changed the usual highlight groups

Pocco81 3 years ago
parent f775b10385
commit 0803125084

@ -28,7 +28,7 @@ local function get_base()
lCursor = { fg = cp.catppuccin1, bg = cp.catppuccin10 }, -- the character under the cursor when |language-mapping| is used (see 'guicursor')
CursorIM = { fg = cp.catppuccin1, bg = cp.catppuccin10 }, -- like Cursor, but used when in IME mode |CursorIM|
CursorColumn = { bg = cp.catppuccin14 }, -- Screen-column at the cursor, when 'cursorcolumn' is secp.
CursorLine = { bg = cp.catppuccin15 }, -- Screen-line at the cursor, when 'cursorline' is secp. Low-priority if foreground (ctermfg OR guifg) is not secp.
CursorLine = { bg = cp.catppuccin16 }, -- Screen-line at the cursor, when 'cursorline' is secp. Low-priority if foreground (ctermfg OR guifg) is not secp.
Directory = { fg = cp.catppuccin9 }, -- directory names (and other special names in listings)
EndOfBuffer = { fg = cp.catppuccin1 }, -- filler lines (~) after the end of the buffer. By default, this is highlighted like |hl-NonText|.
ErrorMsg = { fg = cp.catppuccin5, style = "bold,italic" }, -- error messages on the command line
@ -51,13 +51,13 @@ local function get_base()
NormalSB = { fg = cp.catppuccin10, bg = cp.catppuccin13 }, -- normal text in non-current windows
NormalFloat = { fg = cp.catppuccin10, bg = cp.catppuccin14 }, -- Normal text in floating windows.
FloatBorder = { fg = cp.catppuccin9 },
Pmenu = { bg = cp.catppuccin15, fg = cp.catppuccin10 }, -- Popup menu: normal item.
PmenuSel = { fg = cp.catppuccin4, bg = cp.catppuccin12 }, -- Popup menu: selected item.
Pmenu = { bg = cp.catppuccin16, fg = cp.catppuccin15 }, -- Popup menu: normal item.
PmenuSel = { fg = cp.catppuccin10, bg = cp.catppuccin12, style = "bold" }, -- Popup menu: selected item.
PmenuSbar = { bg = cp.catppuccin12 }, -- Popup menu: scrollbar.
PmenuThumb = { bg = cp.catppuccin11 }, -- Popup menu: Thumb of the scrollbar.
Question = { fg = cp.catppuccin9 }, -- |hit-enter| prompt and yes/no questions
QuickFixLine = { bg = cp.catppuccin12, style = "bold" }, -- Current |quickfix| item in the quickfix window. Combined with |hl-CursorLine| when the cursor is there.
Search = { bg = cp.catppuccin12, fg = cp.catppuccin4 }, -- Last search pattern highlighting (see 'hlsearch'). Also used for similar items that need to stand oucp.
Search = { bg = cp.catppuccin12, fg = cp.catppuccin4, style = "bold" }, -- Last search pattern highlighting (see 'hlsearch'). Also used for similar items that need to stand oucp.
IncSearch = { bg = cp.catppuccin4, fg = cp.catppuccin12 }, -- 'incsearch' highlighting; also used for the text replaced with ":s///c"
SpecialKey = { fg = cp.catppuccin10 }, -- Unprintable characters: text displayed differently from what it really is. But not 'listchars' whitespace. |hl-Whitespace|
SpellBad = { sp = cp.catppuccin5, style = "undercurl" }, -- Word that is not recognized by the spellchecker. |spell| Combined with the highlighting used otherwise.
@ -70,8 +70,8 @@ local function get_base()
TabLineFill = { bg = }, -- tab pages line, where there are no labels
TabLineSel = { fg = cp.catppuccin0, bg = cp.catppuccin12 }, -- tab pages line, active tab page label
Title = { fg = cp.catppuccin9, style = "bold" }, -- titles for output from ":set all", ":autocmd" etcp.
Visual = { bg = cp.catppuccin15 }, -- Visual mode selection
VisualNOS = { bg = cp.catppuccin15 }, -- Visual mode selection when vim is "Not Owning the Selection".
Visual = { bg = cp.catppuccin12, style = "bold" }, -- Visual mode selection
VisualNOS = { bg = cp.catppuccin12, style = "bold" }, -- Visual mode selection when vim is "Not Owning the Selection".
WarningMsg = { fg = cp.catppuccin8 }, -- warning messages
Whitespace = { fg = cp.catppuccin12 }, -- "nbsp", "space", "tab" and "trail" in 'listchars'
WildMenu = { bg = cp.catppuccin11 }, -- current match in 'wildmenu' completion
