You cannot select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

110 lines
3.8 KiB

mod editor;
mod window;
extern crate derive_new;
extern crate derivative;
use std::sync::mpsc::Receiver;
use std::sync::{Arc, Mutex};
use std::thread;
use env_logger::Env as LoggerEnv;
use neovim_lib::{Neovim, UiAttachOptions, Session};
use rmpv::Value;
use window::ui_loop;
use editor::{Editor, DrawCommand};
fn handle_grid_line(grid_line_arguments: &Vec<Value>, editor: &Arc<Mutex<Editor>>) {
match grid_line_arguments.as_slice() {
[Value::Integer(grid_id), Value::Integer(row), Value::Integer(col_start), Value::Array(cells)] => {
let mut col_pos = col_start.as_u64().unwrap();
for cell in cells.into_iter() {
match cell {
Value::Array(cell_data) => {
let mut text = match cell_data.get(0).expect("Cell must have non zero size") {
Value::String(cell_text) => cell_text.as_str().expect("Could not process string").to_string(),
_ => panic!("Cell text was not a string")
match cell_data.get(2) {
Some(Value::Integer(repeat_count)) => {
text = text.repeat(repeat_count.as_u64().unwrap_or(1) as usize);
_ => {}
let mut editor = editor.lock().unwrap();
editor.draw(DrawCommand::new(text.to_string(), row.as_u64().unwrap(), col_pos));
col_pos = col_pos + text.chars().count() as u64;
_ => println!("Invalid cell shape")
_ => println!("Invalid grid_line format")
fn handle_redraw_event(event_value: Value, editor: &Arc<Mutex<Editor>>) {
match event_value {
Value::Array(event_contents) => {
let name_value = &event_contents[0];
let arguments_value = &event_contents[1];
match (name_value, arguments_value) {
(Value::String(event_name), Value::Array(arguments)) => {
match event_name.as_str().expect("Invalid redraw command name format.") {
"grid_line" => handle_grid_line(arguments, &editor),
other => println!("Unhandled redraw command {}", other)
_ => {
println!("Unrecognized redraw event structure.");
_ => println!("Event is not an array...")
fn nvim_event_loop(receiver: Receiver<(String, Vec<Value>)>, editor: &Arc<Mutex<Editor>>) {
println!("UI thread spawned");
loop {
let (event_name, event_args) = receiver.recv().expect("Could not receive event.");
match event_name.as_ref() {
"redraw" => {
for event in event_args {
handle_redraw_event(event, &editor);
_ => println!("Unrecognized Event: {}", event_name)
fn main() {
let mut session = Session::new_child().unwrap();
let receiver = session.start_event_loop_channel();
let mut nvim = Neovim::new(session);
let mut options = UiAttachOptions::new();
nvim.ui_attach(100, 50, &options).unwrap();
let editor = Arc::new(Mutex::new(Editor::new(nvim, 100, 50)));
let nvim_editor = editor.clone();
thread::spawn(move || {
nvim_event_loop(receiver, &nvim_editor);