Update README.md

Hammy 4 years ago
parent 26314c4455
commit d6b1ae5da9

@ -1,7 +1,8 @@
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@ -10,7 +11,6 @@
@ -18,14 +18,25 @@
Utility Library to Access and Manipulate the Default System Clipboard
# About
The inspiration for this project came from my frustration of macOS not having clipboard history
built-in unlike Windows. This library will allow you to access the system clipboard and manipulate it.
# Configuration
# Windows / *Unix
This approach differs from the macOS section below as Windows/*Unix properly notify the program with global clipboard events.
This allows for a more event-driven approach as lostOwnership() is triggered whenever the clipboard has lost ownership - clipboard
has new content within it - and the contents can be observed by multiple consumers.
# macOS
Unlike the aforementioned event-driven approach, macOS unfortunately is not very good at notifying the program if the
system clipboard has changed. To query the system clipboard contents, we need to employ a polling schedule. I have chosen
**350ms** to ensure that images and large files can be copied over as well as reducing the load on the CPU.
# Mac OSX
# Contributing
# License
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