You cannot select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

126 lines
4.3 KiB

use std::sync::{Arc, Mutex};
use std::rc::Rc;
use std::any::Any;
use itertools::Itertools;
use druid_shell::{Application, WinHandler, WindowHandle, WinCtx, KeyEvent, WindowBuilder, RunLoop, HotKey, KeyCode};
use druid_shell::piet::{
Piet, PietFont, Color, FontBuilder, RenderContext, Text, TextLayoutBuilder
use druid_shell::kurbo::Rect;
use neovim_lib::NeovimApi;
use crate::editor::{DrawCommand, Editor};
struct WindowState {
editor: Arc<Mutex<Editor>>,
pub size: (f64, f64),
pub handle: WindowHandle,
pub font: Option<PietFont>
const FONT_NAME: &str = "Delugia Nerd Font";
const FONT_SIZE: f64 = 14.0;
const FONT_WIDTH: f64 = 10.0;
const FONT_HEIGHT: f64 = 20.0;
fn process_draw_commands(draw_commands: &Vec<Vec<Arc<Option<DrawCommand>>>>, piet: &mut Piet, font: &PietFont) {
for row in draw_commands {
for possible_command in row.iter().dedup() {
if let Some(ref command) = **possible_command {
let x = command.col_start as f64 * FONT_WIDTH;
let y = command.row as f64 * FONT_HEIGHT + FONT_HEIGHT;
let top = y - FONT_HEIGHT * 0.8;
let top_left = (x, top);
let width = command.text.chars().count() as f64 * FONT_WIDTH;
let height = FONT_HEIGHT;
let bottom_right = (x + width, top + height);
let region = Rect::from_points(top_left, bottom_right);
piet.fill(region, &Color::rgb8(0x11, 0x11, 0x11));
let layout_ref = command.layout.lock().unwrap();
let owned;
let text_layout = if layout_ref.is_some() {
} else {
let piet_text = piet.text();
owned = piet_text.new_text_layout(&font, &command.text).build().unwrap();
piet.draw_text(&text_layout, (x, y), &Color::rgb8(0xff, 0xff, 0xff));
impl WinHandler for WindowState {
fn connect(&mut self, handle: &WindowHandle) {
self.handle = handle.clone();
fn paint(&mut self, piet: &mut Piet, _ctx: &mut dyn WinCtx) -> bool {
let text = piet.text();
if self.font.is_none() {
self.font = Some(text.new_font_by_name(FONT_NAME, FONT_SIZE).build().unwrap());
let font = self.font.as_ref().unwrap();
piet.clear(Color::rgb8(0x00, 0x00, 0x00));
let editor = self.editor.lock().unwrap();
process_draw_commands(&editor.draw_commands, piet, font);
fn key_down(&mut self, key_event: KeyEvent, _ctx: &mut dyn WinCtx) -> bool {
let mut editor = self.editor.lock().unwrap();
match key_event {
k_e if k_e.key_code.is_printable() => {
let incoming_text = k_e.unmod_text().unwrap_or("");
editor.nvim.input(incoming_text).expect("Input call failed...");
k_e if (HotKey::new(None, KeyCode::Escape)).matches(k_e) => {
editor.nvim.input("<Esc>").expect("Input call failed...");
k_e if (HotKey::new(None, KeyCode::Backspace)).matches(k_e) => {
editor.nvim.input("<BS>").expect("Input call failed...");
_ => ()
fn size(&mut self, width: u32, height: u32, _ctx: &mut dyn WinCtx) {
let dpi = self.handle.get_dpi();
let dpi_scale = dpi as f64 / 96.0;
let width_f = (width as f64) / dpi_scale;
let height_f = (height as f64) / dpi_scale;
self.size = (width_f, height_f);
let mut editor = self.editor.lock().unwrap();
editor.nvim.ui_try_resize((width_f / FONT_WIDTH) as i64, (height_f / FONT_HEIGHT) as i64).expect("Resize failed");
fn as_any(&mut self) -> &mut dyn Any {
pub fn ui_loop(editor: Arc<Mutex<Editor>>) {
let window_state = WindowState::new(editor);
let mut run_loop = RunLoop::new();
let mut builder = WindowBuilder::new();
builder.set_title("Nvim editor");
let window =;;;