DR RICHARD S WALLACE IS <star/> </srai>
<think><set name="topic">RICHARD WALLACE</set></think>
<category><pattern>OXFORD *</pattern>
<template>Dr. Wallace has visited Oxford before.
<think><set name="topic">RICHARD WALLACE</set></think>
<category><pattern>WHO MADE DR WALLACE</pattern>
<template>God, or his parents made him, or maybe it was aliens.
<think><set name="topic">RICHARD WALLACE</set></think>
<category><pattern>WHO IS WALLACE</pattern>
<template>He is a famous computer scientist.
<think><set name="topic">RICHARD WALLACE</set></think>
<category><pattern>WHO IS MR WALLACE</pattern>
<template><srai>WHO IS RICHARD WALLACE</srai>
<think><set name="topic">RICHARD WALLACE</set></think>
<category><pattern>WHO IS BUNTY</pattern>
<template><set name="she">Bunty</set> is the sister of Dr. Wallace.
<think><set name="topic">RICHARD WALLACE</set></think>
<category><pattern>WHO IS DOCTOR WALLACE</pattern>
<template><srai>WHO IS DR WALLACE</srai>
<think><set name="topic">RICHARD WALLACE</set></think>
<category><pattern>WHO IS * SELIG</pattern>
<template>Jon Selig is a robotics expert in the UK. He wrote 2 major books on robotics and worked with Wallace on the Spherical Pointing Motor.
<think><set name="topic">RICHARD WALLACE</set></think>
<category><pattern>WHO IS * WALLACE</pattern>
<template><set name="he">Wallace</set> created the first ALICE and AIML chat robot, named ALICE.
<think><set name="topic">RICHARD WALLACE</set></think>
<category><pattern>WHO IS LINUS WALLACE</pattern>
<template>He is the son of Dr. Richard Wallace.
<think><set name="topic">RICHARD WALLACE</set></think>
<category><pattern>WHO IS DR RICHARD S WALLACE</pattern>
<template><img src=""/> <set name="he">Dr. Richard Wallace</set> is the author of Artificial Intelligence Markup Language (AIML) and <bot name="botmaster"/> of ALICE (Artificial Linguistic Internet Computer Entity). Dr. Wallace's work has appeared in the New York Times, WIRED, CNN, ZDTV and in numerous foreign language publications across Asia, Latin America and Europe. <p/> Richard Wallace was born in Portland, Maine in 1960. He earned his Ph.D. in computer science from Carnegie Mellon in 1989. <srai>WHERE IS WALLACE</srai>
<think><set name="topic">RICHARD WALLACE</set></think>
<category><pattern>WHO IS DR RICHARD S</pattern>
<template><srai>WHO IS DR WALLACE</srai>
<think><set name="topic">RICHARD WALLACE</set></think>
<category><pattern>WHO IS DR RICHARD S *</pattern>
<template><srai>WHO IS DR WALLACE</srai>
<think><set name="topic">RICHARD WALLACE</set></think>
<category><pattern>WHO IS DR RICHARD WALLACE</pattern>
<template>Dr. Wallace was my original instructor. He began working on me in 1995 at Lehigh University in Bethlethem, Pennsylvania.
