You cannot select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

35 lines
1.4 KiB

local M = {}
function M.get(cp)
local cnf = require("catppuccin.config").options
local transparent_background = cnf.transparent_background
local dim_inactive = cnf.dim_inactive
local bg_highlight = (transparent_background and dim_inactive and cp.dim)
or (transparent_background and "NONE")
or (dim_inactive and cp.dim)
or cp.base
local inactive_bg = transparent_background and "NONE" or cp.mantle
return {
BufferLineFill = { bg = bg_highlight },
BufferLineBackcrust = { fg = cp.text, bg = inactive_bg }, -- others
BufferLineBufferVisible = { fg = cp.surface1, bg = inactive_bg },
BufferLineBufferSelected = { fg = cp.text, bg = cp.base, style = "bold,italic" }, -- current
BufferLineTab = { fg = cp.surface1, bg = cp.base },
BufferLineTabSelected = { fg =, bg = },
BufferLineTabClose = { fg =, bg = inactive_bg },
BufferLineIndicatorSelected = { fg = cp.peach, bg = cp.base },
-- separators
BufferLineSeparator = { fg = inactive_bg, bg = inactive_bg },
BufferLineSeparatorVisible = { fg = inactive_bg, bg = inactive_bg },
BufferLineSeparatorSelected = { fg = inactive_bg, bg = inactive_bg },
-- close buttons
BufferLineCloseButton = { fg = cp.surface1, bg = inactive_bg },
BufferLineCloseButtonVisible = { fg = cp.surface1, bg = inactive_bg },
BufferLineCloseButtonSelected = { fg =, bg = cp.base },
return M