Remove public access from

Hammy 4 years ago
parent 0f89db74da
commit 8bb61c1320

@ -32,388 +32,362 @@ import static me.goudham.APIUtils.paginationData;
* Returns API information to {@link MyWaifuClient}
public class APIWrapper {
private final String version = "1.0";
private static final String host = "";
private String apiKey;
private APIMapper apiMapper;
private final HttpClient httpClient;
private final Executor executor = Executors.newFixedThreadPool(10);
* Instantiates an instance of {@link APIWrapper} to retrieve API Information.
* An instance of {@link APIMapper} is created to be able to {@code deserialize} JSON to
* Java objects
* @param apiKey API Key to authorise API request
* @param httpClient The underlying {@link HttpClient} to use for HttpRequests
APIWrapper(String apiKey, HttpClient httpClient) {
this.apiKey = apiKey;
this.httpClient = httpClient;
apiMapper = new APIMapper();
* Create base {@link HttpRequest.Builder} with custom url, default headers and timeout
* @param param The end of the endpoint appended onto the host
* @return {@link HttpRequest.Builder}
private HttpRequest.Builder getBaseRequest(String param) {
return HttpRequest.newBuilder()
.uri(URI.create(host + param))
.headers("Content-Type", "application/json", "apikey", apiKey);
* Separate method for sending GET requests
* @param param The end of the endpoint appended onto the host
* @return {@link Result}
* @throws APIResponseException If {@link #sendRequest(HttpRequest)} cannot retrieve the proper data from the API
Result sendGetRequest(String param) throws APIResponseException {
HttpRequest request = getBaseRequest(param).GET().build();
return sendRequest(request);
* Separate method for sending POST requests
* @param param The end of the endpoint appended onto the host
* @param headers Headers as Key/Value pairs for POST requests
* @return {@link Result}
* @throws APIResponseException If {@link #sendRequest(HttpRequest)} cannot retrieve the proper data from the API
* @throws APIMapperException If {@link APIMapper#getObjectAsString(Object)} cannot properly serialize object
private Result sendPostRequest(String param, Map<String, String> headers) throws APIResponseException, APIMapperException {
HttpRequest request = getBaseRequest(param)
return sendRequest(request);
* Handles sending a request to the API asynchronously using {@link HttpRequest}
* and the underlying {@link HttpClient}
* @param httpRequest The {@link HttpRequest} to be sent by the {@link HttpClient}
* @return {@link Result}
* @throws APIResponseException If the {@link CompletableFuture Response}
* cannot be decoded or the thread was interrupted while waiting to receive the data
private Result sendRequest(HttpRequest httpRequest) throws APIResponseException {
CompletableFuture<Result> futureResult = CompletableFuture.supplyAsync(() -> {
try {
return httpClient.send(httpRequest, HttpResponse.BodyHandlers.ofString());
} catch (IOException | InterruptedException exp) {
return null;
}, executor).thenApply(httpResponse -> new Result(httpResponse.statusCode(), httpResponse.body()));
try {
return futureResult.get();
} catch (InterruptedException | ExecutionException exp) {
throw new APIResponseException(exp.getMessage(), exp);
* Retrieve detailed information about the {@link Waifu} by sending request to API
* @param waifuId The id of the {@link Waifu}
* @return {@link Response} of {@link Waifu}
* @throws APIResponseException If {@link APIWrapper} could not return information properly
* @throws APIMapperException If {@link APIMapper} could not correctly {@code deserialize} model
Response<Waifu> getWaifu(String waifuId) throws APIResponseException, APIMapperException {
Result waifuResult = sendGetRequest("waifu/" + waifuId);
return apiMapper.deserialize(waifuResult, Waifu.class);
* Retrieve paginated images from the gallery, in sets of 10, by sending request to API
* @param waifuId The id of the {@link Waifu}
* @param pageNum The page number of the gallery
* @return {@link Response} of {@link WaifuImage}
* @throws APIResponseException If {@link APIWrapper} could not return information properly
