You cannot select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

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import itertools
import math
from copy import copy
from django.core.exceptions import EmptyResultSet
from django.db.models.expressions import Case, Exists, Func, Value, When
from django.db.models.fields import (
BooleanField, DateTimeField, Field, IntegerField,
from django.db.models.query_utils import RegisterLookupMixin
from django.utils.datastructures import OrderedSet
from django.utils.functional import cached_property
class Lookup:
lookup_name = None
prepare_rhs = True
can_use_none_as_rhs = False
def __init__(self, lhs, rhs):
self.lhs, self.rhs = lhs, rhs
self.rhs = self.get_prep_lookup()
if hasattr(self.lhs, 'get_bilateral_transforms'):
bilateral_transforms = self.lhs.get_bilateral_transforms()
bilateral_transforms = []
if bilateral_transforms:
# Warn the user as soon as possible if they are trying to apply
# a bilateral transformation on a nested QuerySet: that won't work.
from django.db.models.sql.query import Query # avoid circular import
if isinstance(rhs, Query):
raise NotImplementedError("Bilateral transformations on nested querysets are not implemented.")
self.bilateral_transforms = bilateral_transforms
def apply_bilateral_transforms(self, value):
for transform in self.bilateral_transforms:
value = transform(value)
return value
def batch_process_rhs(self, compiler, connection, rhs=None):
if rhs is None:
rhs = self.rhs
if self.bilateral_transforms:
sqls, sqls_params = [], []
for p in rhs:
value = Value(p, output_field=self.lhs.output_field)
value = self.apply_bilateral_transforms(value)
value = value.resolve_expression(compiler.query)
sql, sql_params = compiler.compile(value)
_, params = self.get_db_prep_lookup(rhs, connection)
sqls, sqls_params = ['%s'] * len(params), params
return sqls, sqls_params
def get_source_expressions(self):
if self.rhs_is_direct_value():
return [self.lhs]
return [self.lhs, self.rhs]
def set_source_expressions(self, new_exprs):
if len(new_exprs) == 1:
self.lhs = new_exprs[0]
self.lhs, self.rhs = new_exprs
def get_prep_lookup(self):
if hasattr(self.rhs, 'resolve_expression'):
return self.rhs
if self.prepare_rhs and hasattr(self.lhs.output_field, 'get_prep_value'):
return self.lhs.output_field.get_prep_value(self.rhs)
return self.rhs
def get_db_prep_lookup(self, value, connection):
return ('%s', [value])
def process_lhs(self, compiler, connection, lhs=None):
lhs = lhs or self.lhs
if hasattr(lhs, 'resolve_expression'):
lhs = lhs.resolve_expression(compiler.query)
return compiler.compile(lhs)
def process_rhs(self, compiler, connection):
value = self.rhs
if self.bilateral_transforms:
if self.rhs_is_direct_value():
# Do not call get_db_prep_lookup here as the value will be
# transformed before being used for lookup
value = Value(value, output_field=self.lhs.output_field)
value = self.apply_bilateral_transforms(value)
value = value.resolve_expression(compiler.query)
if hasattr(value, 'as_sql'):
return compiler.compile(value)
return self.get_db_prep_lookup(value, connection)
def rhs_is_direct_value(self):
return not hasattr(self.rhs, 'as_sql')
def relabeled_clone(self, relabels):
new = copy(self)
new.lhs = new.lhs.relabeled_clone(relabels)
if hasattr(new.rhs, 'relabeled_clone'):
new.rhs = new.rhs.relabeled_clone(relabels)
return new
def get_group_by_cols(self, alias=None):
cols = self.lhs.get_group_by_cols()
if hasattr(self.rhs, 'get_group_by_cols'):
return cols
def as_sql(self, compiler, connection):
raise NotImplementedError
def as_oracle(self, compiler, connection):
# Oracle doesn't allow EXISTS() to be compared to another expression
# unless it's wrapped in a CASE WHEN.
wrapped = False
exprs = []
for expr in (self.lhs, self.rhs):
if isinstance(expr, Exists):
expr = Case(When(expr, then=True), default=False, output_field=BooleanField())
wrapped = True
lookup = type(self)(*exprs) if wrapped else self
return lookup.as_sql(compiler, connection)
def contains_aggregate(self):
return self.lhs.contains_aggregate or getattr(self.rhs, 'contains_aggregate', False)
def contains_over_clause(self):
return self.lhs.contains_over_clause or getattr(self.rhs, 'contains_over_clause', False)
def is_summary(self):
return self.lhs.is_summary or getattr(self.rhs, 'is_summary', False)
class Transform(RegisterLookupMixin, Func):
RegisterLookupMixin() is first so that get_lookup() and get_transform()
first examine self and then check output_field.
