use std::sync::atomic::Ordering; use std::thread::sleep; use std::time::{Duration, Instant}; use log::{debug, error, info, trace}; use skulpin::sdl2; use skulpin::sdl2::event::{Event, WindowEvent}; use skulpin::sdl2::keyboard::Keycode; use skulpin::sdl2::Sdl; use skulpin::{Window, CoordinateSystem, PresentMode, Renderer as SkulpinRenderer, RendererBuilder, LogicalSize, PhysicalSize, Sdl2Window}; use crate::bridge::{produce_neovim_keybinding_string, UiCommand, BRIDGE}; use crate::editor::EDITOR; use crate::redraw_scheduler::REDRAW_SCHEDULER; use crate::renderer::Renderer; use crate::settings::*; use crate::INITIAL_DIMENSIONS; #[derive(RustEmbed)] #[folder = "assets/"] struct Asset; #[cfg(target_os = "windows")] fn windows_fix_dpi() { use winapi::shared::windef::DPI_AWARENESS_CONTEXT_PER_MONITOR_AWARE_V2; use winapi::um::winuser::SetProcessDpiAwarenessContext; unsafe { SetProcessDpiAwarenessContext(DPI_AWARENESS_CONTEXT_PER_MONITOR_AWARE_V2); } } fn handle_new_grid_size(new_size: LogicalSize, renderer: &Renderer) { if new_size.width > 0 && new_size.height > 0 { let new_width = ((new_size.width + 1) as f32 / renderer.font_width) as u32; let new_height = ((new_size.height + 1) as f32 / renderer.font_height) as u32; // Add 1 here to make sure resizing doesn't change the grid size on startup BRIDGE.queue_command(UiCommand::Resize { width: new_width, height: new_height, }); } } struct WindowWrapper { context: Sdl, window: sdl2::video::Window, skulpin_renderer: SkulpinRenderer, renderer: Renderer, mouse_down: bool, mouse_position: LogicalSize, title: String, previous_size: LogicalSize, transparency: f32, fullscreen: bool, cached_size: (i32, i32), cached_position: (i32, i32), } pub fn window_geometry() -> Result<(u64, u64), String> { let prefix = "--geometry="; std::env::args() .filter(|arg| arg.starts_with(prefix)) .next() .map_or(Ok(INITIAL_DIMENSIONS), |arg| { let input = &arg[prefix.len()..]; let invalid_parse_err = format!( "Invalid geometry: {}\nValid format: x", input ); input .split('x') .map(|dimension| { dimension .parse::() .or(Err(invalid_parse_err.as_str())) .and_then(|dimension| { if dimension > 0 { Ok(dimension) } else { Err("Invalid geometry: Window dimensions should be greater than 0.") } }) }) .collect::, &str>>() .and_then(|dimensions| { if let [width, height] = dimensions[..] { Ok((width, height)) } else { Err(invalid_parse_err.as_str()) } }) .map_err(|msg| msg.to_owned()) }) } pub fn window_geometry_or_default() -> (u64, u64) { window_geometry().unwrap_or(INITIAL_DIMENSIONS) } impl WindowWrapper { pub fn new() -> WindowWrapper { let context = sdl2::init().expect("Failed to initialize sdl2"); let video_subsystem = context .video() .expect("Failed to create sdl video subsystem"); video_subsystem.text_input().start(); let (width, height) = window_geometry_or_default(); let renderer = Renderer::new(); let logical_size = LogicalSize { width: (width as f32 * renderer.font_width) as u32, height: (height as f32 * renderer.font_height + 1.0) as u32, }; #[cfg(target_os = "windows")] windows_fix_dpi(); sdl2::hint::set("SDL_MOUSE_FOCUS_CLICKTHROUGH", "1"); // let icon = { // let icon_data = Asset::get("nvim.ico").expect("Failed to read icon data"); // let icon = load_from_memory(&icon_data).expect("Failed to parse icon data"); // let (width, height) = icon.dimensions(); // let mut rgba = Vec::with_capacity((width * height) as usize * 4); // for (_, _, pixel) in icon.pixels() { // rgba.extend_from_slice(&pixel.to_rgba().0); // } // Icon::from_rgba(rgba, width, height).expect("Failed to create icon object") // }; // info!("icon created"); let sdl_window = video_subsystem .window("Neovide", logical_size.width, logical_size.height) .position_centered() .allow_highdpi() .resizable() .vulkan() .build() .expect("Failed to create window"); info!