# Get editor completions based on the config schema "$schema" = 'https://starship.rs/config-schema.json' palette = "catppuccin_latte" format = """ ┌ \ $username\ $hostname\ $localip\ $shlvl\ $singularity\ $directory\ $vcsh\ $git_branch\ $git_commit\ $git_state\ $git_metrics\ $git_status\ $hg_branch\ $docker_context\ $package\ $c\ $cmake\ $cobol\ $daml\ $dart\ $deno\ $dotnet\ $elixir\ $elm\ $erlang\ $golang\ $haskell\ $helm\ $java\ $julia\ $kotlin\ $lua\ $nim\ $nodejs\ $ocaml\ $perl\ $php\ $pulumi\ $purescript\ $python\ $raku\ $rlang\ $red\ $ruby\ $rust\ $scala\ $swift\ $terraform\ $vlang\ $vagrant\ $zig\ $buf\ $nix_shell\ $kubernetes\ $conda\ $meson\ $spack\ $memory_usage\ $aws\ $gcloud\ $openstack\ $azure\ $env_var\ $crystal\ $custom\ $sudo\ $cmd_duration\ $line_break\ $time\ $status\ $container\ $shell\ └ \ $character""" [character] # The name of the module we are configuring is "character" success_symbol = "[\\$](bold green)" # The "success_symbol" segment is being set to "➜" with the color "bold green" error_symbol = "[\\$](bold red)" # The "success_symbol" segment is being set to "➜" with the color "bold green" vimcmd_symbol = "[\\$](bold green)" [hostname] style = "sapphire" ssh_symbol = "🐴 " [aws] style = "sapphire" symbol = " " [buf] style = "sapphire" symbol = " " [c] style = "sapphire" symbol = " " [conda] style = "sapphire" symbol = " " [dart] style = "sapphire" symbol = " " [directory] style = "mauve" read_only = " 󰌾" [docker_context] style = "sapphire" symbol = " " [elixir] style = "sapphire" symbol = " " [elm] style = "sapphire" symbol = " " [git_branch] symbol = " " [golang] style = "sapphire" symbol = " " [haskell] style = "sapphire" symbol = "󰲒 " [hg_branch] style = "sapphire" symbol = " " [java] style = "sapphire" symbol = "󰬷 " [julia] style = "sapphire" symbol = " " [lua] style = "sapphire" symbol = " " [memory_usage] style = "sapphire" symbol = "󰍛 " [meson] style = "sapphire" symbol = "󰔷 " [nim] style = "sapphire" symbol = "󰆥 " [nix_shell] style = "sapphire" symbol = " " [nodejs] style = "sapphire" symbol = " " [package] style = "peach" symbol = ' ' [python] style = "sapphire" symbol = " " [rlang] style = "sapphire" symbol = "󰟔 " [ruby] style = "sapphire" symbol = " " [rust] style = "sapphire" symbol = "󱘗 " [scala] style = "sapphire" symbol = " " [spack] style = "sapphire" [kubernetes] style = "sapphire" symbol = "󱃾 " format = '[ $symbol($cluster/$namespace) ]($style)' disabled = false [palettes.catppuccin_latte] rosewater = "#dc8a78" flamingo = "#dd7878" pink = "#ea76cb" mauve = "#8839ef" red = "#d20f39" maroon = "#e64553" peach = "#fe640b" yellow = "#df8e1d" green = "#40a02b" teal = "#179299" sky = "#04a5e5" sapphire = "#209fb5" blue = "#1e66f5" lavender = "#7287fd" text = "#4c4f69" subtext1 = "#5c5f77" subtext0 = "#6c6f85" overlay2 = "#7c7f93" overlay1 = "#8c8fa1" overlay0 = "#9ca0b0" surface2 = "#acb0be" surface1 = "#bcc0cc" surface0 = "#ccd0da" base = "#eff1f5" mantle = "#e6e9ef" crust = "#dce0e8" [palettes.catppuccin_mocha] rosewater = "#f5e0dc" flamingo = "#f2cdcd" pink = "#f5c2e7" mauve = "#cba6f7" red = "#f38ba8" maroon = "#eba0ac" peach = "#fab387" yellow = "#f9e2af" green = "#a6e3a1" teal = "#94e2d5" sky = "#89dceb" sapphire = "#74c7ec" blue = "#89b4fa" lavender = "#b4befe" text = "#cdd6f4" subtext1 = "#bac2de" subtext0 = "#a6adc8" overlay2 = "#9399b2" overlay1 = "#7f849c" overlay0 = "#6c7086" surface2 = "#585b70" surface1 = "#45475a" surface0 = "#313244" base = "#1e1e2e" mantle = "#181825" crust = "#11111b"