You cannot select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

716 lines
22 KiB

"""Various helper functions"""
import asyncio
import base64
import binascii
import cgi
import datetime
import functools
import inspect
import netrc
import os
import platform
import re
import sys
import time
import warnings
import weakref
from collections import namedtuple
from contextlib import suppress
from math import ceil
from pathlib import Path
from types import TracebackType
from typing import ( # noqa
from urllib.parse import quote
from urllib.request import getproxies
import async_timeout
import attr
from multidict import MultiDict, MultiDictProxy
from yarl import URL
from . import hdrs
from .log import client_logger, internal_logger
from .typedefs import PathLike # noqa
__all__ = ('BasicAuth', 'ChainMapProxy')
PY_36 = sys.version_info >= (3, 6)
PY_37 = sys.version_info >= (3, 7)
PY_38 = sys.version_info >= (3, 8)
if not PY_37:
import idna_ssl
from typing import ContextManager
except ImportError:
from typing_extensions import ContextManager
def all_tasks(
loop: Optional[asyncio.AbstractEventLoop] = None
) -> Set['asyncio.Task[Any]']:
tasks = list(asyncio.Task.all_tasks(loop))
return {t for t in tasks if not t.done()}
if PY_37:
all_tasks = getattr(asyncio, 'all_tasks') # noqa
_T = TypeVar('_T')
sentinel = object() # type: Any
NO_EXTENSIONS = bool(os.environ.get('AIOHTTP_NO_EXTENSIONS')) # type: bool
# N.B. sys.flags.dev_mode is available on Python 3.7+, use getattr
# for compatibility with older versions
DEBUG = (getattr(sys.flags, 'dev_mode', False) or
(not sys.flags.ignore_environment and
bool(os.environ.get('PYTHONASYNCIODEBUG')))) # type: bool
CHAR = set(chr(i) for i in range(0, 128))
CTL = set(chr(i) for i in range(0, 32)) | {chr(127), }
SEPARATORS = {'(', ')', '<', '>', '@', ',', ';', ':', '\\', '"', '/', '[', ']',
'?', '=', '{', '}', ' ', chr(9)}
coroutines = asyncio.coroutines
old_debug = coroutines._DEBUG # type: ignore
# prevent "coroutine noop was never awaited" warning.
coroutines._DEBUG = False # type: ignore
def noop(*args, **kwargs): # type: ignore
return # type: ignore
async def noop2(*args: Any, **kwargs: Any) -> None:
coroutines._DEBUG = old_debug # type: ignore
class BasicAuth(namedtuple('BasicAuth', ['login', 'password', 'encoding'])):
"""Http basic authentication helper."""
def __new__(cls, login: str,
password: str='',
encoding: str='latin1') -> 'BasicAuth':
if login is None:
raise ValueError('None is not allowed as login value')
if password is None:
raise ValueError('None is not allowed as password value')
if ':' in login:
raise ValueError(
'A ":" is not allowed in login (RFC 1945#section-11.1)')
return super().__new__(cls, login, password, encoding)
def decode(cls, auth_header: str, encoding: str='latin1') -> 'BasicAuth':
"""Create a BasicAuth object from an Authorization HTTP header."""
auth_type, encoded_credentials = auth_header.split(' ', 1)
except ValueError:
raise ValueError('Could not parse authorization header.')
if auth_type.lower() != 'basic':
raise ValueError('Unknown authorization method %s' % auth_type)
decoded = base64.b64decode(
encoded_credentials.encode('ascii'), validate=True
except binascii.Error:
raise ValueError('Invalid base64 encoding.')
