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{-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings #-}
2 years ago
module Days.Day01 (day01) where
import AOC (Solution (..))
import Data.List (sort)
import Data.Text qualified as T
import Data.Text.Read qualified as T
2 years ago
day01 :: Solution
day01 = Solution parseInput part1 part2
parseInput :: T.Text -> [[Int]]
-- parseInput caloriesString = T.splitOn "\n\n" caloriesString
parseInput caloriesString = intList
split = T.splitOn "\n\n" caloriesString
strList = map T.lines split
intList = map (\x -> map unwrap (map T.decimal x)) strList
unwrap intList' = case intList' of
Left a -> error a
Right (b, _) -> b
2 years ago
part1 :: [[Int]] -> Int
part1 list = maximum $ map (\x -> sum x) list
2 years ago
part2 :: [[Int]] -> Int
part2 list = sum $ take 3 $ reverse $ sort $ map (\x -> sum x) list