return {} -- local Util = require("lazyvim.util") -- -- -- This is the same as in lspconfig.server_configurations.jdtls, but avoids -- -- needing to require that when this module loads. -- local java_filetypes = { "java" } -- -- -- Utility function to extend or override a config table, similar to the way -- -- that Plugin.opts works. -- ---@param config table -- ---@param custom function | table | nil -- local function extend_or_override(config, custom, ...) -- if type(custom) == "function" then -- config = custom(config, ...) or config -- elseif custom then -- config = vim.tbl_deep_extend("force", config, custom) --[[@as table]] -- end -- return config -- end -- -- return { -- -- Ensure java debugger and test packages are installed. -- { -- "mfussenegger/nvim-dap", -- optional = true, -- dependencies = { -- { -- "williamboman/mason.nvim", -- opts = function(_, opts) -- opts.ensure_installed = opts.ensure_installed or {} -- vim.list_extend(opts.ensure_installed, { "java-test", "java-debug-adapter" }) -- end, -- }, -- }, -- }, -- -- -- Configure nvim-lspconfig to install the server automatically via mason, but -- -- defer actually starting it to our configuration of nvim-jtdls below. -- { -- "neovim/nvim-lspconfig", -- opts = { -- -- make sure mason installs the server -- servers = { -- jdtls = {}, -- }, -- setup = { -- jdtls = function() -- return true -- avoid duplicate servers -- end, -- }, -- }, -- }, -- -- -- Set up nvim-jdtls to attach to java files. -- { -- "mfussenegger/nvim-jdtls", -- ft = java_filetypes, -- opts = function() -- return { -- -- How to find the root dir for a given filename. The default comes from -- -- lspconfig which provides a function specifically for java projects. -- root_dir = require("lspconfig.server_configurations.jdtls").default_config.root_dir, -- -- -- How to find the project name for a given root dir. -- project_name = function(root_dir) -- return root_dir and vim.fs.basename(root_dir) -- end, -- -- -- Where are the config and workspace dirs for a project? -- jdtls_config_dir = function(project_name) -- return vim.fn.stdpath("cache") .. "/jdtls/" .. project_name .. "/config" -- end, -- jdtls_workspace_dir = function(project_name) -- return vim.fn.stdpath("cache") .. "/jdtls/" .. project_name .. "/workspace" -- end, -- -- -- How to run jdtls. This can be overridden to a full java command-line -- -- if the Python wrapper script doesn't suffice. -- cmd = { vim.fn.exepath("jdtls") }, -- full_cmd = function(opts) -- local fname = vim.api.nvim_buf_get_name(0) -- local root_dir = opts.root_dir(fname) -- local project_name = opts.project_name(root_dir) -- local cmd = vim.deepcopy(opts.cmd) -- if project_name then -- vim.list_extend(cmd, { -- "-configuration", -- opts.jdtls_config_dir(project_name), -- "-data", -- opts.jdtls_workspace_dir(project_name), -- }) -- end -- return cmd -- end, -- -- -- These depend on nvim-dap, but can additionally be disabled by setting false here. -- dap = { hotcodereplace = "auto", config_overrides = {} }, -- test = true, -- } -- end, -- config = function() -- local opts = Util.opts("nvim-jdtls") or {} -- -- -- Find the extra bundles that should be passed on the jdtls command-line -- -- if nvim-dap is enabled with java debug/test. -- local mason_registry = require("mason-registry") -- local bundles = {} ---@type string[] -- if opts.dap and Util.has("nvim-dap") and mason_registry.is_installed("java-debug-adapter") then -- local java_dbg_pkg = mason_registry.get_package("java-debug-adapter") -- local java_dbg_path = java_dbg_pkg:get_install_path() -- local jar_patterns = { -- java_dbg_path .. "/extension/server/*.jar", -- } -- -- java-test also depends on java-debug-adapter. -- if opts.test and mason_registry.is_installed("java-test") then -- local java_test_pkg = mason_registry.get_package("java-test") -- local java_test_path = java_test_pkg:get_install_path() -- vim.list_extend(jar_patterns, { -- java_test_path .. "/extension/server/*.jar", -- }) -- end -- for _, jar_pattern in ipairs(jar_patterns) do -- for _, bundle in ipairs(vim.split(vim.fn.glob(jar_pattern), "\n")) do -- table.insert(bundles, bundle) -- end -- end -- end -- -- local function attach_jdtls() -- local fname = vim.api.nvim_buf_get_name(0) -- -- -- Configuration can be augmented and overridden by opts.jdtls -- local config = extend_or_override({ -- cmd = opts.full_cmd(opts), -- root_dir = opts.root_dir(fname), -- init_options = { -- bundles = bundles, -- }, -- -- enable CMP capabilities -- capabilities = require("cmp_nvim_lsp").default_capabilities(), -- }, opts.jdtls) -- -- -- Existing server will be reused if the root_dir matches. -- require("jdtls").start_or_attach(config) -- -- not need to require("jdtls.setup").add_commands(), start automatically adds commands -- end -- -- -- Attach the jdtls for each java buffer. HOWEVER, this plugin loads -- -- depending on filetype, so this autocmd doesn't run for the first file. -- -- For that, we call directly below. -- vim.api.nvim_create_autocmd("FileType", { -- pattern = java_filetypes, -- callback = attach_jdtls, -- }) -- -- -- Setup keymap and dap after the lsp is fully attached. -- -- -- -- -- vim.api.nvim_create_autocmd("LspAttach", { -- callback = function(args) -- local client = vim.lsp.get_client_by_id( -- if client and == "jdtls" then -- -- ["cx"] = { name = "+extract" }, -- -- ["cxv"] = { require("jdtls").extract_variable_all, "Extract Variable" }, -- -- ["cxc"] = { require("jdtls").extract_constant, "Extract Constant" }, -- -- ["gs"] = { require("jdtls").super_implementation, "Goto Super" }, -- -- ["gS"] = { require("jdtls.tests").goto_subjects, "Goto Subjects" }, -- -- ["co"] = { require("jdtls").organize_imports, "Organize Imports" }, -- -- ["c"] = { name = "+code" }, -- -- ["cx"] = { name = "+extract" }, -- -- ["cxm"] = { -- -- [[lua require('jdtls').extract_method(true)]], -- -- "Extract Method", -- -- }, -- -- ["cxv"] = { -- -- [[lua require('jdtls').extract_variable_all(true)]], -- -- "Extract Variable", -- -- }, -- -- ["cxc"] = { -- -- [[lua require('jdtls').extract_constant(true)]], -- -- "Extract Constant", -- -- }, -- -- if opts.dap and Util.has("nvim-dap") and mason_registry.is_installed("java-debug-adapter") then -- -- custom init for Java debugger -- require("jdtls").setup_dap(opts.dap) -- require("jdtls.dap").setup_dap_main_class_configs() -- -- -- Java Test require Java debugger to work -- if opts.test and mason_registry.is_installed("java-test") then -- -- custom keymaps for Java test runner (not yet compatible with neotest) -- -- ["t"] = { name = "+test" }, -- -- ["tt"] = { require("jdtls.dap").test_class, "Run All Test" }, -- -- ["tr"] = { require("jdtls.dap").test_nearest_method, "Run Nearest Test" }, -- -- ["tT"] = { require("jdtls.dap").pick_test, "Run Test" }, -- end -- end -- -- -- User can set additional keymaps in opts.on_attach -- if opts.on_attach then -- opts.on_attach(args) -- end -- end -- end, -- }) -- -- -- Avoid race condition by calling attach the first time, since the autocmd won't fire. -- attach_jdtls() -- end, -- }, -- }