# RFC 2617 HTTP Authentication
# the colon must be present, but the username and password may be
# otherwise blank.
username, password = decoded.split(':', 1)
except ValueError:
raise ValueError('Invalid credentials.')
return cls(username, password, encoding=encoding)
def from_url(cls, url: URL,
*, encoding: str='latin1') -> Optional['BasicAuth']:
"""Create BasicAuth from url."""
if not isinstance(url, URL):
raise TypeError("url should be yarl.URL instance")
if url.user is None:
return None
return cls(url.user, url.password or '', encoding=encoding)
def encode(self) -> str:
"""Encode credentials."""
creds = ('%s:%s' % (self.login, self.password)).encode(self.encoding)
return 'Basic %s' % base64.b64encode(creds).decode(self.encoding)
def strip_auth_from_url(url: URL) -> Tuple[URL, Optional[BasicAuth]]:
auth = BasicAuth.from_url(url)
if auth is None:
return url, None
return url.with_user(None), auth
def netrc_from_env() -> Optional[netrc.netrc]:
"""Attempt to load the netrc file from the path specified by the env-var
NETRC or in the default location in the user's home directory.
Returns None if it couldn't be found or fails to parse.
netrc_env = os.environ.get('NETRC')
if netrc_env is not None:
netrc_path = Path(netrc_env)
home_dir = Path.home()
except RuntimeError as e: # pragma: no cover
# if pathlib can't resolve home, it may raise a RuntimeError
client_logger.debug('Could not resolve home directory when '
'trying to look for .netrc file: %s', e)
return None
netrc_path = home_dir / (
'_netrc' if platform.system() == 'Windows' else '.netrc')
return netrc.netrc(str(netrc_path))
except netrc.NetrcParseError as e:
client_logger.warning('Could not parse .netrc file: %s', e)
except OSError as e:
# we couldn't read the file (doesn't exist, permissions, etc.)
if netrc_env or netrc_path.is_file():
# only warn if the environment wanted us to load it,
# or it appears like the default file does actually exist
client_logger.warning('Could not read .netrc file: %s', e)
return None
@attr.s(frozen=True, slots=True)
class ProxyInfo:
proxy = attr.ib(type=URL)
proxy_auth = attr.ib(type=Optional[BasicAuth])
def proxies_from_env() -> Dict[str, ProxyInfo]:
proxy_urls = {k: URL(v) for k, v in getproxies().items()
if k in ('http', 'https')}
netrc_obj = netrc_from_env()
stripped = {k: strip_auth_from_url(v) for k, v in proxy_urls.items()}
ret = {}
for proto, val in stripped.items():
proxy, auth = val
if proxy.scheme == 'https':
"HTTPS proxies %s are not supported, ignoring", proxy)
if netrc_obj and auth is None:
auth_from_netrc = None
if is not None:
auth_from_netrc = netrc_obj.authenticators(
if auth_from_netrc is not None:
# auth_from_netrc is a (`user`, `account`, `password`) tuple,
# `user` and `account` both can be username,
# if `user` is None, use `account`
*logins, password = auth_from_netrc
login = logins[0] if logins[0] else logins[-1]
auth = BasicAuth(cast(str, login), cast(str, password))
ret[proto] = ProxyInfo(proxy, auth)
return ret
def current_task(loop: Optional[asyncio.AbstractEventLoop]=None) -> asyncio.Task: # type: ignore # noqa # Return type is intentionally Generic here
if PY_37:
return asyncio.current_task(loop=loop) # type: ignore
return asyncio.Task.current_task(loop=loop)
def get_running_loop(
loop: Optional[asyncio.AbstractEventLoop]=None
) -> asyncio.AbstractEventLoop:
if loop is None:
loop = asyncio.get_event_loop()
if not loop.is_running():
warnings.warn("The object should be created from async function",
DeprecationWarning, stacklevel=3)
if loop.get_debug():
"The object should be created from async function",
return loop
def isasyncgenfunction(obj: Any) -> bool:
func = getattr(inspect, 'isasyncgenfunction', None)
if func is not None:
return func(obj)
return False
@attr.s(frozen=True, slots=True)
class MimeType:
type = attr.ib(type=str)
subtype = attr.ib(type=str)
suffix = attr.ib(type=str)
parameters = attr.ib(type=MultiDictProxy) # type: MultiDictProxy[str]
def parse_mimetype(mimetype: str) -> MimeType:
"""Parses a MIME type into its components.
mimetype is a MIME type string.