* @throws APIMapperException If {@link APIMapper} could not correctly {@code deserialize} model
Response<PaginationData<WaifuImage>> getWaifuImages(String waifuId, String pageNum) throws APIResponseException, APIMapperException {
Result waifuImagesResult = sendGetRequest("waifu/" + waifuId + "/images?page=" + pageNum);
return apiMapper.deserializeToPaginationData(waifuImagesResult, paginationData(WaifuImage.class));
* Retrieve an array of {@link FilteredWaifu}'s, sorted alphabetically, by sending request to API
* @param pageNum The page number of the gallery
* @return {@link Response} of {@link PaginationData} with {@link FilteredWaifu}
* @throws APIResponseException If {@link APIWrapper} could not return information properly
* @throws APIMapperException If {@link APIMapper} could not correctly {@code deserialize} model
Response<PaginationData<FilteredWaifu>> getWaifusByPage(String pageNum) throws APIResponseException, APIMapperException {
Result waifusByPageResult = sendGetRequest("waifu?page=" + pageNum);
return apiMapper.deserializeToPaginationData(waifusByPageResult, paginationData(FilteredWaifu.class));
* Retrieve the Waifu of the Day by sending request to API
* @return {@link Response} of {@link FilteredWaifu}
* @throws APIResponseException If {@link APIWrapper} could not return information properly
* @throws APIMapperException If {@link APIMapper} could not correctly {@code deserialize} model
Response<FilteredWaifu> getDailyWaifu() throws APIResponseException, APIMapperException {
Result dailyWaifuResult = sendGetRequest("meta/daily");
return apiMapper.deserialize(dailyWaifuResult, FilteredWaifu.class);
* Retrieve a Random Waifu from the Website by sending request to API
* @return {@link Response} of {@link FilteredWaifu}
* @throws APIResponseException If {@link APIWrapper} could not return information properly
* @throws APIMapperException If {@link APIMapper} could not correctly {@code deserialize} model
Response<FilteredWaifu> getRandomWaifu() throws APIResponseException, APIMapperException {
Result randomWaifuResult = sendGetRequest("meta/random");
return apiMapper.deserialize(randomWaifuResult, FilteredWaifu.class);
* Retrieve a List of Currently Airing Anim by sending request to API
* @return {@link Response} of {@link List} with {@link FilteredSeries}
* @throws APIResponseException If {@link APIWrapper} could not return information properly
* @throws APIMapperException If {@link APIMapper} could not correctly {@code deserialize} model
Response<List<FilteredSeries>> getSeasonalAnime() throws APIResponseException, APIMapperException {
Result seasonalAnimeResult = sendGetRequest("airing");
return apiMapper.deserializeToList(seasonalAnimeResult, listOf(FilteredSeries.class));
* Retrieve the Best Waifus of the Current Season by sending request to API
* @return {@link Response} of {@link List} with {@link FilteredWaifu}
* @throws APIResponseException If {@link APIWrapper} could not return information properly
* @throws APIMapperException If {@link APIMapper} could not correctly {@code deserialize} model
Response<List<FilteredWaifu>> getBestWaifus() throws APIResponseException, APIMapperException {
Result waifuResults = sendGetRequest("airing/best");
return apiMapper.deserializeToList(waifuResults, listOf(FilteredWaifu.class));
* Retrieve a List of Popular Waifus <i>(Raw Count of Total Votes)</i> of the Current Season
* by sending request to API
* @return {@link Response} of {@link List} with {@link FilteredWaifu}
* @throws APIResponseException If {@link APIWrapper} could not return information properly
* @throws APIMapperException If {@link APIMapper} could not correctly {@code deserialize} model
Response<List<FilteredWaifu>> getPopularWaifus() throws APIResponseException, APIMapperException {
Result waifuResults = sendGetRequest("airing/popular");
return apiMapper.deserializeToList(waifuResults, listOf(FilteredWaifu.class));
* Retrieve the Most Disliked Waifus of the Current Season by sending request to API
* @return {@link Response} of {@link List} with {@link FilteredWaifu}
* @throws APIResponseException If {@link APIWrapper} could not return information properly
* @throws APIMapperException If {@link APIMapper} could not correctly {@code deserialize} model
Response<List<FilteredWaifu>> getTrashWaifus() throws APIResponseException, APIMapperException {
Result waifuResults = sendGetRequest("airing/trash");
return apiMapper.deserializeToList(waifuResults, listOf(FilteredWaifu.class));
* Retrieve detailed information about a given {@link Series} by sending request to API
* @param seriesId The id of the {@link Series}
* @return {@link Response} of {@link Series}
* @throws APIResponseException If {@link APIWrapper} could not return information properly
* @throws APIMapperException If {@link APIMapper} could not correctly {@code deserialize} model
Response<Series> getSeries(String seriesId) throws APIResponseException, APIMapperException {
Result seriesResult = sendGetRequest("series/" + seriesId);
return apiMapper.deserialize(seriesResult, Series.class);
* Retrieve paginated information about a Series by sending request to API
* @param pageNum The page number of the gallery
* @return {@link Response} of {@link PaginationData} with {@link FilteredSeries}
* @throws APIResponseException If {@link APIWrapper} could not return information properly
* @throws APIMapperException If {@link APIMapper} could not correctly {@code deserialize} model
Response<PaginationData<FilteredSeries>> getSeriesByPage(String pageNum) throws APIResponseException, APIMapperException {
Result seriesPageResult = sendGetRequest("series?page=" + pageNum);
return apiMapper.deserializeToPaginationData(seriesPageResult, paginationData(FilteredSeries.class));
* Retrieve the List of Anime that Aired in a given Season and Year by sending request to API
* @param season The specified season from {@link Season}
* @param year The specified year
* @return {@link Response} of {@link List} with {@link FilteredSeries}
* @throws APIResponseException If {@link APIWrapper} could not return information properly
* @throws APIMapperException If {@link APIMapper} could not correctly {@code deserialize} model
Response<List<FilteredSeries>> getAllSeries(Season season, Integer year) throws APIResponseException, APIMapperException {
Result allSeriesResult = sendGetRequest("airing/" + season.getSeason() + "/" + year);
return apiMapper.deserializeToList(allSeriesResult, listOf(FilteredSeries.class));
* Retrieve a set of Waifus for a given {@link Series} by sending request to API
* @param seriesId The id of the {@link Series}
* @return {@link Response} of {@link List} with {@link FilteredWaifu}
* @throws APIResponseException If {@link APIWrapper} could not return information properly
* @throws APIMapperException If {@link APIMapper} could not correctly {@code deserialize} model
Response<List<FilteredWaifu>> getSeriesWaifus(String seriesId) throws APIResponseException, APIMapperException {
Result allWaifusFromSeriesResults = sendGetRequest("series/" + seriesId + "/waifus");
return apiMapper.deserializeToList(allWaifusFromSeriesResults, listOf(FilteredWaifu.class));
* Retrieve information about the {@link User} by sending request to API
* @param userId The id of the {@link User}
* @return {@link Response} of {@link User}
* @throws APIResponseException If {@link APIWrapper} could not return information properly
* @throws APIMapperException If {@link APIMapper} could not correctly {@code deserialize} model
Response<User> getUserProfile(String userId) throws APIResponseException, APIMapperException {
Result userProfileResult = sendGetRequest("user/" + userId);
return apiMapper.deserialize(userProfileResult, User.class);
* Retrieve the Waifus Created, Liked, or Trashed for the given {@link User} id by sending request to API
* @param userId The id of the {@link User}
* @param listType The specified action E.g {@link WaifuListType#LIKED}
* @param pageNum The page number of the gallery
* @return {@link Response} of {@link PaginationData} with {@link FilteredWaifu}
* @throws APIResponseException If {@link APIWrapper} could not return information properly
* @throws APIMapperException If {@link APIMapper} could not correctly {@code deserialize} model