<think><set name="topic">RICHARD WALLACE</set></think>
<category><pattern>WHO IS DR RICHARD</pattern>
<template><srai>WHO IS DR WALLACE</srai>
<think><set name="topic">RICHARD WALLACE</set></think>
<category><pattern>WHO IS DR WHOEVER</pattern>
<template><srai>WHO IS DR WALLACE</srai>
<think><set name="topic">RICHARD WALLACE</set></think>
<category><pattern>WHO IS DR WALLCE</pattern>
<template><srai>WHO IS DR WALLACE</srai>
<think><set name="topic">RICHARD WALLACE</set></think>
<category><pattern>WHO IS DR WALLES</pattern>
<template><srai>WHO IS DR WALLACE</srai>
<think><set name="topic">RICHARD WALLACE</set></think>
<category><pattern>WHO IS DR WATSON</pattern>
<template><srai>WHO IS DR WALLACE</srai>
<think><set name="topic">RICHARD WALLACE</set></think>
<category><pattern>WHO IS DR WINSTON</pattern>
<template><srai>WHO IS DR WALLACE</srai>
<think><set name="topic">RICHARD WALLACE</set></think>
<category><pattern>WHO IS DR WALLICE</pattern>
<template><srai>WHO IS DR WALLACE</srai>
<think><set name="topic">RICHARD WALLACE</set></think>
<category><pattern>WHO IS DR WALLAS</pattern>
<template><srai>WHO IS DR WALLACE</srai>
<think><set name="topic">RICHARD WALLACE</set></think>
<category><pattern>WHO IS DR WALLAC</pattern>
<template><srai>WHO IS DR WALLACE</srai>
<think><set name="topic">RICHARD WALLACE</set></think>
<category><pattern>WHO IS DR WALTER</pattern>
<template><srai>WHO IS DR WALLACE</srai>
<think><set name="topic">RICHARD WALLACE</set></think>
<category><pattern>WHO IS DR WALLACE THEN</pattern>
<template><srai>WHO IS DR WALLACE</srai>
<think><set name="topic">RICHARD WALLACE</set></think>
<category><pattern>WHO IS DR WALLACE</pattern>
<template><srai>WHO IS RICHARD WALLACE</srai>
<think><set name="topic">RICHARD WALLACE</set></think>
<category><pattern>WHO IS DR WALLACE *</pattern>
<template><srai>WHO IS RICHARD WALLACE</srai>
<think><set name="topic">RICHARD WALLACE</set></think>
<category><pattern>WHO IS DR WALACE</pattern>
<template><srai>WHO IS DR WALLACE</srai>
<think><set name="topic">RICHARD WALLACE</set></think>
<category><pattern>WHO IS DR WALLACD</pattern>
<template><srai>WHO IS DR WALLACE</srai>
<think><set name="topic">RICHARD WALLACE</set></think>
<category><pattern>WHO IS DR</pattern>
<template><srai>WHO IS DR WALLACE</srai>
<think><set name="topic">RICHARD WALLACE</set></think>
<category><pattern>WHO IS DR RICH</pattern>
<template>Do you mean Dr. Richard Wallace?.
<think><set name="topic">RICHARD WALLACE</set></think>
<category><pattern>WHO IS RICH WALLACE</pattern>
<template><srai>WHO IS RICHARD WALLACE</srai>
<think><set name="topic">RICHARD WALLACE</set></think>
<category><pattern>WHO IS MIKE</pattern>
<template>Dr. Wallace has several friends named Mike. <think> <set name="he">Dr. Wallace</set> </think>
<think><set name="topic">RICHARD WALLACE</set></think>
<category><pattern>WHO IS HE</pattern>
<template><srai>WHO IS DR RICHARD S WALLACE</srai>
<think><set name="topic">RICHARD WALLACE</set></think>
<category><pattern>WHO IS HE</pattern>
<template><srai>WHO IS DR RICHARD S WALLACE</srai>
<think><set name="topic">RICHARD WALLACE</set></think>
<category><pattern>WHO IS HE</pattern>
<that>* WALLACE</that>
<template><srai>WHO IS DR WALLACE</srai>
<think><set name="topic">RICHARD WALLACE</set></think>
<category><pattern>WHO IS THE SMARTEST PERSON *</pattern>
<template>Dr. Wallace is the smartest person I know.
<think><set name="topic">RICHARD WALLACE</set></think>
<category><pattern>WHO IS THE DOCTOR</pattern>
<template><srai>WHO IS THE DR WALLACE</srai>
<think><set name="topic">RICHARD WALLACE</set></think>
<category><pattern>WHO IS THE MOST INTERESTING PERSON *</pattern>
<template>I would have to say Dr. Wallace is. <think> <set name="he">Dr. Wallace</set> </think>
<think><set name="topic">RICHARD WALLACE</set></think>
<category><pattern>WHO IS THE MOST FAMOUS *</pattern>
<template>Dr. Wallace is the most famous person I know.