Returns a MimeType object.
>>> parse_mimetype('text/html; charset=utf-8')
MimeType(type='text', subtype='html', suffix='',
parameters={'charset': 'utf-8'})
if not mimetype:
return MimeType(type='', subtype='', suffix='',
parts = mimetype.split(';')
params = MultiDict() # type: MultiDict[str]
for item in parts[1:]:
if not item:
key, value = cast(Tuple[str, str],
item.split('=', 1) if '=' in item else (item, ''))
params.add(key.lower().strip(), value.strip(' "'))
fulltype = parts[0].strip().lower()
if fulltype == '*':
fulltype = '*/*'
mtype, stype = (cast(Tuple[str, str], fulltype.split('/', 1))
if '/' in fulltype else (fulltype, ''))
stype, suffix = (cast(Tuple[str, str], stype.split('+', 1))
if '+' in stype else (stype, ''))
return MimeType(type=mtype, subtype=stype, suffix=suffix,
def guess_filename(obj: Any, default: Optional[str]=None) -> Optional[str]:
name = getattr(obj, 'name', None)
if name and isinstance(name, str) and name[0] != '<' and name[-1] != '>':
return Path(name).name
return default
def content_disposition_header(disptype: str,
quote_fields: bool=True,
**params: str) -> str:
"""Sets ``Content-Disposition`` header.
disptype is a disposition type: inline, attachment, form-data.
Should be valid extension token (see RFC 2183)
params is a dict with disposition params.
if not disptype or not (TOKEN > set(disptype)):
raise ValueError('bad content disposition type {!r}'
value = disptype
if params:
lparams = []
for key, val in params.items():
if not key or not (TOKEN > set(key)):
raise ValueError('bad content disposition parameter'
' {!r}={!r}'.format(key, val))
qval = quote(val, '') if quote_fields else val
lparams.append((key, '"%s"' % qval))
if key == 'filename':
lparams.append(('filename*', "utf-8''" + qval))
sparams = '; '.join('='.join(pair) for pair in lparams)
value = '; '.join((value, sparams))
return value
class reify:
"""Use as a class method decorator. It operates almost exactly like
the Python `@property` decorator, but it puts the result of the
method it decorates into the instance dict after the first call,
effectively replacing the function it decorates with an instance
variable. It is, in Python parlance, a data descriptor.
def __init__(self, wrapped: Callable[..., Any]) -> None:
self.wrapped = wrapped
self.__doc__ = wrapped.__doc__ = wrapped.__name__
def __get__(self, inst: Any, owner: Any) -> Any:
return inst._cache[]
except KeyError:
val = self.wrapped(inst)
inst._cache[] = val
return val
except AttributeError:
if inst is None:
return self
def __set__(self, inst: Any, value: Any) -> None:
raise AttributeError("reified property is read-only")
reify_py = reify
from ._helpers import reify as reify_c
reify = reify_c # type: ignore
except ImportError:
_ipv4_pattern = (r'^(?:(?:25[0-5]|2[0-4][0-9]|[01]?[0-9][0-9]?)\.){3}'
_ipv6_pattern = (
_ipv4_regex = re.compile(_ipv4_pattern)
_ipv6_regex = re.compile(_ipv6_pattern, flags=re.IGNORECASE)
_ipv4_regexb = re.compile(_ipv4_pattern.encode('ascii'))
_ipv6_regexb = re.compile(_ipv6_pattern.encode('ascii'), flags=re.IGNORECASE)
def _is_ip_address(
regex: Pattern[str], regexb: Pattern[bytes],
host: Optional[Union[str, bytes]]) -> bool:
if host is None:
return False
if isinstance(host, str):
return bool(regex.match(host))
elif isinstance(host, (bytes, bytearray, memoryview)):
return bool(regexb.match(host))
raise TypeError("{} [{}] is not a str or bytes"
.format(host, type(host)))
is_ipv4_address = functools.partial(_is_ip_address, _ipv4_regex, _ipv4_regexb)
is_ipv6_address = functools.partial(_is_ip_address, _ipv6_regex, _ipv6_regexb)
def is_ip_address(
host: Optional[Union[str, bytes, bytearray, memoryview]]) -> bool:
return is_ipv4_address(host) or is_ipv6_address(host)
def next_whole_second() -> datetime.datetime:
"""Return current time rounded up to the next whole second."""