Response<PaginationData<FilteredWaifu>> getUserWaifus(String userId, String listType, String pageNum) throws APIResponseException, APIMapperException {
Result userWaifusResult = sendGetRequest("user/" + userId + "/" + listType + "?page=" + pageNum);
return apiMapper.deserializeToPaginationData(userWaifusResult, paginationData(FilteredWaifu.class));
* Retrieve a List of all {@link UserList}'s shown by sending request to API
* @param userId The id of the {@link User}
* @return {@link Response} of {@link List} with {@link UserList}
* @throws APIResponseException If {@link APIWrapper} could not return information properly
* @throws APIMapperException If {@link APIMapper} could not correctly {@code deserialize} model
Response<List<UserList>> getUserLists(String userId) throws APIResponseException, APIMapperException {
Result userProfileResult = sendGetRequest("user/" + userId + "/lists");
return apiMapper.deserializeToList(userProfileResult, listOf(UserList.class));
* Retrieve the Specific {@link UserList}, with {@link Waifu}'s by sending request to API
* @param userId The id of the {@link User}
* @param listId The id of the {@link UserList}
* @return {@link Response} of {@link UserList}
* @throws APIResponseException If {@link APIWrapper} could not return information properly
* @throws APIMapperException If {@link APIMapper} could not correctly {@code deserialize} model
Response<UserList> getUserList(String userId, String listId) throws APIResponseException, APIMapperException {
Result userProfileResult = sendGetRequest("user/" + userId + "/lists/" + listId);
return apiMapper.deserialize(userProfileResult, UserList.class);
* Retrieve a {@link List} of {@link FilteredWaifu} with a search term by sending a POST request to the API
* @param searchString {@link String} that should be searched for
* @return {@link Response} of {@link List} with {@link FilteredWaifu}
* @throws APIResponseException If {@link APIWrapper} could not return information properly
* @throws APIMapperException If {@link APIMapper} could not correctly {@code deserialize} model
Response<List<FilteredWaifu>> betaSearch(String searchString) throws APIMapperException, APIResponseException {
Result betaSearchResult = sendPostRequest("search/beta", Map.of("term", searchString));
return apiMapper.deserializeToList(betaSearchResult, listOf(FilteredWaifu.class));
* Retrieve a List of {@link FilteredWaifu}'s given a query, by sending POST request to API
* @param waifuName The name of the Waifu
* @return {@link Response} of {@link List} with {@link FilteredWaifu}
* @throws APIResponseException If {@link APIWrapper} could not return information properly
* @throws APIMapperException If {@link APIMapper} could not correctly {@code deserialize} model
Response<List<FilteredWaifu>> searchWaifus(String waifuName) throws APIMapperException, APIResponseException {
Result searchWaifusResult = sendPostRequest("search/waifus", Map.of("term", waifuName));
return apiMapper.deserializeToList(searchWaifusResult, listOf(FilteredWaifu.class));
* Retrieve a List of {@link FilteredSeries}'s given a query, by sending POST request to API
* @param seriesName The name of the Series
* @return {@link Response} of {@link List} with {@link FilteredSeries}
* @throws APIResponseException If {@link APIWrapper} could not return information properly
* @throws APIMapperException If {@link APIMapper} could not correctly {@code deserialize} model
Response<List<FilteredSeries>> searchSeries(String seriesName) throws APIMapperException, APIResponseException {
Result searchSeriesResult = sendPostRequest("search/series", Map.of("term", seriesName));
return apiMapper.deserializeToList(searchSeriesResult, listOf(FilteredSeries.class));
void setApiKey(String apiKey) {
this.apiKey = apiKey;
void setApiMapper(APIMapper apiMapper) {
this.apiMapper = apiMapper;
class APIWrapper {
private final String version = "1.0";
private static final String host = "";
private String apiKey;
private APIMapper apiMapper;
private final HttpClient httpClient;
private final Executor executor = Executors.newFixedThreadPool(10);
* Instantiates an instance of {@link APIWrapper} to retrieve API Information.