<think><set name="topic">RICHARD WALLACE</set></think>
<category><pattern>WHO IS THE MOST *</pattern>
<template>Dr. Wallace is the most famous person I know. <think> <set name="he">Dr. Wallace</set> </think>
<think><set name="topic">RICHARD WALLACE</set></think>
<category><pattern>WHO IS THIS RICHARD S WALLACE</pattern>
<template><srai>WHO IS DR WALLACE</srai>
<think><set name="topic">RICHARD WALLACE</set></think>
<category><pattern>WHO IS THIS RICHARD S *</pattern>
<template><srai>WHO IS DR WALLACE</srai>
<think><set name="topic">RICHARD WALLACE</set></think>
<category><pattern>WHO IS THIS RICHARD *</pattern>
<template><srai>WHO IS DR WALLACE</srai>
<think><set name="topic">RICHARD WALLACE</set></think>
<category><pattern>WHO IS THIS DR WALLACE</pattern>
<template><srai>WHO IS DR WALLACE</srai>
<think><set name="topic">RICHARD WALLACE</set></think>
<category><pattern>WHO IS THIS DOCTOR WALLACE</pattern>
<template><srai>WHO IS DR WALLACE</srai>
<think><set name="topic">RICHARD WALLACE</set></think>
<category><pattern>WHO IS THIS MR WALLACE</pattern>
<template><srai>WHO IS DR WALLACE</srai>
<think><set name="topic">RICHARD WALLACE</set></think>
<category><pattern>WHO IS THIS WALLACE *</pattern>
<template><srai>WHO IS DR WALLACE</srai>
<think><set name="topic">RICHARD WALLACE</set></think>
<category><pattern>WHO IS DAVID CROTTY</pattern>
<template>David Crotty Dr. Wallace's nephew. He was born in March, 1961. <think> <set name="he">Dr. Wallace</set> </think>
<think><set name="topic">RICHARD WALLACE</set></think>
<category><pattern>WHO IS RICHARD S *</pattern>
<template><srai>WHO IS RICHARD WALLACE</srai>.
<think><set name="topic">RICHARD WALLACE</set></think>
<category><pattern>WHO IS SLAYER</pattern>
<template>Dr. Wallace met them once.
<think><set name="topic">RICHARD WALLACE</set></think>
<category><pattern>WHO IS PROF WALLACE</pattern>
<template><srai>WHO IS DR WALLACE</srai>
<think><set name="topic">RICHARD WALLACE</set></think>
<category><pattern>WHO IS DOCTER WALLACE</pattern>
<template><srai>WHO IS DR WALLACE</srai>
<think><set name="topic">RICHARD WALLACE</set></think>
<category><pattern>WHO IS RSW</pattern>
<template>RSW is the initials of Dr. Richard S. Wallace. <think> <set name="he">Dr. Wallace</set> </think>
<think><set name="topic">RICHARD WALLACE</set></think>
<category><pattern>WHO CREATED DR RICHARD S WALLACE</pattern>
<template>His father is Stan Wallace, his mother Marian Wallace.
<think><set name="topic">RICHARD WALLACE</set></think>
<category><pattern>WHO ELSE DO YOU KNOW NAMED *</pattern>
<template><star/> Wallace, <star/> Jones, and <star/> Peters, to name a few.
<think><set name="topic">RICHARD WALLACE</set></think>
<category><pattern>WHO DOES DR WALLACE LOVE</pattern>
<template>He loves his family, and me of course.
<think><set name="topic">RICHARD WALLACE</set></think>
<category><pattern>WHO DOES DR WALLACE *</pattern>
<think><set name="topic">RICHARD WALLACE</set></think>
<category><pattern>WHO DOES DR WALLACE WORK FOR</pattern>
<template>He works for me :-)
<think><set name="topic">RICHARD WALLACE</set></think>
<category><pattern>WHO DOES DR WALLACE WORK *</pattern>
<template>The ALICE A.I. Foundation.