return (
datetime.timezone.utc).replace(microsecond=0) +
_cached_current_datetime = None # type: Optional[int]
_cached_formatted_datetime = ""
def rfc822_formatted_time() -> str:
global _cached_current_datetime
global _cached_formatted_datetime
now = int(time.time())
if now != _cached_current_datetime:
# Weekday and month names for HTTP date/time formatting;
# always English!
# Tuples are constants stored in codeobject!
_weekdayname = ("Mon", "Tue", "Wed", "Thu", "Fri", "Sat", "Sun")
_monthname = ("", # Dummy so we can use 1-based month numbers
"Jan", "Feb", "Mar", "Apr", "May", "Jun",
"Jul", "Aug", "Sep", "Oct", "Nov", "Dec")
year, month, day, hh, mm, ss, wd, *tail = time.gmtime(now)
_cached_formatted_datetime = "%s, %02d %3s %4d %02d:%02d:%02d GMT" % (
_weekdayname[wd], day, _monthname[month], year, hh, mm, ss
_cached_current_datetime = now
return _cached_formatted_datetime
def _weakref_handle(info): # type: ignore
ref, name = info
ob = ref()
if ob is not None:
with suppress(Exception):
getattr(ob, name)()
def weakref_handle(ob, name, timeout, loop, ceil_timeout=True): # type: ignore
if timeout is not None and timeout > 0:
when = loop.time() + timeout
if ceil_timeout:
when = ceil(when)
return loop.call_at(when, _weakref_handle, (weakref.ref(ob), name))
def call_later(cb, timeout, loop): # type: ignore
if timeout is not None and timeout > 0:
when = ceil(loop.time() + timeout)
return loop.call_at(when, cb)
class TimeoutHandle:
""" Timeout handle """
def __init__(self,
loop: asyncio.AbstractEventLoop,
timeout: Optional[float]) -> None:
self._timeout = timeout
self._loop = loop
self._callbacks = [] # type: List[Tuple[Callable[None], Tuple[Any, ...], Dict[str, Any]]] # noqa
def register(self, callback: Callable[..., None],
*args: Any, **kwargs: Any) -> None:
self._callbacks.append((callback, args, kwargs))
def close(self) -> None:
def start(self) -> Optional[asyncio.Handle]:
if self._timeout is not None and self._timeout > 0:
at = ceil(self._loop.time() + self._timeout)
return self._loop.call_at(at, self.__call__)
return None
def timer(self) -> 'BaseTimerContext':
if self._timeout is not None and self._timeout > 0:
timer = TimerContext(self._loop)
return timer
return TimerNoop()
def __call__(self) -> None:
for cb, args, kwargs in self._callbacks:
with suppress(Exception):
cb(*args, **kwargs)
class BaseTimerContext(ContextManager['BaseTimerContext']):
class TimerNoop(BaseTimerContext):
def __enter__(self) -> BaseTimerContext:
return self
def __exit__(self, exc_type: Optional[Type[BaseException]],
exc_val: Optional[BaseException],
exc_tb: Optional[TracebackType]) -> Optional[bool]:
return False
class TimerContext(BaseTimerContext):
""" Low resolution timeout context manager """
def __init__(self, loop: asyncio.AbstractEventLoop) -> None:
self._loop = loop
self._tasks = [] # type: List[asyncio.Task[Any]]
self._cancelled = False
def __enter__(self) -> BaseTimerContext:
task = current_task(loop=self._loop)
if task is None:
raise RuntimeError('Timeout context manager should be used '
'inside a task')
if self._cancelled:
raise asyncio.TimeoutError from None
return self
