You cannot select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

106 lines
3.7 KiB

import os
import random
import sys
# Gets the input from a user - number param is used to display the guess number the user is on
def get_guess(number):
validGuess = False
guess = ""
while not validGuess:
guess = str(input("Guess " + str(number) + " / 6: ")).upper()
if len(guess) > 5 or len(guess) < 5:
print("Invalid guess - please ensure you're guessing a word of 5 letters")
validGuess = True
return guess
# Get absolute path to resource - works when run from script and compiled using PyInstaller
def resource_path(relative_path):
base_path = getattr(sys, '_MEIPASS', os.path.dirname(os.path.abspath(__file__)))
return os.path.join(base_path, relative_path)
# Gets a random word from a words.txt file present in the same directory as this script
def get_random_word():
lines = open(resource_path('words.txt')).read().splitlines()
return random.choice(lines)
# Compares the users input with the word to be guessed. Returns true if the guess is correct, false otherwise
def check_word_is_right(word_guessed, word_to_guess):
if str(word_guessed).upper() == str(word_to_guess).upper():
return True
return False
# Makes a cool header.
def header():
return r" ______ ______ _ _____" + "\n" + \
r"| _ \ \ / / _ \| | | ____|" + "\n" + \
r"| |_) \ V /| | | | | | _|" + "\n" + \
r"| __/ | | | |_| | |___| |___" + "\n" + \
r"|_| |_| |____/|_____|_____|"
# Prints welcome messages
def intro():
print("Welcome to...")
print("A totally original guessing game!")
# Prints the results, a thank-you message and gracefully exits
def game_over(user_was_right, correct_word):
if user_was_right:
print("Congratulations! The word was", ''.join(correct_word).capitalize())
print("Ran out of guesses! The word was: ", "".join(correct_word))
input("Thanks for playing! Press ENTER to exit :)")
# Takes in the users guess and the myriad lists involved in the game logic, and compares the letters in the guess
# with the word to be guessed.
# Inserts the letter into the appropriate list, based on its presence & position (or lack thereof)
def check_letter_in_word(users_guess_input, word_to_be_guessed, users_guess_results, present_in_word, not_in_word):
for i in range(len(users_guess_input)):
if word_to_be_guessed[i] == users_guess_input[i]:
users_guess_results[i] = users_guess_input[i]
elif users_guess_input[i] in word_to_be_guessed:
if users_guess_input[i] in users_guess_results and users_guess_input[i] not in word_to_be_guessed[i:]:
# Main game flow.
def game_logic():
not_in_word, present_in_word = set(), set()
word_to_be_guessed = list(get_random_word().upper())
counter = 1
while counter < 7:
users_guess_input = get_guess(counter)
users_guess_results = ["_"] * 5
check_letter_in_word(users_guess_input, word_to_be_guessed, users_guess_results, present_in_word, not_in_word)
if check_word_is_right(word_to_be_guessed, users_guess_results):
game_over(True, word_to_be_guessed)
print("Incorrect letters: " + ', '.join(not_in_word))
print("Correct letters in the wrong place: " + ', '.join(present_in_word))
print("Result: " + " ".join(users_guess_results))
counter += 1
game_over(False, word_to_be_guessed)
def main():
if __name__ == '__main__':