return {
name = "catppuccin",
priority = 10000,
opts = {
flavour = "latte",
custom_highlights = function(c)
local u = require("catppuccin.utils.colors")
return {
NoiceCmdLinePopupTitle = { fg = c.base, bg = c.blue },
NoiceCmdlinePopup = { bg = c.base },
NoiceCmdlinePopupBorder = { fg = c.blue },
-- Making the background of mini.files lighter
MiniFilesNormal = { bg = c.base },
-- Make the indentline nicer on the eyes
MiniIndentscopeSymbol = { fg = c.pink },
-- Setting the borders and background of the completion/documentation menu
BorderBG = { fg = c.blue },
PmenuSel = { bg = c.mantle },
-- Setting the background of the lsp.buf.hover() and other floats
NormalFloat = { bg = c.base },
-- Setting the background of the lsp diagnostics - stuff like [d, [w
TroubleNormal = { bg = c.base },
-- Markdown headlines
Headline1 = { bg = c.transparent },
-- Neogit
-- NeogitUnstagedchanges = { bg = c.base },
-- NeogitUnstagedchangesRegion = { bg = c.base },
-- NeogitHunkHeader = {
-- bg = u.darken(c.blue, 0.095, c.base),
-- fg = u.darken(c.blue, 0.5, c.base),
-- },
-- NeogitHunkHeaderHighlight = {
-- bg = u.darken(c.blue, 0.215, c.base),
-- fg = c.blue,
-- },
-- NeogitCursorLine = { link = "CursorLine" },
-- NeogitDiffHeader = { fg = c.pink },
-- NeogitDiffContextHighlight = { bg = c.base },
-- NeogitDiffContext = { bg = c.base },
-- NeogitDiffAddRegion = { bg = c.base },
-- NeogitDiffDeleteRegion = { bg = c.base },
-- NeogitDiffAdd = { fg = c.green, bg = c.base },
-- NeogitDiffAddHighlight = { fg = c.green, bg = c.base },
-- NeogitDiffDelete = { fg = c.red, bg = c.base },
-- NeogitDiffDeleteHighlight = { fg = c.red, bg = c.base },