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use skulpin::skia_safe::Color4f;
pub struct GridLineCell {
text: String,
highlight_id: Option<usize>,
repeat: Option<usize>
pub enum RedrawEvent {
Resize { grid: usize, width: usize, height: usize },
DefaultColorsSet { foreground: Color4f, background: Color4f, special: Color4f },
HighlightAttributesDefine { id: usize, style: Style },
GridLine { grid: usize, row: usize, column_start: usize, cells: Vec<GridLineCell> },
Clear { grid: usize },
CursorGoto { grid: usize, row: usize, column: usize },
Scroll { grid: usize, top: usize, bottom: usize, left: usize, right: usize, rows: isize, cols: isize }
fn unpack_color(packed_color: u64) -> Color4f {
let packed_color = packed_color as u32;
let r = ((packed_color & 0xff0000) >> 16) as f32;
let g = ((packed_color & 0xff00) >> 8) as f32;
let b = (packed_color & 0xff) as f32;
Color4f {
r: r / 255.0,
g: g / 255.0,
b: b / 255.0,
a: 1.0
pub fn parse_neovim_event(event_name: