cabal-version: 3.0 name: advent-of-haskell version: synopsis: Framework for AoC description: Run, submit, test, and benchmark Advent of Code solutions. license: BSD-3-Clause license-file: LICENSE author: IndecisionTree build-type: Simple common common default-language: GHC2021 ghc-options: -Wall default-extensions: RecordWildCards, OverloadedStrings executable runner import: common main-is: Main.hs build-depends: , aoc , base ^>= , containers ^>=0.6.5 , directory ^>=1.3.6 , dotenv ^>=0.9.0 , filepath ^>=1.4.2 , megaparsec ^>=9.3.0 , optparse-applicative ^>=0.17.0 , solutions , tasty ^>=1.4.2 , tasty-bench ^>=0.3.2 , tasty-hunit ^>=0.10.0 , text ^>=2.0 other-modules: Tests hs-source-dirs: runner library aoc import: common exposed-modules: AOC other-modules: AOC.API AOC.Types build-depends: , base ^>= , bytestring ^>=0.11.3 , http-api-data ^>=0.5 , http-client ^>=0.7.13 , http-client-tls ^>=0.3.6 , http-media ^>=0.8.0 , servant ^>=0.19.1 , servant-client ^>=0.19 , text ^>=2.0 , time ^>=1.11.1 hs-source-dirs: aoc library solutions import: common -- cabal-fmt: expand solutions exposed-modules: Days.Day01 Days.Day02 Days.Day03 Days.Day04 Days.Day05 Days.Day06 Days.Day07 Days.Day08 Days.Day09 Days.Day10 Days.Day11 Days.Day12 Days.Day13 Days.Day14 Days.Day15 Days.Day16 Days.Day17 Days.Day18 Days.Day19 Days.Day20 Days.Day21 Days.Day22 Days.Day23 Days.Day24 Solutions build-depends: , aoc , base ^>= , containers ^>=0.6.5 , text ^>=2.0 , split ^>=0.2.3 hs-source-dirs: solutions