name: neovide # you probably want to 'snapcraft register ' base: core18 # the base snap is the execution environment for this snap version: "0.7.0+git" summary: The snappiest vim editor you are likely to find. description: | This is a simple graphical user interface for Neovim. Where possible there are some graphical improvements, but it should act functionally like the terminal UI. grade: stable # must be 'stable' to release into candidate/stable channels confinement: classic # use 'strict' once you have the right plugs and slots build-packages: - cmake - freeglut3-dev - libbz2-dev - libexpat1-dev - libgl-dev - libssl-dev - libxmu-dev - pkg-config parts: nvim: source: override-pull: | snapcraftctl pull latest_tag="$(git tag -l --sort=refname|head -1)" git checkout "${latest_tag}" major="$(awk '/NVIM_VERSION_MAJOR/{gsub(")","",$2); print $2}' CMakeLists.txt)" minor="$(awk '/NVIM_VERSION_MINOR/{gsub(")","",$2); print $2}' CMakeLists.txt)" patch="$(awk '/NVIM_VERSION_PATCH/{gsub(")","",$2); print $2}' CMakeLists.txt)" version_prefix="v$major.$minor.$patch" git_described="$(git describe --first-parent --dirty 2> /dev/null | perl -lpe 's/v\d.\d.\d-//g')" git_described="${git_described:-$(git describe --first-parent --tags --always --dirty)}" if [ "${version_prefix}" != "${git_described}" ]; then VERSION="${version_prefix}-${git_described}-${latest_tag}" else VERSION="${version_prefix}-${latest_tag}" fi snapcraftctl set-version "${VERSION}" plugin: make make-parameters: - CMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=RelWithDebInfo - CMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX=/usr - CMAKE_FLAGS=-DPREFER_LUA=ON - DEPS_CMAKE_FLAGS="-DUSE_BUNDLED_LUA=ON -DUSE_BUNDLED_LUAJIT=OFF" override-build: | echo "Building on $SNAP_ARCH" set -x case "$SNAP_ARCH" in "arm64" | "ppc64el" | "s390x") make -j"${SNAPCRAFT_PARALLEL_BUILD_COUNT}" \ CMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=RelWithDebInfo \ CMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX=/usr \ CMAKE_FLAGS=-DPREFER_LUA=ON \ DEPS_CMAKE_FLAGS="-DUSE_BUNDLED_LUA=ON -DUSE_BUNDLED_LUAJIT=OFF" ;; *) make -j"${SNAPCRAFT_PARALLEL_BUILD_COUNT}" \ CMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=RelWithDebInfo \ CMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX=/usr ;; esac make DESTDIR="$SNAPCRAFT_PART_INSTALL" install # Fix Desktop file sed -i 's|^Exec=nvim|Exec=/snap/bin/nvim.nvim|' ${SNAPCRAFT_PART_INSTALL}/usr/share/applications/nvim.desktop sed -i 's|^TryExec=nvim|TryExec=/snap/bin/nvim.nvim|' ${SNAPCRAFT_PART_INSTALL}/usr/share/applications/nvim.desktop sed -i 's|^Icon=.*|Icon=${SNAP}/usr/share/pixmaps/nvim.png|' ${SNAPCRAFT_PART_INSTALL}/usr/share/applications/nvim.desktop build-packages: - ninja-build - libtool - libtool-bin - autoconf - automake - gawk - g++ - git - gettext - unzip - wget prime: - -usr/share/man desktop-glib-only: plugin: make source: source-subdir: glib-only neovide: plugin: rust source: . build-packages: - fontconfig - libfontconfig1-dev - libfreetype6-dev stage-packages: - fontconfig - fonts-noto - libfontconfig1 - libibus-1.0-5 - libpng16-16 - libx11-dev - libx11-xcb1 - libxcursor1 - libxi-dev - libxrandr-dev - locales-all - xdg-user-dirs apps: neovide: command: bin/neovide plugs: - desktop - desktop-legacy command-chain: - bin/desktop-launch