import os import random import sys def getGuess(number): validGuess = False guess = "" while not validGuess: guess = str(input("Guess " + str(number) + " / 6: ")).upper() if len(guess) > 5 or len(guess) < 5: print("Invalid guess - please ensure you're guessing a word of 5 letters") else: validGuess = True return guess # Get absolute path to resource - works when run from script and compiled using PyInstaller def resource_path(relative_path): base_path = getattr(sys, '_MEIPASS', os.path.dirname(os.path.abspath(__file__))) return os.path.join(base_path, relative_path) def getWord(): lines = open(resource_path('words.txt')).read().splitlines() return random.choice(lines) def checkRight(wordToGuess, guessSoFar): if str(wordToGuess).upper() == str(guessSoFar).upper(): return True else: return False def header(): return r" ______ ______ _ _____" + "\n" + \ r"| _ \ \ / / _ \| | | ____|" + "\n" + \ r"| |_) \ V /| | | | | | _|" + "\n" + \ r"| __/ | | | |_| | |___| |___" + "\n" + \ r"|_| |_| |____/|_____|_____|" print("Welcome to...") print(header()) print("A totally original guessing game!") emptyWordGuess = ["_"] * 5 wrongLetters = set() rightLettersWrongPlace = set() wordToGuess = list(getWord().upper()) # print(wordToGuess) counter = 1 while counter < 6: userGuess = getGuess(counter) emptyWordGuess = ["_"] * 5 for i in range(len(userGuess)): if wordToGuess[i] == userGuess[i]: emptyWordGuess[i] = userGuess[i] elif userGuess[i] in wordToGuess: if userGuess[i] in emptyWordGuess and userGuess[i] not in wordToGuess[i:]: break else: rightLettersWrongPlace.add(userGuess[i]) else: wrongLetters.add(userGuess[i]) if checkRight(wordToGuess, emptyWordGuess): print("Congratulations! The word was", ''.join(wordToGuess).capitalize()) exit(420) print("Incorrect letters: " + str(wrongLetters)) print("Correct letters in the wrong place: " + str(rightLettersWrongPlace)) print("Result: " + " ".join(emptyWordGuess)) counter += 1 print("Ran out of guesses! The word was: ", "".join(wordToGuess)) exit(69)