* An instance of {@link APIMapper} is created to be able to {@code deserialize} JSON to
* Java objects
* @param apiKey API Key to authorise API request
* @param httpClient The underlying {@link HttpClient} to use for HttpRequests
APIWrapper(String apiKey, HttpClient httpClient) {
this.apiKey = apiKey;
this.httpClient = httpClient;
apiMapper = new APIMapper();
* Create base {@link HttpRequest.Builder} with custom url, default headers and timeout
* @param param The end of the endpoint appended onto the host
* @return {@link HttpRequest.Builder}
private HttpRequest.Builder getBaseRequest(String param) {
return HttpRequest.newBuilder()
.uri(URI.create(host + param))
.headers("Content-Type", "application/json", "apikey", apiKey);
* Separate method for sending GET requests
* @param param The end of the endpoint appended onto the host
* @return {@link Result}
* @throws APIResponseException If {@link #sendRequest(HttpRequest)} cannot retrieve the proper data from the API
Result sendGetRequest(String param) throws APIResponseException {
HttpRequest request = getBaseRequest(param).GET().build();
return sendRequest(request);
* Separate method for sending POST requests
* @param param The end of the endpoint appended onto the host
* @param headers Headers as Key/Value pairs for POST requests
* @return {@link Result}
* @throws APIResponseException If {@link #sendRequest(HttpRequest)} cannot retrieve the proper data from the API
* @throws APIMapperException If {@link APIMapper#getObjectAsString(Object)} cannot properly serialize object
private Result sendPostRequest(String param, Map<String, String> headers) throws APIResponseException, APIMapperException {
HttpRequest request = getBaseRequest(param)
return sendRequest(request);
* Handles sending a request to the API asynchronously using {@link HttpRequest}
* and the underlying {@link HttpClient}
* @param httpRequest The {@link HttpRequest} to be sent by the {@link HttpClient}
* @return {@link Result}
* @throws APIResponseException If the {@link CompletableFuture Response}
* cannot be decoded or the thread was interrupted while waiting to receive the data
private Result sendRequest(HttpRequest httpRequest) throws APIResponseException {
CompletableFuture<Result> futureResult = CompletableFuture.supplyAsync(() -> {
try {
return httpClient.send(httpRequest, HttpResponse.BodyHandlers.ofString());
} catch (IOException | InterruptedException exp) {
return null;
}, executor).thenApply(httpResponse -> new Result(httpResponse.statusCode(), httpResponse.body()));
try {
return futureResult.get();
} catch (InterruptedException | ExecutionException exp) {
throw new APIResponseException(exp.getMessage(), exp);
* Retrieve detailed information about the {@link Waifu} by sending request to API
* @param waifuId The id of the {@link Waifu}
* @return {@link Response} of {@link Waifu}
* @throws APIResponseException If {@link APIWrapper} could not return information properly
* @throws APIMapperException If {@link APIMapper} could not correctly {@code deserialize} model
Response<Waifu> getWaifu(String waifuId) throws APIResponseException, APIMapperException {
Result waifuResult = sendGetRequest("waifu/" + waifuId);
return apiMapper.deserialize(waifuResult, Waifu.class);
* Retrieve paginated images from the gallery, in sets of 10, by sending request to API
* @param waifuId The id of the {@link Waifu}
* @param pageNum The page number of the gallery
* @return {@link Response} of {@link WaifuImage}
* @throws APIResponseException If {@link APIWrapper} could not return information properly
* @throws APIMapperException If {@link APIMapper} could not correctly {@code deserialize} model
Response<PaginationData<WaifuImage>> getWaifuImages(String waifuId, String pageNum) throws APIResponseException, APIMapperException {
Result waifuImagesResult = sendGetRequest("waifu/" + waifuId + "/images?page=" + pageNum);
return apiMapper.deserializeToPaginationData(waifuImagesResult, paginationData(WaifuImage.class));
* Retrieve an array of {@link FilteredWaifu}'s, sorted alphabetically, by sending request to API
