chore: complete day 5

sgoudham 2 years ago
parent c6053d1f89
commit 9012b7b125
Signed by: hammy
GPG Key ID: 44E818FD5457EEA4

@ -91,5 +91,6 @@ library solutions
, base ^>=
, containers ^>=0.6.5
, text ^>=2.0
, split ^>=0.2.3
hs-source-dirs: solutions

@ -1,7 +1,20 @@
{-# language ScopedTypeVariables, GADTs #-}
module AOC (
module AOC.Types,
) where
import AOC.Types
import AOC.API
import Type.Reflection
-- TODO find a better way to avoid 'show'ing Stringlike things in
-- quotes ("") without resorting to end-users having to wrap Solutions
-- with something like data StringOr = StringLike a | NotStringLike b
showSolution :: forall a. (Typeable a, Show a) => a -> String
showSolution a = case eqTypeRep (typeRep @a) (typeRep @String) of
Just HRefl -> a
Nothing -> show a

@ -7,9 +7,11 @@ module AOC.Types (
import Data.Text (Text)
import GHC.Generics (Generic)
import Web.Internal.FormUrlEncoded (ToForm)
import Type.Reflection
data Solution where
Solution :: Show b => (Text -> a) -> (a -> b) -> (a -> b) -> Solution
Solution :: (Typeable b, Show b) =>
(Text -> a) -> (a -> b) -> (a -> b) -> Solution
data Submission = Submission {
part :: Int,

@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
module Main where
import AOC (Solution (..), mkAocClient)
import AOC (Solution (..), mkAocClient, showSolution)
import Configuration.Dotenv (defaultConfig, loadFile)
import Control.Exception (IOException, catch)
import Control.Monad (when)
@ -71,8 +71,8 @@ run (Solution pInput part1 part2) part input =
Just n -> printf "Part %d: %s\n" n $ if n == 1 then part1' else part2'
parsed = pInput input
part1' = show $ part1 parsed
part2' = show $ part2 parsed
part1' = showSolution $ part1 parsed
part2' = showSolution $ part2 parsed
-- | CLI parser
opts :: ParserInfo Options

@ -2,7 +2,7 @@
module Tests (test) where
import AOC (Solution (..))
import AOC (Solution (..), showSolution)
import Data.Text qualified as T
import Data.Text.IO qualified as T
import Data.Void (Void)
@ -14,6 +14,7 @@ import Test.Tasty.Ingredients.Basic (consoleTestReporter)
import Text.Megaparsec
import Text.Megaparsec.Char (newline, space)
import Text.Megaparsec.Char.Lexer qualified as L
import Type.Reflection
data TestInput = TestInput
{ _testName :: T.Text,
@ -55,23 +56,23 @@ test (Solution pInput part1 part2) day part = do
-- | Given an input parser, part1 or part2 function, and a test input,
-- generate an HUnit test.
mkTest :: Show b => (T.Text -> a) -> (a -> b) -> TestInput -> TestTree
-- TODO this feels like a leaky abstraction of Solution
mkTest :: (Typeable b, Show b) => (T.Text -> a) -> (a -> b) -> TestInput -> TestTree
mkTest pInput part TestInput {..} =
testCase (T.unpack _testName) $ T.unpack _testExpected @=? result
result = show . part $ pInput _testInput
result = showSolution . part $ pInput _testInput
-- | Parse test files into TestInput's
-- TODO more robust parsing and better, user-friendly custom errors
pTests :: Parser [TestInput]
pTests = many pTest <* eof
pTest = TestInput <$> pName <*> pInput <*> pExpected <?> "Test"
pName = T.pack <$> (symbol "-" *> lexeme (some (anySingleBut '\n'))) <?> "Test Name"
-- TODO handle leading space in test input more elegantly
pName = T.pack <$> (symbol "-" *> some (anySingleBut '\n') <* newline) <?> "Test Name"
pInput = T.pack <$> someTill anySingle (symbol "==") <?> "Input Lines"
pExpected = T.pack <$> many (anySingleBut '\n') <* newline <?> "Expected Output"
lexeme :: Parser a -> Parser a
lexeme = L.lexeme space
symbol :: T.Text -> Parser T.Text
symbol = L.symbol space

@ -1,16 +1,62 @@
{-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings #-}
module Days.Day05 (day05) where
import AOC (Solution (..))
import qualified Data.Text as T
import Data.Char
import Data.List qualified as L
import Data.List.Split qualified as S
import Data.Text qualified as T
-- 1. How many crates to move
-- 2. The stack to move crates from
-- 3. The stack to move crates to
type Instruction = (Int, Int, Int)
mapTuple :: (a -> b) -> (a, a, a) -> (b, b, b)
mapTuple f (a1, a2, a3) = (f a1, f a2, f a3)
replaceNth :: Int -> a -> [a] -> [a]
replaceNth _ _ [] = []
replaceNth n newVal (x : xs)
| n == 0 = newVal : xs
| otherwise = x : replaceNth (n - 1) newVal xs
day05 :: Solution
day05 = Solution parseInput part1 part2
parseInput :: T.Text -> a
parseInput = error "parseInput not defined for day 05"
parseInput :: T.Text -> ([String], [Instruction])
parseInput input = (cleanStacks, intInsts)
[crates, insts] = S.splitOn "\n\n" (T.unpack input)
inst = filter (not . null) $ map (filter isDigit) (words insts)
intInsts = map (\[one, two, three] -> mapTuple read (one, two, three)) (S.chunksOf 3 inst)
stacks = init $ lines crates
cleanStacks = map concat $ L.transpose $ map (map filtered . S.chunksOf 4) stacks
filtered xs = [xs !! 1 | xs !! 1 /= ' ']
part1 :: a -> Int
part1 = error "part1 not defined for day 05"
part1 :: ([String], [Instruction]) -> String
part1 (stacks, instructions) = map head (foldl logic stacks instructions)
logic :: [String] -> Instruction -> [String]
logic stacks' (num, from, to) = replacedStacks
to' = to - 1
from' = from - 1
sFrom = stacks' !! from'
sTo = stacks' !! to'
taken = replaceNth from' (drop num sFrom) stacks'
replacedStacks = replaceNth to' (reverse (take num sFrom) ++ sTo) taken
part2 :: a -> Int
part2 = error "part2 not defined for day 05"
part2 :: ([String], [Instruction]) -> String
part2 (stacks, instructions) = map head (foldl logic stacks instructions)
logic :: [String] -> Instruction -> [String]
logic stacks' (num, from, to) = replacedStacks
to' = to - 1
from' = from - 1
sFrom = stacks' !! from'
sTo = stacks' !! to'
taken = replaceNth from' (drop num sFrom) stacks'
replacedStacks = replaceNth to' (take num sFrom ++ sTo) taken
