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# Ensō~Chan - A Multi Purpose Discord Bot That Has Everything Your Server Needs!
# Copyright (C) 2020 Goudham Suresh
# This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
# it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
# the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
# (at your option) any later version.
# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# GNU General Public License for more details.
import datetime
import random
# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
# along with this program. If not, see <>.
from glob import glob
import aiohttp
import aiomysql
import discord
from decouple import config
from discord import Colour, Embed
from discord.ext import commands, tasks
from discord.ext.commands import when_mentioned_or
counter = 0
# Get DB information from .env
password = config('DB_PASS')
host = config('DB_HOST')
user = config('DB_USER')
port = config('DB_PORT')
db = config('DB_NAME')
disc_bots_gg_auth = config('DISCORD_BOTS_BOTS_AUTH')
# Getting the Bot token from Environment Variables
class Bot(commands.Bot):
def __init__(self, **options):
async def get_prefix(bot, message):
"""Allow the commands to be used with mentioning the bot"""
if message.guild is None:
return "~"
return when_mentioned_or(self.get_prefix_for_guild(str(, message)
super().__init__(command_prefix=get_prefix, **options)
self.db = None
self.description = 'All current available commands within Ensō~Chan', # Set a description for the bot
self.owner_id = 154840866496839680, # Your unique User ID
self.case_insensitive = True # Commands are now Case Insensitive
self.admin_colour = Colour(0x62167a) # Admin Embed Colour
self.version = "v1.7.2" # Version number of Ensō~Chan
self.remove_command("help") # Remove default help command
# Define variables that are for Enso only
self.hammyMention = '<@154840866496839680>'
self.hammy_role_ID = "<@&715412394968350756>"
self.blank_space = "\u200b"
self.enso_embedmod_colours = Colour(0x62167a)
self.enso_ensochancommands_Mention = "<#721449922838134876>"
self.enso_ensochancommands_ID = 721449922838134876
self.enso_verification_ID = 728034083678060594
self.enso_selfroles_ID = 722347423913213992
self.enso_guild_ID = 663651584399507476
self.enso_newpeople_ID = 669771571337887765
self.enso_modmail_ID = 728083016290926623
self.enso_feedback_ID = 739807803438268427
self.enso_cache = {}
def setup_cogs():
"""Load cogs into the bot"""
cogs = [path.split("\\")[-1][:-3] for path in glob("./cogs/*.py")]
for ext in cogs:
async def create_connection():
"""Setting up connection using pool/aiomysql"""
self.db = await aiomysql.create_pool(
async def startup_cache_log():
"""Store the modlogs/prefixes in cache from the database on startup"""
# Setup pool
pool = self.db
# Setup up pool connection and cursor
async with pool.acquire() as conn:
async with conn.cursor() as cur:
# Grab the prefix of the server from the database
select_query = """SELECT * FROM guilds"""
# Execute the query
await cur.execute(select_query)
results = await cur.fetchall()
# Store the guildID's, modlog channels and prefixes within cache
for row in results:
self.enso_cache[row[0]] = {"Prefix": row[1], "Modlogs": row[2], "RolesPersist": row[3]}
# Make sure the connection is setup before the bot is ready
async def post_bot_stats():
"""Method To Update Guild Count On"""
async with aiohttp.ClientSession() as session:
data={"guildCount": {len(self.guilds)},
"Content-Type": "application/json"},
headers={'Authorization': disc_bots_gg_auth})
await session.close()
@tasks.loop(minutes=10, reconnect=True)
async def change_status():
"""Creating Custom Statuses as a Background Task"""
global counter
# Waiting for the bot to ready
await self.wait_until_ready()
# Update Guild Count on
await post_bot_stats()
# Define array of statuses
looping_statuses = [
name=f"{len(self.users)} Weebs | {self.version}"),
name=f"Hamothy | Real Life | {self.version}"),
name=f"Hamothy Program | {self.version}"),