bilateral = False
arity = 1
def lhs(self):
return self.get_source_expressions()[0]
def get_bilateral_transforms(self):
if hasattr(self.lhs, 'get_bilateral_transforms'):
bilateral_transforms = self.lhs.get_bilateral_transforms()
bilateral_transforms = []
if self.bilateral:
return bilateral_transforms
class BuiltinLookup(Lookup):
def process_lhs(self, compiler, connection, lhs=None):
lhs_sql, params = super().process_lhs(compiler, connection, lhs)
field_internal_type = self.lhs.output_field.get_internal_type()
db_type = self.lhs.output_field.db_type(connection=connection)
lhs_sql = connection.ops.field_cast_sql(
db_type, field_internal_type) % lhs_sql
lhs_sql = connection.ops.lookup_cast(self.lookup_name, field_internal_type) % lhs_sql
return lhs_sql, list(params)
def as_sql(self, compiler, connection):
lhs_sql, params = self.process_lhs(compiler, connection)
rhs_sql, rhs_params = self.process_rhs(compiler, connection)
rhs_sql = self.get_rhs_op(connection, rhs_sql)
return '%s %s' % (lhs_sql, rhs_sql), params
def get_rhs_op(self, connection, rhs):
return connection.operators[self.lookup_name] % rhs
class FieldGetDbPrepValueMixin:
Some lookups require Field.get_db_prep_value() to be called on their
get_db_prep_lookup_value_is_iterable = False
def get_db_prep_lookup(self, value, connection):
# For relational fields, use the 'target_field' attribute of the
# output_field.
field = getattr(self.lhs.output_field, 'target_field', None)
get_db_prep_value = getattr(field, 'get_db_prep_value', None) or self.lhs.output_field.get_db_prep_value
return (
[get_db_prep_value(v, connection, prepared=True) for v in value]
if self.get_db_prep_lookup_value_is_iterable else
[get_db_prep_value(value, connection, prepared=True)]
class FieldGetDbPrepValueIterableMixin(FieldGetDbPrepValueMixin):
Some lookups require Field.get_db_prep_value() to be called on each value
in an iterable.
get_db_prep_lookup_value_is_iterable = True
def get_prep_lookup(self):
if hasattr(self.rhs, 'resolve_expression'):
return self.rhs
prepared_values = []
for rhs_value in self.rhs:
if hasattr(rhs_value, 'resolve_expression'):
# An expression will be handled by the database but can coexist
# alongside real values.
elif self.prepare_rhs and hasattr(self.lhs.output_field, 'get_prep_value'):
rhs_value = self.lhs.output_field.get_prep_value(rhs_value)
return prepared_values
def process_rhs(self, compiler, connection):
if self.rhs_is_direct_value():
# rhs should be an iterable of values. Use batch_process_rhs()
# to prepare/transform those values.
return self.batch_process_rhs(compiler, connection)
return super().process_rhs(compiler, connection)
def resolve_expression_parameter(self, compiler, connection, sql, param):
params = [param]
if hasattr(param, 'resolve_expression'):
param = param.resolve_expression(compiler.query)
if hasattr(param, 'as_sql'):
sql, params = param.as_sql(compiler, connection)
return sql, params
def batch_process_rhs(self, compiler, connection, rhs=None):
pre_processed = super().batch_process_rhs(compiler, connection, rhs)
# The params list may contain expressions which compile to a
# sql/param pair. Zip them to get sql and param pairs that refer to the
# same argument and attempt to replace them with the result of
# compiling the param step.
sql, params = zip(*(
self.resolve_expression_parameter(compiler, connection, sql, param)
for sql, param in zip(*pre_processed)
params = itertools.chain.from_iterable(params)
return sql, tuple(params)
class Exact(FieldGetDbPrepValueMixin, BuiltinLookup):
lookup_name = 'exact'
def process_rhs(self, compiler, connection):
from django.db.models.sql.query import Query
if isinstance(self.rhs, Query):
if self.rhs.has_limit_one():
if not self.rhs.has_select_fields:
raise ValueError(
'The QuerySet value for an exact lookup must be limited to '
'one result using slicing.'
