# Neovide Documentation Neovide Logo This folder is the source of documentation for Neovide, a simple no-nonsense, cross-platform, graphical editor for Neovim, hosted on [neovide.dev](https://neovide.dev) _Note: If you're looking for the Neovide source code, that can be found [here](https://github.com/neovide/neovide)_

Neovide Landing Page Screenshot of Landing Page
## Description - **./docs** is the source directory of the book - **./docs/SUMMARY.md** configures the order of the menu on the left hand side of the book ([more info here](https://rust-lang.github.io/mdBook/format/summary.html)). - "Without this file, there is no book." - **./docs/assets** stores all the non-markdown content (screenshots, gifs) to be used. - **./theme** stores general files to be used by mdbook to configure the look and feel of the book ([more info here](https://rust-lang.github.io/mdBook/format/theme/index.html)). ### Build 1. Install the latest version of rust on your preferred choice of operating system, we recommend using [rustup](https://rustup.rs/) 2. Install required cargo packages to build successfully ```sh cargo install mdbook --version 0.4.21 cargo install mdbook-pagetoc --version 0.1.4 # Table of Contents cargo install mdbook-linkcheck --version 0.7.6 # Check Links Aren't Broken ``` 3. Clone the repository ```shell git clone https://github.com/neovide/neovide ``` 4. Navigate to root directory ```shell cd neovide/website/ ``` 5. Build the book and open in default browser ```shell mdbook build --open ``` **Quick Tip!** To see the website update in real-time while you edit the content, you can use `mdbook serve --open` instead of the `build` argument _Note: When making updates to any **.css/.js** files, a full refresh of the browser is needed. This can be done by pressing Ctrl-F5_ ## Contributing First of all, thank you for your interest in wanting to contribute to the website! The documentation is very much community-driven so your changes are very much appreciated! A few things to note: - This repository makes use of [mdbook](https://rust-lang.github.io/mdBook/index.html), it is _highly_ recommended to read up on mdbook's documentation before contributing. This will save you a lot of time debugging if you're messing around with the file structure! - The markdown is linted to ensure that the style stays consistent, while we are _not_ going to outright reject any contributions if our CI fails, we very much encourage you to lint before raising a pull request as this will increase of your chances of getting the changes merged. The linter we use is [markdownlint](https://github.com/DavidAnson/markdownlint) and any custom rules that we have defined live in a [.markdownlintrc](.markdownlintrc). To save yourself the trouble of manually line wrapping, we recommend the usage of [mdformat](https://github.com/executablebooks/mdformat), the command `mdformat --wrap 100 --number` will ensure that you are in line with our CI. Always feel free to ask questions by either joining our [discord](https://discord.gg/SjFpZdQys6) or raising a GitHub issue!