discord.Game(name=f"~help | {self.version}")
# Check if the counter is at the end of the array
if counter == (len(looping_statuses) - 1):
# Reset the loop
counter = 0
# Increase the counter
counter += 1
# Display the next status in the loop
await self.change_presence(activity=looping_statuses[counter])
# Start the background task(s)
# --------------------------------------------!Cache Section!-------------------------------------------------------
def store_cache(self, guildid, prefix, channel, rolespersist):
"""Storing GuildID, Modlogs Channel and Prefix in Cache"""
self.enso_cache[guildid] = {"Prefix": prefix, "Modlogs": channel, "RolesPersist": rolespersist}
def del_cache(self, guildid):
"""Deleting the entry of the guild within the cache"""
del self.enso_cache[guildid]
# --------------------------------------------!End Cache Section!---------------------------------------------------
# --------------------------------------------!RolePersist Section!-------------------------------------------------
def get_roles_persist(self, guildid):
"""Returning rolespersist value of the guild"""
return self.enso_cache[guildid]["RolesPersist"]
async def update_role_persist(self, guildid, value, pool):
"""Update the rolepersist value of the guild (Enabled or Disabled)"""
self.enso_cache[guildid]["RolesPersist"] = value
# Setup up pool connection and cursor
async with pool.acquire() as conn:
async with conn.cursor() as cur:
# Update the existing prefix within the database
update_query = """UPDATE guilds SET rolespersist = (%s) WHERE guildID = (%s)"""
update_vals = value, guildid,
# Execute the query
await cur.execute(update_query, update_vals)
await conn.commit()
# --------------------------------------------!End RolePersist Section!---------------------------------------------
# --------------------------------------------!ModLogs Section!-----------------------------------------------------
async def storage_modlog_for_guild(self, pool, ctx, channelID, setup):
"""Updating the modlog within the dict and database"""
self.enso_cache[str(]["Modlogs"] = channelID
# Setup up pool connection and cursor
async with pool.acquire() as conn:
async with conn.cursor() as cur:
# Update the existing modlogs channel within the database
update_query = """UPDATE guilds SET modlogs = (%s) WHERE guildID = (%s)"""
update_vals = channelID,,
# Execute the query
await cur.execute(update_query, update_vals)
await conn.commit()
# Send custom confirmation messages to log based on the command update or setup
if setup:
print(cur.rowcount, f"Modlog channel for guild {} has been Setup")
print(cur.rowcount, f"Modlog channel for guild {} has been Updated")
if setup:
# Send confirmation that modmail channel has been setup
await ctx.send(f"**Modlogs Channel** successfully setup in <#{channelID}>" +
f"\nPlease refer to **{ctx.prefix}help** for any information")
# Let the user know that the guild modlogs channel has been updated
channel = ctx.guild.get_channel(channelID)
await self.generate_embed(ctx,
desc=f"Modlog Channel for **{}** has been updated to {channel.mention}")
def remove_modlog_channel(self, guildid):
"""Remove the value of modlog for the guild specified"""
self.enso_cache[guildid]["Modlogs"] = None
def get_modlog_for_guild(self, guildid):
"""Get the modlog channel of the guild that the user is in"""
channel = self.enso_cache[guildid]["Modlogs"]
return channel
# --------------------------------------------!End ModLogs Section!-------------------------------------------------
# --------------------------------------------!Prefixes Section!----------------------------------------------------
async def storage_prefix_for_guild(self, pool, ctx, prefix):
"""Updating the prefix within the dict and database when the method is called"""
self.enso_cache[str(]["Prefix"] = prefix
# Setup up pool connection and cursor
async with pool.acquire() as conn:
async with conn.cursor() as cur:
# Update the existing prefix within the database
update_query = """UPDATE guilds SET prefix = (%s) WHERE guildID = (%s)"""