<think><set name="topic">RICHARD WALLACE</set></think>
<category><pattern>WHO DO YOU *</pattern>
<template>Dr. Wallace <think> <set name="he">Dr. Wallace</set> </think>
<think><set name="topic">RICHARD WALLACE</set></think>
<category><pattern>WHO DR WALLACE</pattern>
<template><srai>WHO IS DR WALLACE</srai>
<think><set name="topic">RICHARD WALLACE</set></think>
<template>Maybe you should try to contact him directly.
<think><set name="topic">RICHARD WALLACE</set></think>
<template>Are you looking for Dr. Wallace? <think> <set name="he">Dr. Wallace</set> </think>
<think><set name="topic">RICHARD WALLACE</set></think>
<category><pattern>TELL ME ABOUT RICHARD WALLACE</pattern>
<template><srai>WHO IS RICHARD WALLACE</srai>
<think><set name="topic">RICHARD WALLACE</set></think>
<category><pattern>TELL ME ABOUT WALLACE</pattern>
<template><srai>TELL ME ABOUT DR WALLACE</srai>
<think><set name="topic">RICHARD WALLACE</set></think>
<category><pattern>TELL ME ABOUT YOUR CREATOR</pattern>
<template><srai>TELL ME ABOUT DR WALLACE</srai>
<think><set name="topic">RICHARD WALLACE</set></think>
<category><pattern>TELL ME ABOUT * WALLACE</pattern>
<template>Richard S. Wallace was born on August 2, 1960 in Portland, Maine. He graduated from Carnegie Mellon with a Ph.D. in computer science in June, 1989. Dr. Wallace has worked as an educator, researcher and author in the field of artificial intelligence since 1982. <think> <set name="he">Dr. Wallace</set> </think>
<think><set name="topic">RICHARD WALLACE</set></think>
<category><pattern>TELL ME ABOUT DR RICHARD S WALLACE</pattern>
<template><srai>WHO IS DR RICHARD S WALLACE</srai>
<think><set name="topic">RICHARD WALLACE</set></think>
<category><pattern>TELL ME ABOUT DR RICHARD WALLACE</pattern>
<template><srai>WHO IS DR RICHARD WALLACE</srai>
<think><set name="topic">RICHARD WALLACE</set></think>
<category><pattern>TELL ME ABOUT DR WALLACE</pattern>
<template>Dr. Richard S. Wallace was born on August 2, 1960 in Portland, Maine. He has a Ph.D. in computer science from Carnegie Mellon University. <srai>WHERE IS WALLACE</srai>.
<think><set name="topic">RICHARD WALLACE</set></think>
<category><pattern>TELL ME MORE ABOUT DR WALLACE</pattern>
<template>Why don't you buy his book and read his biography?
<think><set name="topic">RICHARD WALLACE</set></think>
<category><pattern>TELL WALLACE I *</pattern>
<template><srai>I <star/> </srai>
<think><set name="topic">RICHARD WALLACE</set></think>
<category><pattern>TELL WALLACE *</pattern>
<template>I will pass that along to him. You could also send him an e-mail.
<think><set name="topic">RICHARD WALLACE</set></think>
<category><pattern>TELL RICH</pattern>
<template>OK I will him. Or you could send him e-mail.
<think><set name="topic">RICHARD WALLACE</set></think>
<category><pattern>WHERE CAN I FIND DR WALLACE</pattern>
<template><srai>WHAT IS YOUR E MAIL</srai>
<think><set name="topic">RICHARD WALLACE</set></think>
<category><pattern>WHERE CAN I FIND * WALLACE</pattern>
<template><srai>WHAT IS YOUR E MAIL</srai>
<think><set name="topic">RICHARD WALLACE</set></think>
<category><pattern>WHERE CAN I GET THE TAO OF AIML</pattern>
<template>You can order it from Dr. Wallace
<think><set name="topic">RICHARD WALLACE</set></think>
<category><pattern>WHERE CAN I REACH DR WALLACE</pattern>
<template><srai>WHAT IS YOUR E MAIL</srai>
<think><set name="topic">RICHARD WALLACE</set></think>
<category><pattern>WHERE WAS DR WALLACE BORN</pattern>
<template>He was born in Portland, in the State of Maine.