* @param pageNum The page number of the gallery
* @return {@link Response} of {@link PaginationData} with {@link FilteredWaifu}
* @throws APIResponseException If {@link APIWrapper} could not return information properly
* @throws APIMapperException If {@link APIMapper} could not correctly {@code deserialize} model
Response<PaginationData<FilteredWaifu>> getWaifusByPage(String pageNum) throws APIResponseException, APIMapperException {
Result waifusByPageResult = sendGetRequest("waifu?page=" + pageNum);
return apiMapper.deserializeToPaginationData(waifusByPageResult, paginationData(FilteredWaifu.class));
* Retrieve the Waifu of the Day by sending request to API
* @return {@link Response} of {@link FilteredWaifu}
* @throws APIResponseException If {@link APIWrapper} could not return information properly
* @throws APIMapperException If {@link APIMapper} could not correctly {@code deserialize} model
Response<FilteredWaifu> getDailyWaifu() throws APIResponseException, APIMapperException {
Result dailyWaifuResult = sendGetRequest("meta/daily");
return apiMapper.deserialize(dailyWaifuResult, FilteredWaifu.class);
* Retrieve a Random Waifu from the Website by sending request to API
* @return {@link Response} of {@link FilteredWaifu}
* @throws APIResponseException If {@link APIWrapper} could not return information properly
* @throws APIMapperException If {@link APIMapper} could not correctly {@code deserialize} model
Response<FilteredWaifu> getRandomWaifu() throws APIResponseException, APIMapperException {
Result randomWaifuResult = sendGetRequest("meta/random");
return apiMapper.deserialize(randomWaifuResult, FilteredWaifu.class);
* Retrieve a List of Currently Airing Anim by sending request to API
* @return {@link Response} of {@link List} with {@link FilteredSeries}
* @throws APIResponseException If {@link APIWrapper} could not return information properly
* @throws APIMapperException If {@link APIMapper} could not correctly {@code deserialize} model
Response<List<FilteredSeries>> getSeasonalAnime() throws APIResponseException, APIMapperException {
Result seasonalAnimeResult = sendGetRequest("airing");
return apiMapper.deserializeToList(seasonalAnimeResult, listOf(FilteredSeries.class));
* Retrieve the Best Waifus of the Current Season by sending request to API
* @return {@link Response} of {@link List} with {@link FilteredWaifu}
* @throws APIResponseException If {@link APIWrapper} could not return information properly
* @throws APIMapperException If {@link APIMapper} could not correctly {@code deserialize} model
Response<List<FilteredWaifu>> getBestWaifus() throws APIResponseException, APIMapperException {
Result waifuResults = sendGetRequest("airing/best");
return apiMapper.deserializeToList(waifuResults, listOf(FilteredWaifu.class));
* Retrieve a List of Popular Waifus <i>(Raw Count of Total Votes)</i> of the Current Season
* by sending request to API
* @return {@link Response} of {@link List} with {@link FilteredWaifu}
* @throws APIResponseException If {@link APIWrapper} could not return information properly
* @throws APIMapperException If {@link APIMapper} could not correctly {@code deserialize} model
Response<List<FilteredWaifu>> getPopularWaifus() throws APIResponseException, APIMapperException {
Result waifuResults = sendGetRequest("airing/popular");
return apiMapper.deserializeToList(waifuResults, listOf(FilteredWaifu.class));
* Retrieve the Most Disliked Waifus of the Current Season by sending request to API
* @return {@link Response} of {@link List} with {@link FilteredWaifu}
* @throws APIResponseException If {@link APIWrapper} could not return information properly
* @throws APIMapperException If {@link APIMapper} could not correctly {@code deserialize} model
Response<List<FilteredWaifu>> getTrashWaifus() throws APIResponseException, APIMapperException {
Result waifuResults = sendGetRequest("airing/trash");
return apiMapper.deserializeToList(waifuResults, listOf(FilteredWaifu.class));
* Retrieve detailed information about a given {@link Series} by sending request to API
