fix: merge conflict

Pocco81 3 years ago
commit 4a5c351b10

@ -83,6 +83,7 @@ Plugin 'catppuccin/nvim', {'name': 'catppuccin'}
There are already some sane defaults that you may like, however you can change them to match your taste. These are the defaults:
dim_inactive = false,
transparent_background = false,
term_colors = false,
styles = {
@ -215,6 +216,8 @@ This settings are unrelated to any group and are independent.
- `transparent_background`: (Boolean) if true, disables setting the background color.
- `term_colors`: (Boolean) if true, sets terminal colors (e.g. `g:terminal_color_0`).
- `dim_inactive`: (Boolean) if true, dims the background color of inactive
window or buffer or split.
#### Styles

@ -4,6 +4,11 @@ local config = {}
config.options = {
transparent_background = false,
term_colors = false,
dim_inactive = {
enable = true,
shade = "dark",
percentage = 10
styles = {
comments = "italic",
conditionals = "italic",
@ -35,7 +40,7 @@ config.options = {
information = "underline",
coc_nvim = false,
coc_nvim = false,
lsp_trouble = false,
cmp = true,
lsp_saga = false,

@ -1,29 +1,33 @@
local M = {}
function M.get(cp)
local transparent_background = require("catppuccin.config").options.transparent_background
local bg_highlight = transparent_background and "NONE" or cp.base
local cnf = require("catppuccin.config").options
local transparent_background = cnf.transparent_background
local bg_highlight = (transparent_background and cnf.dim_inactive.enable and cp.dim)
or (transparent_background and "NONE")
or (cnf.dim_inactive.enable and cp.dim)
or cp.base
local inactive_bg = transparent_background and "NONE" or cp.mantle
local inactive_bg = transparent_background and "NONE" or cp.mantle
return {
BufferLineFill = { bg = bg_highlight },
BufferLineBackcrust = { fg = cp.text, bg = inactive_bg }, -- others
BufferLineBufferVisible = { fg = cp.surface1, bg = inactive_bg },
BufferLineBufferSelected = { fg = cp.text, bg = cp.base, style = "bold,italic" }, -- current
BufferLineTab = { fg = cp.surface1, bg = cp.base },
BufferLineTabSelected = { fg =, bg = },
BufferLineTabClose = { fg =, bg = inactive_bg },
BufferLineIndicatorSelected = { fg = cp.peach, bg = cp.base },
-- separators
BufferLineSeparator = { fg = inactive_bg, bg = inactive_bg },
BufferLineSeparatorVisible = { fg = inactive_bg, bg = inactive_bg },
BufferLineSeparatorSelected = { fg = inactive_bg, bg = inactive_bg },
-- close buttons
BufferLineCloseButton = { fg = cp.surface1, bg = inactive_bg },
BufferLineCloseButtonVisible = { fg = cp.surface1, bg = inactive_bg },
BufferLineCloseButtonSelected = { fg =, bg = cp.base },
return {
BufferLineFill = { bg = bg_highlight },
BufferLineBackcrust = { fg = cp.text, bg = inactive_bg }, -- others
BufferLineBufferVisible = { fg = cp.surface1, bg = inactive_bg },
BufferLineBufferSelected = { fg = cp.text, bg = cp.base, style = "bold,italic" }, -- current
BufferLineTab = { fg = cp.surface1, bg = cp.base },
BufferLineTabSelected = { fg =, bg = },
BufferLineTabClose = { fg =, bg = inactive_bg },
BufferLineIndicatorSelected = { fg = cp.peach, bg = cp.base },
-- separators
BufferLineSeparator = { fg = inactive_bg, bg = inactive_bg },
BufferLineSeparatorVisible = { fg = inactive_bg, bg = inactive_bg },
BufferLineSeparatorSelected = { fg = inactive_bg, bg = inactive_bg },
-- close buttons
BufferLineCloseButton = { fg = cp.surface1, bg = inactive_bg },
BufferLineCloseButtonVisible = { fg = cp.surface1, bg = inactive_bg },
BufferLineCloseButtonSelected = { fg =, bg = cp.base },
return M

