@ -92,36 +92,18 @@ function M.get(cp)
-- bashTSFuncBuiltin = { fg = cp.red, style = "italic" },
-- bashTSParameter = { fg = cp.yellow, style = "italic" },
-- lua
-- json
jsonTSLabel = { fg = cp.blue }, -- For labels: label: in C and :label: in Lua.
-- luaTSField = { fg = cp.rosewater },
luaTSConstructor = { fg = cp.lavender }, -- For constructor calls and definitions: = { } in Lua, and Java constructors.
-- luaTSFuncBuiltin = { fg = cp.teal, style = "italic" }, -- For builtin functions: table.insert in Lua.
-- java
-- javaTSField = { fg = cp.red },
-- javaTSType = { fg = cp.yellow }, -- current Java TS parser doesn't distinguish types properly
-- javaTSConstant = { fg = cp.teal },
-- typescript
-- lua
luaTSConstructor = { fg = cp.lavender }, -- For constructor calls and definitions: = { } in Lua, and Java constructors.
-- typescript
typescriptTSProperty = { fg = cp.lavender, style = "italic" }, -- Same as TSField.
typescriptTSConstructor = { fg = cp.lavender },
typescriptTSTagProperty = { fg = cp.cotton },
-- TSX (React with Typescript)
-- TSX (Typescript React)
tsxTSConstructor = { fg = cp.lavender },
tsxTSTagDelimiter = { fg = cp.maroon },
tsxTSTagAttribute = { fg = cp.mauve },
tsxTSTagProperty = { fg = cp.cotton },
-- css
-- cssTSType = { fg = cp.lavender },
cssTSProperty = { fg = cp.cotton, style = "italic" }, -- Same as TSField.
-- cpp
cppTSProperty = { fg = cp.white },