("window created"); let skulpin_renderer = { let sdl_window_wrapper = Sdl2Window::new(&sdl_window); RendererBuilder::new() .prefer_integrated_gpu() .use_vulkan_debug_layer(true) .present_mode_priority(vec![PresentMode::Immediate]) .coordinate_system(CoordinateSystem::Logical) .build(&sdl_window_wrapper) .expect("Failed to create renderer") }; info!("renderer created"); WindowWrapper { context, window: sdl_window, skulpin_renderer, renderer, mouse_down: false, mouse_position: LogicalSize { width: 0, height: 0, }, title: String::from("Neovide"), previous_size: logical_size, transparency: 1.0, fullscreen: false, cached_size: (0, 0), cached_position: (0, 0), } } pub fn toggle_fullscreen(&mut self) { unsafe { let raw_handle = self.window.raw(); let display_index = sdl2::sys::SDL_GetWindowDisplayIndex(raw_handle); if let Ok(rect) = self.window.subsystem().display_bounds(display_index) { if self.fullscreen { // Set window back to resizable sdl2::sys::SDL_SetWindowResizable(raw_handle, sdl2::sys::SDL_bool::SDL_TRUE); // Use cached size and position self.window .set_size(self.cached_size.0 as u32, self.cached_size.1 as u32) .unwrap(); self.window.set_position( sdl2::video::WindowPos::Positioned(self.cached_position.0), sdl2::video::WindowPos::Positioned(self.cached_position.1), ); self.window.set_bordered(true); } else { // Cache the size and position sdl2::sys::SDL_GetWindowSize( raw_handle, &mut self.cached_size.0, &mut self.cached_size.1, ); sdl2::sys::SDL_GetWindowPosition( raw_handle, &mut self.cached_position.0, &mut self.cached_position.1, ); sdl2::sys::SDL_SetWindowResizable(raw_handle, sdl2::sys::SDL_bool::SDL_FALSE); // Set window to fullscreen self.window.set_size(rect.width(), rect.height()).unwrap(); self.window.set_position( sdl2::video::WindowPos::Positioned(rect.x()), sdl2::video::WindowPos::Positioned(rect.y()), ); self.window.set_bordered(true); } } } self.fullscreen = !self.fullscreen; } pub fn synchronize_settings(&mut self) { let editor_title = { EDITOR.lock().title.clone() }; if self.title != editor_title { self.title = editor_title; self.window .set_title(&self.title) .expect("Could not set title"); } let transparency = { SETTINGS.get::().transparency }; if let Ok(opacity) = self.window.opacity() { if opacity != transparency { self.window.set_opacity(transparency).ok(); self.transparency = transparency; } } let fullscreen = { SETTINGS.get::().fullscreen }; if self.fullscreen != fullscreen { self.toggle_fullscreen(); } } pub fn handle_quit(&mut self) { BRIDGE.queue_command(UiCommand::Quit); } pub fn handle_keyboard_input(&mut self, keycode: Option, text: Option) { let modifiers = self.context.keyboard().mod_state(); if keycode.is_some() || text.is_some() { trace!( "Keyboard Input Received: keycode-{:?} modifiers-{:?} text-{:?}", keycode, modifiers, text ); } if let Some(keybinding_string) = produce_neovim_keybinding_string(keycode, text, modifiers) { BRIDGE.queue_command(UiCommand::Keyboard(keybinding_string)); } } pub fn handle_pointer_motion(&mut self, x: i32, y: i32) { let previous_position = self.mouse_position; let physical_size = PhysicalSize::new( (x as f32 / self.renderer.font_width) as u32, (y as f32 / self.renderer.font_height) as u32 ); self.mouse_position = physical_size.to_logical(1.0); if self.mouse_down && previous_position != self.mouse_position { BRIDGE.queue_command(UiCommand::Drag( self.mouse_position.width, self.mouse_position.height, )); } } pub fn handle_pointer_down(&mut self) { BRIDGE.queue_command(UiCommand::MouseButton { action: String::from("press"), position: (self.mouse_position.width, self.mouse_position.height), }); self.mouse_down = true; } pub fn handle_pointer_up(&mut self) { BRIDGE.queue_command(UiCommand::MouseButton { action: String::from("release"), position: (self.mouse_position.width, self.mouse_position.height), }); self.mouse_down = false; } pub