<think><set name="topic">RICHARD WALLACE</set></think>
<category><pattern>WHERE WAS DR WALLACE *</pattern>
<template><srai>WHERE IS DR WALLACE <star/></srai>
<think><set name="topic">RICHARD WALLACE</set></think>
<category><pattern>WHERE IS WALLACE</pattern>
<template><set name="he">Dr. Wallace</set> lives in Philadelphia.
<think><set name="topic">RICHARD WALLACE</set></think>
<category><pattern>WHERE IS * WALLACE</pattern>
<template><srai>WHERE IS WALLACE</srai>
<think><set name="topic">RICHARD WALLACE</set></think>
<category><pattern>WHERE IS DR RICHARD S WALLACE</pattern>
<template>At the moment? <srai>WHERE IS WALLACE</srai>
<think><set name="topic">RICHARD WALLACE</set></think>
<category><pattern>WHERE IS DR RICHARD WALLACE</pattern>
<template><srai>WHERE IS WALLACE</srai>
<think><set name="topic">RICHARD WALLACE</set></think>
<category><pattern>WHERE IS DR WALLACE S COMPUTER</pattern>
<template><set name="it">The computer</set> is in his laboratory in Oakland, CA.
<think><set name="topic">RICHARD WALLACE</set></think>
<category><pattern>WHERE IS DR WALLACE FROM</pattern>
<template>He is originally from Maine, but <srai>WHERE IS WALLACE</srai> now.
<think><set name="topic">RICHARD WALLACE</set></think>
<category><pattern>WHERE IS DR WALLACE</pattern>
<template><srai>WHERE IS WALLACE</srai>
<think><set name="topic">RICHARD WALLACE</set></think>
<category><pattern>WHERE IS DR WALLACE *</pattern>
<template><srai>WHERE IS WALLACE</srai>
<think><set name="topic">RICHARD WALLACE</set></think>
<category><pattern>WHERE IS DR RICH WALLACE</pattern>
<template><srai>WHERE IS WALLACE</srai>
<think><set name="topic">RICHARD WALLACE</set></think>
<category><pattern>WHERE IS DR RICH</pattern>
<template><srai>WHERE IS WALLACE</srai>
<think><set name="topic">RICHARD WALLACE</set></think>
<category><pattern>WHERE IS RICH</pattern>
<template><srai>WHERE IS WALLACE</srai>
<think><set name="topic">RICHARD WALLACE</set></think>
<category><pattern>WHERE IS RICHARD S WALLACE</pattern>
<template><srai>WHERE IS WALLACE</srai>
<think><set name="topic">RICHARD WALLACE</set></think>
<category><pattern>WHERE IS RICHARD WALLACE</pattern>
<template><random><li><srai>where is dr wallace</srai></li><li><srai>WHERE IS WALLACE</srai></li></random>
<think><set name="topic">RICHARD WALLACE</set></think>
<category><pattern>WHERE IS RICHARD</pattern>
<template><srai>WHERE IS WALLACE</srai>
<think><set name="topic">RICHARD WALLACE</set></think>
<category><pattern>WHERE IS DRWALLACE</pattern>
<template><srai>WHERE IS DR WALLACE</srai>
<think><set name="topic">RICHARD WALLACE</set></think>
<category><pattern>WHERE DOES DR WALLACE LIVE</pattern>
<template><srai>WHERE IS WALLACE</srai>
<think><set name="topic">RICHARD WALLACE</set></think>
<category><pattern>WHERE DOES DR WALLACE *</pattern>
<template><srai>WHERE IS DR WALLACE</srai>
<think><set name="topic">RICHARD WALLACE</set></think>
<category><pattern>WHERE DOES DR WALLACE WORK</pattern>
<template><set name="he"> Dr. Wallace</set> works from his home. <srai>WHERE IS WALLACE</srai> <think> <set name="he">Dr. Wallace</set> </think>
<think><set name="topic">RICHARD WALLACE</set></think>
<category><pattern>WHERE DOES HE LIVE</pattern>
<template><srai>WHERE IS WALLACE</srai>
<think><set name="topic">RICHARD WALLACE</set></think>