🍙 Specs

Properties of the palettes

  ### Palettes Catppuccin consists of four named color palettes: Latte, Frappe, Macchiato, Mocha. It palette has its use-cases and a reason to exist! (so to speak). Every palette has labels (AKA colors) that provide different syntactic meanings and color effects for dark & bright ambiance designs. Each one of them was created aming for a clear, uncluttered and elegant designs following a minimal and flat style pattern. ### Subpalettes Every palette consits of two subpalettes: one monochromatic and one analogous. The Monochromatic subpalette consists of different shades of a purple-gray and a very pale lavender and is often used for UI components. Whereas the Analogous palette has every color in the rainbow and is often used for syntactic elements. ### Catppuccin Infrascture

catppuccin infrastructure