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use crate::settings::*;
use crate::utils::Dimensions;
use clap::{App, Arg};
#[derive(Clone, Debug)]
pub struct CmdLineSettings {
// Pass through arguments
pub neovim_args: Vec<String>,
// Command-line arguments only
pub geometry: Dimensions,
pub log_to_file: bool,
pub no_fork: bool,
pub remote_tcp: Option<String>,
pub wsl: bool,
// Command-line flags with environment variable fallback
pub frameless: bool,
pub maximized: bool,
pub multi_grid: bool,
pub no_idle: bool,
pub srgb: bool,
// Command-line arguments with environment variable fallback
pub neovim_bin: Option<String>,
pub wayland_app_id: String,
pub x11_wm_class: String,
impl Default for CmdLineSettings {
fn default() -> Self {
Self {
// Pass through arguments
neovim_args: vec![],
// Command-line arguments only
log_to_file: false,
no_fork: false,
remote_tcp: None,
wsl: false,
// Command-line flags with environment variable fallback
frameless: false,
maximized: false,
multi_grid: false,
no_idle: false,
srgb: true,
// Command-line arguments with environment variable fallback
neovim_bin: None,
wayland_app_id: String::new(),
x11_wm_class: String::new(),
pub fn handle_command_line_arguments(args: Vec<String>) -> Result<(), String> {
let clapp = App::new("Neovide")
// Pass through arguments
.help("Specify Arguments to pass down to neovim"),
// Command-line arguments only
.help("Specify the Geometry of the window"),
.help("Log to a file"),
.help("Do not detach process from terminal"),
.help("Connect to Remote TCP"),
.help("Run in WSL")
// Command-line flags with environment variable fallback
.help("Removes the window frame. NOTE: Window might not be resizable after this setting is enabled.")
.help("Maximize the window"),
.help("Enable Multigrid"),
.help("Render every frame. Takes more power and cpu time but possibly fixes animation issues"),
.help("Use standard color space to initialize the window. Swapping this variable sometimes fixes issues on startup"),
// Command-line arguments with environment variable fallback
.help("Specify path to neovim"),
let matches = clapp.get_matches_from(args);
* Integrate Environment Variables as Defaults to the command-line ones.
* If the command-line argument is not set, the environment variable is used.
SETTINGS.set::<CmdLineSettings>(&CmdLineSettings {
// Pass through arguments
neovim_args: matches
.map(|opt||v| v.to_owned()).collect())
// Command-line arguments only
geometry: parse_window_geometry(matches.value_of("geometry").map(|i| i.to_owned()))?,
log_to_file: matches.is_present("log_to_file"),
no_fork: matches.is_present("nofork"),
remote_tcp: matches.value_of("remote_tcp").map(|i| i.to_owned()),
wsl: matches.is_present("wsl"),
// Command-line flags with environment variable fallback
frameless: matches.is_present("frameless") || std::env::var("NEOVIDE_FRAMELESS").is_ok(),
maximized: matches.is_present("maximized") || std::env::var("NEOVIDE_MAXIMIZED").is_ok(),
multi_grid: matches.is_present("multi_grid") || std::env::var("NEOVIDE_MULTIGRID").is_ok(),
no_idle: matches.is_present("noidle") || std::env::var("NEOVIDE_NOIDLE").is_ok(),
srgb: matches.is_present("srgb") || std::env::var("NEOVIDE_NO_SRGB").is_err(),
// Command-line arguments with environment variable fallback
neovim_bin: matches
.map(|v| v.to_owned())
.or_else(|| std::env::var("NEOVIM_BIN").ok()),
wayland_app_id: matches
.map(|v| v.to_owned())
.or_else(|| std::env::var("NEOVIDE_APP_ID").ok())
x11_wm_class: matches
.map(|v| v.to_owned())
.or_else(|| std::env::var("NEOVIDE_X11_WM_CLASS").ok())
mod tests {
use std::sync::Mutex;
use std::env::set_var;
use lazy_static::lazy_static;
use super::*;
// Use a mutex to ensure that the settings are initialized and accessed in series
lazy_static! {
static ref ACCESSING_SETTINGS: Mutex<bool> = Mutex::new(false);
fn test_neovim_passthrough() {
let args: Vec<String> = vec![
.map(|s| s.to_string())
let _accessing_settings = ACCESSING_SETTINGS.lock().unwrap();
handle_command_line_arguments(args).expect("Could not parse arguments");
assert_eq!(SETTINGS.get::<CmdLineSettings>().neovim_args, vec!["--clean"]);
fn test_geometry() {
let args: Vec<String> = vec![
.map(|s| s.to_string())
let _accessing_settings = ACCESSING_SETTINGS.lock().unwrap();
handle_command_line_arguments(args).expect("Could not parse arguments");
assert_eq!(SETTINGS.get::<CmdLineSettings>().geometry, Dimensions { width: 42, height: 24 });
fn test_log_to_file() {
let args: Vec<String> = vec![
.map(|s| s.to_string())
let _accessing_settings = ACCESSING_SETTINGS.lock().unwrap();
handle_command_line_arguments(args).expect("Could not parse arguments");
assert_eq!(SETTINGS.get::<CmdLineSettings>().log_to_file, true);
fn test_frameless_flag() {
let args: Vec<String> = vec![
.map(|s| s.to_string())
let _accessing_settings = ACCESSING_SETTINGS.lock().unwrap();
handle_command_line_arguments(args).expect("Could not parse arguments");
assert_eq!(SETTINGS.get::<CmdLineSettings>().frameless, true);
fn test_frameless_environment_variable() {
let args: Vec<String> = vec![
.map(|s| s.to_string())
let _accessing_settings = ACCESSING_SETTINGS.lock().unwrap();
set_var("NEOVIDE_FRAMELESS", "true");
handle_command_line_arguments(args).expect("Could not parse arguments");
assert_eq!(SETTINGS.get::<CmdLineSettings>().frameless, true);
fn test_neovim_bin_arg() {
let args: Vec<String> = vec![
.map(|s| s.to_string())
let _accessing_settings = ACCESSING_SETTINGS.lock().unwrap();
handle_command_line_arguments(args).expect("Could not parse arguments");
assert_eq!(SETTINGS.get::<CmdLineSettings>().neovim_bin, Some("foo".to_owned()));
fn test_neovim_bin_environment_variable() {
let args: Vec<String> = vec![
.map(|s| s.to_string())
let _accessing_settings = ACCESSING_SETTINGS.lock().unwrap();
set_var("NEOVIM_BIN", "foo");
handle_command_line_arguments(args).expect("Could not parse arguments");
assert_eq!(SETTINGS.get::<CmdLineSettings>().neovim_bin, Some("foo".to_owned()));