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import sys
import unittest
from contextlib import contextmanager
from django.test import LiveServerTestCase, tag
from django.utils.decorators import classproperty
from django.utils.module_loading import import_string
from django.utils.text import capfirst
class SeleniumTestCaseBase(type(LiveServerTestCase)):
# List of browsers to dynamically create test classes for.
browsers = []
# A selenium hub URL to test against.
selenium_hub = None
# The external host Selenium Hub can reach.
external_host = None
# Sentinel value to differentiate browser-specific instances.
browser = None
# Run browsers in headless mode.
headless = False
def __new__(cls, name, bases, attrs):
Dynamically create new classes and add them to the test module when
multiple browsers specs are provided (e.g. --selenium=firefox,chrome).
test_class = super().__new__(cls, name, bases, attrs)
# If the test class is either browser-specific or a test base, return it.
if test_class.browser or not any(name.startswith('test') and callable(value) for name, value in attrs.items()):
return test_class
elif test_class.browsers:
# Reuse the created test class to make it browser-specific.
# We can't rename it to include the browser name or create a
# subclass like we do with the remaining browsers as it would
# either duplicate tests or prevent pickling of its instances.
first_browser = test_class.browsers[0]
test_class.browser = first_browser
# Listen on an external interface if using a selenium hub.
host = if not test_class.selenium_hub else '' = host
test_class.external_host = cls.external_host
# Create subclasses for each of the remaining browsers and expose
# them through the test's module namespace.
module = sys.modules[test_class.__module__]
for browser in test_class.browsers[1:]:
browser_test_class = cls.__new__(
"%s%s" % (capfirst(browser), name),
'browser': browser,
'host': host,
'external_host': cls.external_host,
'__module__': test_class.__module__,
setattr(module, browser_test_class.__name__, browser_test_class)
return test_class
# If no browsers were specified, skip this class (it'll still be discovered).
return unittest.skip('No browsers specified.')(test_class)
def import_webdriver(cls, browser):
return import_string("selenium.webdriver.%s.webdriver.WebDriver" % browser)
def import_options(cls, browser):
return import_string('selenium.webdriver.%s.options.Options' % browser)
def get_capability(cls, browser):
from selenium.webdriver.common.desired_capabilities import DesiredCapabilities
return getattr(DesiredCapabilities, browser.upper())
def create_options(self):
options = self.import_options(self.browser)()
if self.headless:
options.headless = True
except AttributeError:
pass # Only Chrome and Firefox support the headless mode.
return options
def create_webdriver(self):
if self.selenium_hub:
from selenium import webdriver
return webdriver.Remote(
return self.import_webdriver(self.browser)(options=self.create_options())
class SeleniumTestCase(LiveServerTestCase, metaclass=SeleniumTestCaseBase):
implicit_wait = 10
external_host = None
def live_server_url(cls):
return 'http://%s:%s' % (cls.external_host or, cls.server_thread.port)
def allowed_host(cls):
return cls.external_host or
def setUpClass(cls):
cls.selenium = cls.create_webdriver()
def _tearDownClassInternal(cls):
# quit() the WebDriver before attempting to terminate and join the
# single-threaded LiveServerThread to avoid a dead lock if the browser
# kept a connection alive.
if hasattr(cls, 'selenium'):
def disable_implicit_wait(self):
"""Disable the default implicit wait."""