return super().process_rhs(compiler, connection)
class IExact(BuiltinLookup):
lookup_name = 'iexact'
prepare_rhs = False
def process_rhs(self, qn, connection):
rhs, params = super().process_rhs(qn, connection)
if params:
params[0] = connection.ops.prep_for_iexact_query(params[0])
return rhs, params
class GreaterThan(FieldGetDbPrepValueMixin, BuiltinLookup):
lookup_name = 'gt'
class GreaterThanOrEqual(FieldGetDbPrepValueMixin, BuiltinLookup):
lookup_name = 'gte'
class LessThan(FieldGetDbPrepValueMixin, BuiltinLookup):
lookup_name = 'lt'
class LessThanOrEqual(FieldGetDbPrepValueMixin, BuiltinLookup):
lookup_name = 'lte'
class IntegerFieldFloatRounding:
Allow floats to work as query values for IntegerField. Without this, the
decimal portion of the float would always be discarded.
def get_prep_lookup(self):
if isinstance(self.rhs, float):
self.rhs = math.ceil(self.rhs)
return super().get_prep_lookup()
class IntegerGreaterThanOrEqual(IntegerFieldFloatRounding, GreaterThanOrEqual):
class IntegerLessThan(IntegerFieldFloatRounding, LessThan):
class In(FieldGetDbPrepValueIterableMixin, BuiltinLookup):
lookup_name = 'in'
def process_rhs(self, compiler, connection):
db_rhs = getattr(self.rhs, '_db', None)
if db_rhs is not None and db_rhs != connection.alias:
raise ValueError(
"Subqueries aren't allowed across different databases. Force "
"the inner query to be evaluated using `list(inner_query)`."
if self.rhs_is_direct_value():
rhs = OrderedSet(self.rhs)
except TypeError: # Unhashable items in self.rhs
rhs = self.rhs
if not rhs:
raise EmptyResultSet
# rhs should be an iterable; use batch_process_rhs() to
# prepare/transform those values.
sqls, sqls_params = self.batch_process_rhs(compiler, connection, rhs)
placeholder = '(' + ', '.join(sqls) + ')'
return (placeholder, sqls_params)
if not getattr(self.rhs, 'has_select_fields', True):
return super().process_rhs(compiler, connection)
def get_rhs_op(self, connection, rhs):
return 'IN %s' % rhs
def as_sql(self, compiler, connection):
max_in_list_size = connection.ops.max_in_list_size()
if self.rhs_is_direct_value() and max_in_list_size and len(self.rhs) > max_in_list_size:
return self.split_parameter_list_as_sql(compiler, connection)
return super().as_sql(compiler, connection)
def split_parameter_list_as_sql(self, compiler, connection):
# This is a special case for databases which limit the number of
# elements which can appear in an 'IN' clause.
max_in_list_size = connection.ops.max_in_list_size()
lhs, lhs_params = self.process_lhs(compiler, connection)
rhs, rhs_params = self.batch_process_rhs(compiler, connection)
in_clause_elements = ['(']
params = []
for offset in range(0, len(rhs_params), max_in_list_size):
if offset > 0:
in_clause_elements.append(' OR ')
in_clause_elements.append('%s IN (' % lhs)
sqls = rhs[offset: offset + max_in_list_size]
sqls_params = rhs_params[offset: offset + max_in_list_size]
param_group = ', '.join(sqls)
return ''.join(in_clause_elements), params
class PatternLookup(BuiltinLookup):
param_pattern = '%%%s%%'
prepare_rhs = False
def get_rhs_op(self, connection, rhs):