* @param seriesId The id of the {@link Series}
* @return {@link Response} of {@link Series}
* @throws APIResponseException If {@link APIWrapper} could not return information properly
* @throws APIMapperException If {@link APIMapper} could not correctly {@code deserialize} model
Response<Series> getSeries(String seriesId) throws APIResponseException, APIMapperException {
Result seriesResult = sendGetRequest("series/" + seriesId);
return apiMapper.deserialize(seriesResult, Series.class);
* Retrieve paginated information about a Series by sending request to API
* @param pageNum The page number of the gallery
* @return {@link Response} of {@link PaginationData} with {@link FilteredSeries}
* @throws APIResponseException If {@link APIWrapper} could not return information properly
* @throws APIMapperException If {@link APIMapper} could not correctly {@code deserialize} model
Response<PaginationData<FilteredSeries>> getSeriesByPage(String pageNum) throws APIResponseException, APIMapperException {
Result seriesPageResult = sendGetRequest("series?page=" + pageNum);
return apiMapper.deserializeToPaginationData(seriesPageResult, paginationData(FilteredSeries.class));
* Retrieve the List of Anime that Aired in a given Season and Year by sending request to API
* @param season The specified season from {@link Season}
* @param year The specified year
* @return {@link Response} of {@link List} with {@link FilteredSeries}
* @throws APIResponseException If {@link APIWrapper} could not return information properly
* @throws APIMapperException If {@link APIMapper} could not correctly {@code deserialize} model
Response<List<FilteredSeries>> getAllSeries(Season season, Integer year) throws APIResponseException, APIMapperException {
Result allSeriesResult = sendGetRequest("airing/" + season.getSeason() + "/" + year);
return apiMapper.deserializeToList(allSeriesResult, listOf(FilteredSeries.class));
* Retrieve a set of Waifus for a given {@link Series} by sending request to API
* @param seriesId The id of the {@link Series}
* @return {@link Response} of {@link List} with {@link FilteredWaifu}
* @throws APIResponseException If {@link APIWrapper} could not return information properly
* @throws APIMapperException If {@link APIMapper} could not correctly {@code deserialize} model
Response<List<FilteredWaifu>> getSeriesWaifus(String seriesId) throws APIResponseException, APIMapperException {
Result allWaifusFromSeriesResults = sendGetRequest("series/" + seriesId + "/waifus");
return apiMapper.deserializeToList(allWaifusFromSeriesResults, listOf(FilteredWaifu.class));
* Retrieve information about the {@link User} by sending request to API
* @param userId The id of the {@link User}
* @return {@link Response} of {@link User}
* @throws APIResponseException If {@link APIWrapper} could not return information properly
* @throws APIMapperException If {@link APIMapper} could not correctly {@code deserialize} model
Response<User> getUserProfile(String userId) throws APIResponseException, APIMapperException {
Result userProfileResult = sendGetRequest("user/" + userId);
return apiMapper.deserialize(userProfileResult, User.class);
* Retrieve the Waifus Created, Liked, or Trashed for the given {@link User} id by sending request to API
* @param userId The id of the {@link User}
* @param listType The specified action E.g {@link WaifuListType#LIKED}
* @param pageNum The page number of the gallery
* @return {@link Response} of {@link PaginationData} with {@link FilteredWaifu}
* @throws APIResponseException If {@link APIWrapper} could not return information properly
* @throws APIMapperException If {@link APIMapper} could not correctly {@code deserialize} model
Response<PaginationData<FilteredWaifu>> getUserWaifus(String userId, String listType, String pageNum) throws APIResponseException, APIMapperException {
Result userWaifusResult = sendGetRequest("user/" + userId + "/" + listType + "?page=" + pageNum);
return apiMapper.deserializeToPaginationData(userWaifusResult, paginationData(FilteredWaifu.class));
* Retrieve a List of all {@link UserList}'s shown by sending request to API
