You cannot select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

195 lines
4.9 KiB

import Morph from 'morphmorph'
import url from 'url'
import { escapeHtml } from './util'
const URL_LIMIT = 4e3
const mapper = new Morph({
types: {
bool: v => {
7 years ago
if (v == null) return undefined
if (v === 'false') return false
return Boolean(v)
int: v => {
const integer = parseInt(v)
if (isNaN(integer)) return undefined
return integer
intArray: v => {
if (v == null) return undefined
return v
.filter(i => !isNaN(i))
.map(i => parseInt(i))
parse: v => {
try {
const x = JSON.parse(v)
return x
} catch (e) {
return v
decode: v => {
if (v == null) return undefined
try {
return decodeURIComponent(v)
} catch (e) {
return v
encode: v => {
if (v == null) return undefined
try {
const encoded = encodeURIComponent(v)
if (encoded.length > URL_LIMIT) {
// soft prevent URL length limit errors
return encodeURIComponent(v.slice(0, URL_LIMIT / 2))
return encoded
} catch (e) {
return v
const readMappings = [
{ field: 'bg:backgroundColor' },
{ field: 't:theme' },
{ field: 'wt:windowTheme' },
{ field: 'l:language' },
{ field: 'width' },
{ field: 'ds:dropShadow', type: 'bool' },
{ field: 'dsyoff:dropShadowOffsetY' },
{ field: 'dsblur:dropShadowBlurRadius' },
{ field: 'wc:windowControls', type: 'bool' },
{ field: 'wa:widthAdjustment', type: 'bool' },
{ field: 'pv:paddingVertical' },
{ field: 'ph:paddingHorizontal' },
{ field: 'ln:lineNumbers', type: 'bool' },
{ field: 'fl:firstLineNumber', type: 'int' },
{ field: 'fm:fontFamily' },
{ field: 'fs:fontSize' },
{ field: 'lh:lineHeight' },
{ field: 'si:squaredImage', type: 'bool' },
{ field: 'es:exportSize' },
{ field: 'wm:watermark', type: 'bool' },
{ field: 'sl:selectedLines', type: 'intArray' },
{ field: 'copy', type: 'bool' },
{ field: 'readonly', type: 'bool' },
{ field: 'id' },
{ field: 'highlights', type: 'parse' },
{ field: 'code', type: 'decode' },
{ field: 'tb:titleBar', type: 'decode' },
const writeMappings = [
{ field: 'backgroundColor:bg' },
{ field: 'theme:t' },
{ field: 'windowTheme:wt' },
{ field: 'language:l' },
{ field: 'width' },
{ field: 'dropShadow:ds', type: 'bool' },
{ field: 'dropShadowOffsetY:dsyoff' },
{ field: 'dropShadowBlurRadius:dsblur' },
{ field: 'windowControls:wc', type: 'bool' },
{ field: 'widthAdjustment:wa', type: 'bool' },
{ field: 'paddingVertical:pv' },
{ field: 'paddingHorizontal:ph' },
{ field: 'lineNumbers:ln', type: 'bool' },
{ field: 'firstLineNumber:fl', type: 'int' },
{ field: 'fontFamily:fm' },
{ field: 'fontSize:fs' },
{ field: 'lineHeight:lh' },
{ field: 'squaredImage:si', type: 'bool' },
{ field: 'exportSize:es' },
{ field: 'watermark:wm', type: 'bool' },
{ field: 'code', type: 'encode' },
{ field: 'titleBar:tb', type: 'encode' },
export const serializeState = state => {
6 years ago
const stateString = encodeURIComponent(JSON.stringify(state))
return encodeURIComponent(
typeof window !== 'undefined' ? btoa(stateString) : Buffer.from(stateString).toString('base64')
export const deserializeState = serializedState => {
let stateString
if (typeof window !== 'undefined') {
stateString = atob(serializedState)
} else {
stateString = Buffer.from(serializedState, 'base64').toString()
return JSON.parse(decodeURIComponent(stateString))
const getQueryStringObject = query => {
if (query.state) {
return deserializeState(query.state)
const state =, query)
Object.keys(state).forEach(key => {
if (state[key] === '') state[key] = undefined
return state
function getQueryStringState(query) {
const queryParams = getQueryStringObject(query)
return Object.keys(queryParams).length ? queryParams : {}
function fixAsPathEncoding(asPath) {
try {
return url.parse(asPath, true)
} catch (e) {
return url.parse(encodeURI(asPath), true)
export const getRouteState = router => {
const { asPath = '' } = router
const { query, pathname } = fixAsPathEncoding(asPath)
const queryState = getQueryStringState(query)
const path = escapeHtml(
// remove trailing slash
.replace(/\/$/, '')
const parameter = path.length >= 19 && path.indexOf('.') < 0 ? path : null
return {
export const updateRouteState = (router, state) => {
const mappedState =, state)
// calls `encodeURIComponent` on each key internally
// const query = qs.stringify(mappedState)
pathname: router.pathname,
pathname: router.pathname,
query: mappedState,
{ shallow: true, scroll: false }