Neovide supports displaying a full gui window from inside wsl via the `--wsl` command argument. Communication is passed via standard io into the wsl copy of neovim providing identical experience similar to visual studio code's remote editing
Neovide supports connecting to a remote instance of Neovim over a TCP socket via the `--remote-tcp` command argument. This would allow you to run Neovim on a remote machine and use the GUI on your local machine, connecting over the network.
Launch Neovim as a TCP server (on port 6666) by running:
nvim --headless --listen localhost:6666
And then connect to it using:
/path/to/neovide --remote-tcp=localhost:6666
By specifying to listen on localhost, you only allow connections from your local computer. If you are actually doing this over a network you will want to use SSH port forwarding for security, and then connect as before.
I've got more ideas for simple unobtrusive improvements. More to come.
## Configuration
Configuration is done almost completely via global neovide variables in your vim config and can be manipulated live at runtime. Details can be found [here](
Relatively recent binaries can be found in the [project releases]( But if you want the latest and greatest you should clone it and build yourself.
Installing should be as simple as downloading the binary, making sure `nvim.exe` with version 0.4 or greater is on your path, and running it. Everything should be self contained.
- Neovide requires that a font be set in `init.vim` otherwise errors might be encountered. This can be fixed by adding `set guifont=Your\ Font\ Name:h15` in init.vim file. Reference issue [#527](
- On OSX, if you run into issues with the vulkan libraries being reported as not verified, please reference issue [#167](
- If you recieve an error of `SdlError("Installed Vulkan doesn't implement the VK_KHR_surface extension")`, please try installing the AMD Vulkan Driver (commonly, `amdvlk`). Reference issue [#209](
- If you recieve errors complaining about DRI3 settings, please reference issue [#44](
- If you recieve libsndio-related errors, try building without default features (this disables static linking of the SDL library).