* @param userId The id of the {@link User}
* @return {@link Response} of {@link List} with {@link UserList}
* @throws APIResponseException If {@link APIWrapper} could not return information properly
* @throws APIMapperException If {@link APIMapper} could not correctly {@code deserialize} model
Response<List<UserList>> getUserLists(String userId) throws APIResponseException, APIMapperException {
Result userProfileResult = sendGetRequest("user/" + userId + "/lists");
return apiMapper.deserializeToList(userProfileResult, listOf(UserList.class));
* Retrieve the Specific {@link UserList}, with {@link Waifu}'s by sending request to API
* @param userId The id of the {@link User}
* @param listId The id of the {@link UserList}
* @return {@link Response} of {@link UserList}
* @throws APIResponseException If {@link APIWrapper} could not return information properly
* @throws APIMapperException If {@link APIMapper} could not correctly {@code deserialize} model
Response<UserList> getUserList(String userId, String listId) throws APIResponseException, APIMapperException {
Result userProfileResult = sendGetRequest("user/" + userId + "/lists/" + listId);
return apiMapper.deserialize(userProfileResult, UserList.class);
* Retrieve a {@link List} of {@link FilteredWaifu} with a search term by sending a POST request to the API
* @param searchString {@link String} that should be searched for
* @return {@link Response} of {@link List} with {@link FilteredWaifu}
* @throws APIResponseException If {@link APIWrapper} could not return information properly
* @throws APIMapperException If {@link APIMapper} could not correctly {@code deserialize} model
Response<List<FilteredWaifu>> betaSearch(String searchString) throws APIMapperException, APIResponseException {
Result betaSearchResult = sendPostRequest("search/beta", Map.of("term", searchString));
return apiMapper.deserializeToList(betaSearchResult, listOf(FilteredWaifu.class));
* Retrieve a List of {@link FilteredWaifu}'s given a query, by sending POST request to API
* @param waifuName The name of the Waifu
* @return {@link Response} of {@link List} with {@link FilteredWaifu}
* @throws APIResponseException If {@link APIWrapper} could not return information properly
* @throws APIMapperException If {@link APIMapper} could not correctly {@code deserialize} model
Response<List<FilteredWaifu>> searchWaifus(String waifuName) throws APIMapperException, APIResponseException {
Result searchWaifusResult = sendPostRequest("search/waifus", Map.of("term", waifuName));
return apiMapper.deserializeToList(searchWaifusResult, listOf(FilteredWaifu.class));
* Retrieve a List of {@link FilteredSeries}'s given a query, by sending POST request to API
* @param seriesName The name of the Series
* @return {@link Response} of {@link List} with {@link FilteredSeries}
* @throws APIResponseException If {@link APIWrapper} could not return information properly
* @throws APIMapperException If {@link APIMapper} could not correctly {@code deserialize} model
Response<List<FilteredSeries>> searchSeries(String seriesName) throws APIMapperException, APIResponseException {
Result searchSeriesResult = sendPostRequest("search/series", Map.of("term", seriesName));
return apiMapper.deserializeToList(searchSeriesResult, listOf(FilteredSeries.class));
void setApiKey(String apiKey) {
this.apiKey = apiKey;
void setApiMapper(APIMapper apiMapper) {
this.apiMapper = apiMapper;

@ -1,10 +1,9 @@
package me.goudham.exception;
import me.goudham.APIWrapper;
import me.goudham.Response;
* Thrown when {@link APIWrapper} fails to deserialize json into Java POJO's ({@link Response#getModel()})
* Thrown when {@code APIWrapper} fails to deserialize json into Java POJO's ({@link Response#getModel()})
public class APIMapperException extends Throwable {

@ -1,9 +1,7 @@
package me.goudham.exception;
import me.goudham.APIWrapper;
* Thrown when {@link APIWrapper} fails to return API information
* Thrown when {@code APIWrapper} fails to return API information
public class APIResponseException extends Throwable {
