import sys import os import re from i18n import _ from importlib.machinery import SourceFileLoader class RubberStamp: """Howdy rubber stamp""" UI_TEXT = "ui_text" UI_SUBTEXT = "ui_subtext" def set_ui_text(self, text, type=None): """Convert an ui string to input howdy-gtk understands""" typedec = "M" if type == self.UI_SUBTEXT: typedec = "S" return self.send_ui_raw(typedec + "=" + text) def send_ui_raw(self, command): """Write raw command to howdy-gtk stdin""" if self.config.getboolean("debug", "verbose_stamps", fallback=False): print("Sending command to howdy-gtk: " + command) # Add a newline because the ui reads per line command += " \n" if self.gtk_proc: # Send the command as bytes self.gtk_proc.stdin.write(bytearray(command.encode("utf-8"))) self.gtk_proc.stdin.flush() def execute(config, gtk_proc, opencv): verbose = config.getboolean("debug", "verbose_stamps", fallback=False) dir_path = os.path.dirname(os.path.realpath(__file__)) installed_stamps = [] # Go through each file in the rubberstamp folder for filename in os.listdir(dir_path): # Remove non-readable file or directories if not os.path.isfile(dir_path + "/" + filename): continue # Remove meta files if filename in ["", ".gitignore"]: continue # Add the found file to the list of enabled rubberstamps installed_stamps.append(filename.split(".")[0]) if verbose: print("Installed rubberstamps: " + ", ".join(installed_stamps)) # Get the rules defined in the config raw_rules = config.get("rubberstamps", "stamp_rules") rules = raw_rules.split("\n") # Go through the rules one by one for rule in rules: rule = rule.strip() if len(rule) <= 1: continue # Parse the rule with regex regex_result ="^(\w+)\s+([\w\.]+)\s+([a-z]+)(.*)?$", rule, re.IGNORECASE) # Error out if the regex did not match (invalid line) if not regex_result: print(_("Error parsing rubberstamp rule: {}").format(rule)) continue type = # Error out if the stamp name in the rule is not a file if type not in installed_stamps: print(_("Stamp not installed: {}").format(type)) continue # Load the module from file module = SourceFileLoader(type, dir_path + "/" + type + ".py").load_module() # Try to get the class with the same name try: constructor = getattr(module, type) except AttributeError: print(_("Stamp error: Class {} not found").format(type)) continue # Init the class and set common values instance = constructor() instance.verbose = verbose instance.config = config instance.gtk_proc = gtk_proc instance.opencv = opencv # Set some opensv shorthands instance.video_capture = opencv["video_capture"] instance.face_detector = opencv["face_detector"] instance.pose_predictor = opencv["pose_predictor"] instance.clahe = opencv["clahe"] # Parse and set the 2 required options for all rubberstamps instance.options = { "timeout": float(re.sub("[a-zA-Z]", "",, "failsafe": != "faildeadly" } # Try to get the class do declare its other config variables try: instance.declare_config() except Exception: print(_("Internal error in rubberstamp configuration declaration:")) import traceback traceback.print_exc() continue # Split the optional arguments at the end of the rule by spaces raw_options = # For each of those aoptional arguments for option in raw_options: # Get the key to the left, and the value to the right of the equal sign key, value = option.split("=") # Error out if a key has been set that was not declared by the module before if key not in instance.options: print("Unknow config option for rubberstamp " + type + ": " + key) continue # Convert the argument string to an int or float if the declared option has that type if isinstance(instance.options[key], int): value = int(value) elif isinstance(instance.options[key], float): value = float(value) instance.options[key] = value if verbose: print("Stamp \"" + type + "\" options parsed:") print(instance.options) print("Executing stamp") # Make the stamp fail by default result = False # Run the stamp code try: result = except Exception: print(_("Internal error in rubberstamp:")) import traceback traceback.print_exc() continue if verbose: print("Stamp \"" + type + "\" returned: " + str(result)) # Abort authentication if the stamp returned false if result is False: if verbose: print("Authentication aborted by rubber stamp") sys.exit(14) # This is outside the for loop, so we've run all the rules if verbose: print("All rubberstamps processed, authentication successful") # Exit with no errors sys.exit(0)