update_vals = prefix,,
# Execute the query
await cur.execute(update_query, update_vals)
await conn.commit()
print(cur.rowcount, f"Guild prefix has been updated for guild {}")
# Let the user know that the guild prefix has been updated
await self.generate_embed(ctx, desc=f"**Guild prefix has been updated to `{prefix}`**")
def get_prefix_for_guild(self, guildid):
"""Get the prefix of the guild that the user is in"""
prefix = self.enso_cache[guildid]["Prefix"]
if prefix is not None:
return prefix
return "~"
# --------------------------------------------!End Prefixes Section!------------------------------------------------
# --------------------------------------------!Roles/Colour/Embed Section!------------------------------------------
def random_colour():
"""Generate a random hex colour"""
return Colour(random.randint(0, 0xFFFFFF))
async def generate_embed(self, ctx, desc):
"""Generate Embed"""
embed = Embed(description=desc,
await ctx.send(embed=embed)
async def storeRoles(self, target, ctx, member):
"""Storing User Roles within Database"""
pool = self.db
role_ids = ", ".join([str( for r in target.roles])
# Setup up pool connection and cursor
async with pool.acquire() as conn:
async with conn.cursor() as cur:
# Store the existing roles of the user within the database
update_query = """UPDATE members SET mutedroles = (%s) WHERE guildID = (%s) AND discordID = (%s)"""
update_vals = role_ids,,
# Execute the query
await cur.execute(update_query, update_vals)
await conn.commit()
print(cur.rowcount, f"Roles Added For User {member} in {}")
async def clearRoles(self, member):
"""Clear the roles when the user has been unmuted"""
pool = self.db
# Setup up pool connection and cursor
async with pool.acquire() as conn:
async with conn.cursor() as cur:
# Clear the existing roles of the user from the database
update_query = """UPDATE members SET mutedroles = NULL WHERE guildID = (%s) AND discordID = (%s)"""
update_vals =,
# Execute the query
await cur.execute(update_query, update_vals)
await conn.commit()
print(cur.rowcount, f"Roles Cleared For User {member} in {}")
# --------------------------------------------!End Roles/Colour/Embed Section!--------------------------------------
# --------------------------------------------!Events Section!------------------------------------------------------
async def on_message(self, message):
"""Make sure bot messages are not tracked"""
# Processing the message
await self.process_commands(message)
async def on_ready():
"""Displaying if Bot is Ready"""
print("UvU Senpaiii I'm weady")
async def on_guild_join(self, guild):
Store users in a database
Store prefix/modlogs in the cache
# Store guildID, modlogs channel and prefix to cache
self.store_cache(str(, channel=None, prefix="~", rolespersist=0)
# Setup pool
pool = self.db
# Grabbing the values to be inserted
records = ", ".join(map(lambda m: f"({}, {})", guild.members))
# Setup up pool connection and cursor
async with pool.acquire() as conn:
async with conn.cursor() as cur:
# Define the insert statement for inserting the guild into the guilds table
insert_query = """INSERT INTO guilds (guildID) VALUES (%s) ON DUPLICATE KEY UPDATE guildID = VALUES(guildID)"""
val =,
# Execute the query
await cur.execute(insert_query, val)
await conn.commit()
print(cur.rowcount, f"Record(s) inserted successfully into Guilds from {}")
async with conn.cursor() as cur:
# Define the insert statement that will insert the user's information
insert = """INSERT INTO members (guildID, discordID) VALUES {}
ON DUPLICATE KEY UPDATE guildID = VALUES(guildID), discordID = VALUES(discordID)""".format(
# Execute the query
await cur.execute(insert)
await conn.commit()
print(cur.rowcount, f"Record(s) inserted successfully into Members from {}")
async def on_guild_remove(self, guild):
Remove users in the database for the guild
Remove the modlogs/guild from the cache
# Delete the key - value pairs for the guild
# Setup pool
pool = self.db
