You cannot select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

381 lines
5.4 KiB

import toHash from 'tohash'
export const THEMES = [
id: '3024-night',
name: '3024 Night'
id: 'ambiance',
name: 'Ambiance'
id: 'blackboard',
name: 'Blackboard'
id: 'base16-dark',
name: 'Base 16 (Dark)'
id: 'base16-light',
name: 'Base 16 (Light)'
id: 'cobalt',
name: 'Cobalt'
id: 'dracula',
name: 'Dracula'
id: 'duotone-dark',
name: 'Duotone'
id: 'hopscotch',
name: 'Hopscotch'
id: 'material',
name: 'Material'
id: 'monokai',
name: 'Monokai'
id: 'panda-syntax',
name: 'Panda'
id: 'paraiso-dark',
name: 'Paraiso'
id: 'seti',
name: 'Seti'
id: 'solarized'
id: 'solarized dark',
name: 'Solarized (Dark)',
hasStylesheet: false
id: 'solarized light',
name: 'Solarized (Light)',
hasStylesheet: false
id: 'twilight',
name: 'Twilight'
id: 'yeti',
name: 'Yeti'
id: 'zenburn',
name: 'Zenburn'
export const THEMES_HASH = toHash(THEMES)
export const LANGUAGES = [
name: 'Auto',
mode: 'auto'
name: 'Plain Text'
name: 'C',
mode: 'clike',
mime: 'text/x-csrc',
short: 'c'
name: 'C++',
mode: 'clike',
mime: 'text/x-c++src',
short: 'cpp'
name: 'C#',
mode: 'clike',
mime: 'text/x-csharp',
short: 'cs'
name: 'Clojure',
mode: 'clojure'
name: 'Cobol',
mode: 'cobol'
name: 'CoffeeScript',
mode: 'coffeescript'
name: 'Crystal',
mode: 'crystal'
name: 'CSS',
mode: 'css'
name: 'D',
mode: 'd'
name: 'Dart',
mode: 'dart'
name: 'Django',
mode: 'django'
name: 'Docker',
mode: 'dockerfile'
name: 'Elixir',
mode: 'elixir',
custom: true
name: 'Elm',
mode: 'elm'
name: 'Erlang',
mode: 'erlang'
name: 'Fortran',
mode: 'fortran'
name: 'F# / OCaml',
mode: 'mllike'
name: 'Go',
mode: 'go'
name: 'Groovy',
mode: 'groovy'
name: 'Handlebars',
mode: 'handlebars'
name: 'Haskell',
mode: 'haskell'
name: 'Haxe',
mode: 'haxe'
name: 'HTML',
mode: 'htmlmixed'
name: 'Java',
mode: 'clike',
mime: 'text/x-java',
short: 'java'
name: 'JavaScript',
mode: 'javascript'
name: 'JSON',
mode: 'javascript',
mime: 'application/json',
short: 'json'
name: 'JSX',
mode: 'jsx'
name: 'Julia',
mode: 'julia'
name: 'Kotlin',
mode: 'clike',
mime: 'text/x-kotlin',
short: 'kotlin'
name: 'Lisp',
mode: 'commonlisp'
name: 'Lua',
mode: 'lua'
name: 'Markdown',
mode: 'markdown'
name: 'Mathematica',
mode: 'mathematica'
name: 'NGINX',
mode: 'nginx'
name: 'Nim',
mode: 'nimrod',
custom: true
name: 'Objective C',
mode: 'clike',
mime: 'text/x-objectivec',
short: 'objectivec'
name: 'Pascal',
mode: 'pascal'
name: 'Perl',
mode: 'perl'
name: 'PHP',
mode: 'php'
name: 'Python',
mode: 'python'
name: 'R',
mode: 'r'
name: 'Ruby',
mode: 'ruby'
name: 'Rust',
mode: 'rust'
name: 'Sass',
mode: 'sass'
name: 'Scala',
mode: 'clike',
mime: 'text/x-scala',
short: 'scala'
name: 'Smalltalk',
mode: 'smalltalk'
name: 'SQL',
mode: 'sql'
name: 'Swift',
mode: 'swift'
name: 'TCL',
mode: 'tcl'
name: 'TypeScript',
mode: 'javascript',
mime: 'application/typescript',
short: 'typescript'
name: 'VB.NET',
mode: 'vb'
name: 'Verilog',
mode: 'verilog'
name: 'VHDL',
mode: 'vhdl'
name: 'Vue',
mode: 'vue'
name: 'XML',
mode: 'xml'
name: 'YAML',
mode: 'yaml'
export const LANGUAGE_MIME_HASH = toHash(LANGUAGES, 'mime')
export const LANGUAGE_MODE_HASH = toHash(LANGUAGES, 'mode')
export const LANGUAGE_NAME_HASH = toHash(LANGUAGES, 'short')
export const DEFAULT_LANGUAGE = 'auto'
export const COLORS = {
BLACK: '#121212',
SECONDARY: '#fff',
GRAY: '#858585',
HOVER: '#1F1F1F'
export const DEFAULT_CODE = `const pluckDeep = key => obj => key.split('.').reduce((accum, key) => accum[key], obj)
const compose = (...fns) => res => fns.reduce((accum, next) => next(accum), res)
const unfold = (f, seed) => {
const go = (f, seed, acc) => {
const res = f(seed)
return res ? go(f, res[1], acc.concat([res[0]])) : acc
return go(f, seed, [])
if (typeof window !== 'undefined' && typeof window.navigator !== 'undefined') {
const alreadyLoaded = new Set()
LANGUAGES.filter(language => language.mode !== 'auto').forEach(language => {
if (language.mode && !alreadyLoaded.has(language.mode)) {
? require(`./customModes/${language.mode}`)
: require(`codemirror/mode/${language.mode}/${language.mode}`)