# Assume we are in startswith. We need to produce SQL like:
# col LIKE %s, ['thevalue%']
# For python values we can (and should) do that directly in Python,
# but if the value is for example reference to other column, then
# we need to add the % pattern match to the lookup by something like
# col LIKE othercol || '%%'
# So, for Python values we don't need any special pattern, but for
# SQL reference values or SQL transformations we need the correct
# pattern added.
if hasattr(self.rhs, 'as_sql') or self.bilateral_transforms:
pattern = connection.pattern_ops[self.lookup_name].format(connection.pattern_esc)
return pattern.format(rhs)
return super().get_rhs_op(connection, rhs)
def process_rhs(self, qn, connection):
rhs, params = super().process_rhs(qn, connection)
if self.rhs_is_direct_value() and params and not self.bilateral_transforms:
params[0] = self.param_pattern % connection.ops.prep_for_like_query(params[0])
return rhs, params
class Contains(PatternLookup):
lookup_name = 'contains'
class IContains(Contains):
lookup_name = 'icontains'
class StartsWith(PatternLookup):
lookup_name = 'startswith'
param_pattern = '%s%%'
class IStartsWith(StartsWith):
lookup_name = 'istartswith'
class EndsWith(PatternLookup):
lookup_name = 'endswith'
param_pattern = '%%%s'
class IEndsWith(EndsWith):
lookup_name = 'iendswith'
class Range(FieldGetDbPrepValueIterableMixin, BuiltinLookup):
lookup_name = 'range'
def get_rhs_op(self, connection, rhs):
return "BETWEEN %s AND %s" % (rhs[0], rhs[1])
class IsNull(BuiltinLookup):
lookup_name = 'isnull'
prepare_rhs = False
def as_sql(self, compiler, connection):
sql, params = compiler.compile(self.lhs)
if self.rhs:
return "%s IS NULL" % sql, params
return "%s IS NOT NULL" % sql, params
class Regex(BuiltinLookup):
lookup_name = 'regex'
prepare_rhs = False
def as_sql(self, compiler, connection):
if self.lookup_name in connection.operators:
return super().as_sql(compiler, connection)
lhs, lhs_params = self.process_lhs(compiler, connection)
rhs, rhs_params = self.process_rhs(compiler, connection)
sql_template = connection.ops.regex_lookup(self.lookup_name)
return sql_template % (lhs, rhs), lhs_params + rhs_params
class IRegex(Regex):
lookup_name = 'iregex'
class YearLookup(Lookup):
def year_lookup_bounds(self, connection, year):
output_field = self.lhs.lhs.output_field
if isinstance(output_field, DateTimeField):
bounds = connection.ops.year_lookup_bounds_for_datetime_field(year)
bounds = connection.ops.year_lookup_bounds_for_date_field(year)
return bounds
def as_sql(self, compiler, connection):
# Avoid the extract operation if the rhs is a direct value to allow
# indexes to be used.
if self.rhs_is_direct_value():
# Skip the extract part by directly using the originating field,
# that is self.lhs.lhs.
lhs_sql, params = self.process_lhs(compiler, connection, self.lhs.lhs)
rhs_sql, _ = self.process_rhs(compiler, connection)
rhs_sql = self.get_direct_rhs_sql(connection, rhs_sql)
start, finish = self.year_lookup_bounds(connection, self.rhs)
params.extend(self.get_bound_params(start, finish))
return '%s %s' % (lhs_sql, rhs_sql), params
return super().as_sql(compiler, connection)
def get_direct_rhs_sql(self, connection, rhs):
return connection.operators[self.lookup_name] % rhs
def get_bound_params(self, start, finish):
raise NotImplementedError(
'subclasses of YearLookup must provide a get_bound_params() method'
class YearExact(YearLookup, Exact):
def get_direct_rhs_sql(self, connection, rhs):
return 'BETWEEN %s AND %s'
def get_bound_params(self, start, finish):
return (start, finish)
class YearGt(YearLookup, GreaterThan):
def get_bound_params(self, start, finish):
return (finish,)
class YearGte(YearLookup, GreaterThanOrEqual):
def get_bound_params(self, start, finish):
return (start,)
class YearLt(YearLookup, LessThan):
def get_bound_params(self, start, finish):
return (start,)
class YearLte(YearLookup, LessThanOrEqual):
def get_bound_params(self, start, finish):
return (finish,)