# Setup pool connection and cursor
async with pool.acquire() as conn:
async with conn.cursor() as cur:
# Delete the guild and prefix information as the bot leaves the server
delete_query = """DELETE FROM guilds WHERE guildID = %s"""
val =,
# Execute the query
await cur.execute(delete_query, val)
await conn.commit()
print(cur.rowcount, f"Record deleted successfully from Guild {}")
async with conn.cursor() as cur:
# Delete the record of the member as the bot leaves the server
delete_query = """DELETE FROM members WHERE guildID = %s"""
vals =,
# Execute the query
await cur.execute(delete_query, vals)
await conn.commit()
print(cur.rowcount, f"Record(s) deleted successfully from Members from {}")
async def on_member_join(self, member):
Bot event to insert new members into the database
In the Enso guild, it will send an introduction embed
# Get the guild
guild = member.guild
# Setup pool
pool = self.db
role_persist = self.get_roles_persist(str(
# Setup pool connection and cursor
async with pool.acquire() as conn:
async with conn.cursor() as cur:
# Define the insert statement that will insert the user's information
insert_query = """INSERT INTO members (guildID, discordID) VALUES (%s, %s)
ON DUPLICATE KEY UPDATE guildID = VALUES(guildID), discordID = VALUES(discordID)"""
vals =,,
# Execute the SQL Query
await cur.execute(insert_query, vals)
await conn.commit()
print(cur.rowcount, f"{member} Joined {}, Record Inserted Into Members")
async with conn.cursor() as cur:
# Get the roles of the user from the database
select_query = """SELECT * FROM members WHERE guildID = (%s) AND discordID = (%s)"""
vals =,,
# Execute the SQL Query
await cur.execute(select_query, vals)
result = await cur.fetchone()
role_ids = result[5]
if role_persist == 1:
# Get Enso Chan
bot = guild.get_member(
# Check permissions of Enso
if bot.guild_permissions.manage_roles and role_ids is not None:
# Get all the roles of the user before they were muted from the database
roles = [member.guild.get_role(int(id_)) for id_ in role_ids.split(", ") if len(id_)]
# Give the member their roles back
await member.edit(roles=roles)
print(f"{member} Had Their Roles Given Back In {}")
print(f"Insufficient Permissions to Add Roles to {member} in {}")
# Reset the roles entry for the database
update_query = """UPDATE members SET roles = NULL WHERE guildID = (%s) AND discordID = (%s)"""
update_vals =,,
# Execute the query
await cur.execute(update_query, update_vals)
await conn.commit()
print(cur.rowcount, f"Roles Cleared For {member} in {}")
# Make sure the guild is Enso
if == self.enso_guild_ID:
# Set the channel id to "newpeople"
new_people = guild.get_channel(self.enso_newpeople_ID)
# Set the enso server icon and the welcoming gif
server_icon = guild.icon_url
welcome_gif = ""
# Set up embed for the #newpeople channel
embed = Embed(title="\n**Welcome To Ensō!**",
value=f"Hello {member.mention}! We hope you enjoy your stay in this server! ",
value=f"Be sure to check out our <#669815048658747392> channel to read the rules and <#683490529862090814> channel to get caught up with any changes! ",
value=f"Last but not least, feel free to go into <#669775971297132556> to introduce yourself!",
# Send embed to #newpeople
await new_people.send(embed=embed)
async def on_member_remove(self, member):
"""Storing User Roles within Database When User Leaves Guild"""
role_ids = ", ".join([str( for r in member.roles if not r.managed])
# Setup pool
pool = self.db
# Setup pool connection and cursor
async with pool.acquire() as conn:
async with conn.cursor() as cur:
# Define the insert statement that will insert the user's information
update_query = """UPDATE members SET roles = (%s) WHERE guildID = (%s) AND discordID = (%s)"""
vals = role_ids,,,
# Execute the SQL Query
await cur.execute(update_query, vals)
await conn.commit()
print(cur.rowcount, f"{member} Left {}, Roles stored into Members")
# --------------------------------------------!End Events Section!--------------------------------------------------