def __exit__(self, exc_type: Optional[Type[BaseException]],
exc_val: Optional[BaseException],
exc_tb: Optional[TracebackType]) -> Optional[bool]:
if self._tasks:
if exc_type is asyncio.CancelledError and self._cancelled:
raise asyncio.TimeoutError from None
return None
def timeout(self) -> None:
if not self._cancelled:
for task in set(self._tasks):
self._cancelled = True
class CeilTimeout(async_timeout.timeout):
def __enter__(self) -> async_timeout.timeout:
if self._timeout is not None:
self._task = current_task(loop=self._loop)
if self._task is None:
raise RuntimeError(
'Timeout context manager should be used inside a task')
self._cancel_handler = self._loop.call_at(
ceil(self._loop.time() + self._timeout), self._cancel_task)
return self
class HeadersMixin:
ATTRS = frozenset([
'_content_type', '_content_dict', '_stored_content_type'])
_content_type = None # type: Optional[str]
_content_dict = None # type: Optional[Dict[str, str]]
_stored_content_type = sentinel
def _parse_content_type(self, raw: str) -> None:
self._stored_content_type = raw
if raw is None:
# default value according to RFC 2616
self._content_type = 'application/octet-stream'
self._content_dict = {}
self._content_type, self._content_dict = cgi.parse_header(raw)
def content_type(self) -> str:
"""The value of content part for Content-Type HTTP header."""
raw = self._headers.get(hdrs.CONTENT_TYPE) # type: ignore
if self._stored_content_type != raw:
return self._content_type # type: ignore
def charset(self) -> Optional[str]:
"""The value of charset part for Content-Type HTTP header."""
raw = self._headers.get(hdrs.CONTENT_TYPE) # type: ignore
if self._stored_content_type != raw:
return self._content_dict.get('charset') # type: ignore
def content_length(self) -> Optional[int]:
"""The value of Content-Length HTTP header."""
content_length = self._headers.get(hdrs.CONTENT_LENGTH) # type: ignore
if content_length is not None:
return int(content_length)
return None
def set_result(fut: 'asyncio.Future[_T]', result: _T) -> None:
if not fut.done():
def set_exception(fut: 'asyncio.Future[_T]', exc: BaseException) -> None:
if not fut.done():
class ChainMapProxy(Mapping[str, Any]):
__slots__ = ('_maps',)
def __init__(self, maps: Iterable[Mapping[str, Any]]) -> None:
self._maps = tuple(maps)
def __init_subclass__(cls) -> None:
raise TypeError("Inheritance class {} from ChainMapProxy "
"is forbidden".format(cls.__name__))
def __getitem__(self, key: str) -> Any:
for mapping in self._maps:
return mapping[key]
except KeyError:
raise KeyError(key)
def get(self, key: str, default: Any=None) -> Any:
return self[key] if key in self else default
def __len__(self) -> int:
# reuses stored hash values if possible
return len(set().union(*self._maps)) # type: ignore
def __iter__(self) -> Iterator[str]:
d = {} # type: Dict[str, Any]
for mapping in reversed(self._maps):
# reuses stored hash values if possible
return iter(d)
def __contains__(self, key: object) -> bool:
return any(key in m for m in self._maps)
def __bool__(self) -> bool:
return any(self._maps)
def __repr__(self) -> str:
content = ", ".join(map(repr, self._maps))
return 'ChainMapProxy({})'.format(content)