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module Days.Day06 (day06) where
import AOC (Solution (..))
import Data.List
import Data.Maybe
import Data.Text qualified as T
day06 :: Solution
day06 = Solution parseInput part1 part2
isUnique :: String -> Bool
isUnique str = length (nub str) == length str
detectUnique :: Int -> String -> Char -> String
detectUnique n acc x =
if isUnique (take n $ reverse acc)
then acc ++ "0"
else acc ++ [x]
parseInput :: T.Text -> String
parseInput = T.unpack
part1 :: String -> Int
part1 input = fromJust $ elemIndex '0' (foldl (detectUnique chars) accumulator iterable)
chars = 4
accumulator = take chars input
iterable = drop chars input
part2 :: String -> Int
part2 input = fromJust $ elemIndex '0' (foldl (detectUnique chars) accumulator iterable)
chars = 14
accumulator = take chars input
iterable = drop chars input