import Page from '../components/Page'
import Meta from '../components/Meta'
import Header from '../components/Header'
import Footer from '../components/Footer'
import { PALETTE } from '../lib/constants'
export default ( ) => (
< Page >
< div className = "about" >
< div className = "mb4" >
< h2 > What does this do ? < / h 2 >
< p > You know all of those code screenshots you see on Twitter ? Although the code 's usually impressive, we think there' s room for improvement in the aesthetic department . Carbon is the easiest way to create beautiful images of your source code . Now you can impress all of your followers with your newfound design prowess . 🎨 < / p >
< / d i v >
< div className = "mb4" >
< h2 > How do I use it ? < / h 2 >
< h4 className = "mb0" > Import < / h 4 >
< p className = "mb1 mt2" > There are a few different ways to import code into Carbon : < / p >
< ul className = "mt0 mb3" >
< li > Drag a file into the editor < / l i >
< li > Append a GitHub Gist id to the url < / l i >
< li > Paste your code directly < / l i >
< / u l >
< h4 className = "mb0" > Customization < / h 4 >
< p className = "mt2 mb3" > Once you ' ve got all of your code into Carbon , you can customize your image by changing the syntax theme , background color , window theme , or padding . < / p >
< h4 className = "mb0" > Export / Sharing < / h 4 >
< p className = "mt2" > After you ' ve customized your image , you can copy a link to the image , save it , or share it on Twitter . < / p >
< / d i v >
< div className = "mb4" >
< h2 > I want to make this better . < / h 2 >
< p > Please do . < / p >
< / d i v >
< / d i v >
< style jsx > { `
h4 {
color : $ { PALETTE . GRAY } ;
ul {
list - style - position : inside ;
. about {
max - width : 632 px ;
` }</style>
< / P a g e >