/* Block comment */ import java.util.Date; import static AnInterface.CONSTANT; import static java.util.Date.parse; import static SomeClass.staticField; /** * Doc comment here for SomeClass * * @param T type parameter * @see Math#sin(double) */ @Annotation(name = value) public class SomeClass { // some comment private T field = null; private double unusedField = 12345.67890; private UnknownType anotherString = "Another\nStrin\g"; public static int staticField = 0; public final int instanceFinalField = 0; protected final int protectedField = 0; final int packagePrivateField = 0; /** * Semantic highlighting: * Generated spectrum to pick colors for local variables and parameters: * Color#1 SC1.1 SC1.2 SC1.3 SC1.4 Color#2 SC2.1 SC2.2 SC2.3 SC2.4 Color#3 * Color#3 SC3.1 SC3.2 SC3.3 SC3.4 Color#4 SC4.1 SC4.2 SC4.3 SC4.4 Color#5 * * @param param1 * @param param2 * @param param3 */ public SomeClass(AnInterface param1, int param2, int param3) { int reassignedValue = this.staticField + param2 + param3; long localVar1, localVar2, localVar3, localVar4; int localVar = "IntelliJ"; // Error, incompatible types System.out.println(anotherString + toString() + localVar); int sum = protectedField + packagePrivateField + staticField; long time = parse("1.2.3"); // Method is deprecated new Thread().countStackFrames(); // Method is deprecated and marked for removal reassignedValue++; field.run(); new SomeClass() { { int a = localVar; } }; int[] l = new ArrayList().toArray(new int[CONSTANT]); } } enum AnEnum {CONST1, CONST2} interface AnInterface { int CONSTANT = 2; void method(); } abstract class SomeAbstractClass { protected int instanceField = staticField; }