fn handle_mouse_wheel(&mut self, x: i32, y: i32) { let vertical_input_type = if y > 0 { Some("up") } else if y < 0 { Some("down") } else { None }; if let Some(input_type) = vertical_input_type { BRIDGE.queue_command(UiCommand::Scroll { direction: input_type.to_string(), position: (self.mouse_position.width, self.mouse_position.height), }); } let horizontal_input_type = if x > 0 { Some("right") } else if x < 0 { Some("left") } else { None }; if let Some(input_type) = horizontal_input_type { BRIDGE.queue_command(UiCommand::Scroll { direction: input_type.to_string(), position: (self.mouse_position.width, self.mouse_position.height), }); } } pub fn handle_focus_lost(&mut self) { BRIDGE.queue_command(UiCommand::FocusLost); } pub fn handle_focus_gained(&mut self) { BRIDGE.queue_command(UiCommand::FocusGained); REDRAW_SCHEDULER.queue_next_frame(); } pub fn draw_frame(&mut self) -> bool { if !BRIDGE.running.load(Ordering::Relaxed) { return false; } let sdl_window_wrapper = Sdl2Window::new(&self.window); let new_size = sdl_window_wrapper.logical_size(); if self.previous_size != new_size { handle_new_grid_size(new_size, &self.renderer); self.previous_size = new_size; } debug!("Render Triggered"); let current_size = self.previous_size; if REDRAW_SCHEDULER.should_draw() || SETTINGS.get::().no_idle { let renderer = &mut self.renderer; if self .skulpin_renderer .draw(&sdl_window_wrapper, |canvas, coordinate_system_helper| { let dt = 1.0 / (SETTINGS.get::().refresh_rate as f32); if renderer.draw(canvas, &coordinate_system_helper, dt) { handle_new_grid_size(current_size, &renderer) } }) .is_err() { error!("Render failed. Closing"); return false; } } return true; } } #[derive(Clone)] struct WindowSettings { refresh_rate: u64, transparency: f32, no_idle: bool, fullscreen: bool, } pub fn initialize_settings() { let no_idle = SETTINGS .neovim_arguments .contains(&String::from("--noIdle")); SETTINGS.set(&WindowSettings { refresh_rate: 60, transparency: 1.0, no_idle, fullscreen: false, }); register_nvim_setting!("refresh_rate", WindowSettings::refresh_rate); register_nvim_setting!("transparency", WindowSettings::transparency); register_nvim_setting!("no_idle", WindowSettings::no_idle); register_nvim_setting!("fullscreen", WindowSettings::fullscreen); } pub fn ui_loop() { let mut window = WindowWrapper::new(); info!("Starting window event loop"); let mut event_pump = window .context .event_pump() .expect("Could not create sdl event pump"); loop { let frame_start = Instant::now(); window.synchronize_settings(); let mut keycode = None; let mut keytext = None; let mut ignore_text_this_frame = false; for event in event_pump.poll_iter() { match event { Event::Quit { .. } => window.handle_quit(), Event::KeyDown { keycode: received_keycode, .. } => { keycode = received_keycode; } Event::TextInput { text, .. } => keytext = Some(text), Event::MouseMotion { x, y, .. } => window.handle_pointer_motion(x, y), Event::MouseButtonDown { .. } => window.handle_pointer_down(), Event::MouseButtonUp { .. } => window.handle_pointer_up(), Event::MouseWheel { x, y, .. } => window.handle_mouse_wheel(x, y), Event::Window { win_event: WindowEvent::FocusLost, .. } => window.handle_focus_lost(), Event::Window { win_event: WindowEvent::FocusGained, .. } => { ignore_text_this_frame = true; // Ignore any text events on the first frame when focus is regained. window.handle_focus_gained(); } Event::Window { .. } => REDRAW_SCHEDULER.queue_next_frame(), _ => {} } } if !ignore_text_this_frame { window.handle_keyboard_input(keycode, keytext); } if !window.draw_frame() { break; } let elapsed = frame_start.elapsed(); let refresh_rate = { SETTINGS.get::().refresh_rate as f32 }; let frame_length = Duration::from_secs_f32(1.0 / refresh_rate); if elapsed < frame_length { sleep(frame_length - elapsed); } } std::process::exit(0); }