@ -1,10 +1,15 @@
local M = {}
function M.get(cp)
local cnf = require("catppuccin.config").options
local bg_highlight = (cnf.transparent_background and cnf.dim_inactive.enable and cp.dim)
or (cnf.transparent_background and "NONE")
or (cnf.dim_inactive.enable and cp.dim)
or cp.base
return {
GitSignsAdd = { fg =, bg = cnf.transparent_background and cp.none or cp.base }, -- diff mode: Added line |diff.txt|
GitSignsChange = { fg = cp.yellow, bg = cnf.transparent_background and cp.none or cp.base }, -- diff mode: Changed line |diff.txt|
GitSignsDelete = { fg =, bg = cnf.transparent_background and cp.none or cp.base }, -- diff mode: Deleted line |diff.txt|
GitSignsAdd = { fg =, bg = bg_highlight }, -- diff mode: Added line |diff.txt|
GitSignsChange = { fg = cp.yellow, bg = bg_highlight }, -- diff mode: Changed line |diff.txt|
GitSignsDelete = { fg =, bg = bg_highlight }, -- diff mode: Deleted line |diff.txt|

@ -1,16 +1,20 @@
local M = {}
function M.get(cp)
local transparent_background = require("catppuccin.config").options.transparent_background
local bg_highlight = transparent_background and "NONE" or cp.base
local cnf = require("catppuccin.config").options
local transparent_background = cnf.transparent_background
local bg_highlight = (transparent_background and cnf.dim_inactive.enable and cp.dim)
or (transparent_background and "NONE")
or (cnf.dim_inactive.enable and cp.dim)
or cp.base
return {
rainbowcol1 = {bg = bg_highlight, fg =},
rainbowcol2 = {bg = bg_highlight, fg = cp.teal},
rainbowcol3 = {bg = bg_highlight, fg = cp.yellow},
rainbowcol4 = {bg = bg_highlight, fg =},
rainbowcol5 = {bg = bg_highlight, fg =},
rainbowcol6 = {bg = bg_highlight, fg = cp.flamingo},
rainbowcol7 = {bg = bg_highlight, fg =},
rainbowcol1 = { bg = bg_highlight, fg = },
rainbowcol2 = { bg = bg_highlight, fg = cp.teal },
rainbowcol3 = { bg = bg_highlight, fg = cp.yellow },
rainbowcol4 = { bg = bg_highlight, fg = },
rainbowcol5 = { bg = bg_highlight, fg = },
rainbowcol6 = { bg = bg_highlight, fg = cp.flamingo },
rainbowcol7 = { bg = bg_highlight, fg = },

@ -1,4 +1,5 @@
local ucolors = require("catppuccin.utils.colors")
local lui = require("catppuccin.lib.ui")
local cp
local M = {}
@ -17,10 +18,8 @@ local function get_properties()
local function get_base()
cp.none = "NONE"
return {
Comment = { fg = cp.surface2, style = cnf.styles.comments }, -- just comments
Comment = { fg = cp.surface2, style = cnf.styles.comments }, -- just comments
ColorColumn = { bg = cp.surface0 }, -- used for the columns set with 'colorcolumn'
Conceal = { fg = cp.overlay1 }, -- placeholder characters substituted for concealed text (see 'conceallevel')
Cursor = { fg = cp.base, bg = cp.text }, -- character under the cursor
@ -51,7 +50,13 @@ Comment = { fg = cp.surface2, style = cnf.styles.comments }, -- just comments
MoreMsg = { fg = }, -- |more-prompt|
NonText = { fg = cp.overlay0 }, -- '@' at the end of the window, characters from 'showbreak' and other characters that do not really exist in the text (e.g., ">" displayed when a double-wide character doesn't fit at the end of the line). See also |hl-EndOfBuffer|.
Normal = { fg = cp.text, bg = cnf.transparent_background and cp.none or cp.base }, -- normal text
NormalNC = { fg = cp.text, bg = cnf.transparent_background and cp.none or cp.base }, -- normal text in non-current windows
NormalNC = {
fg = cp.text,
bg = (cnf.transparent_background and cnf.dim_inactive.enable and cp.dim)
or (cnf.dim_inactive.enable and cp.dim)
or (cnf.transparent_background and cp.none)
or cp.base,
}, -- normal text in non-current windows
NormalSB = { fg = cp.text, bg = cp.crust }, -- normal text in non-current windows
NormalFloat = { fg = cp.text, bg = cp.mantle }, -- Normal text in floating windows.
FloatBorder = { fg = },
@ -215,6 +220,9 @@ function M.apply()
_G.cnf = require("catppuccin.config").options
cp = require("catppuccin.core.palettes.init").get_palette()
cp.none = "NONE"
cp.dim = lui.dim()
local theme = {} = get_properties() -- nvim settings
theme.base = get_base() -- basic hi groups

@ -32,6 +32,7 @@ local color_palette = {
base = "#303446",
mantle = "#292C3C",
crust = "#232634",
dim = "#444858",
return color_palette

@ -29,9 +29,10 @@ local color_palette = {
surface1 = "#BCC0CC",
surface0 = "#CCD0DA",
base = "#EFF1F5",
crust = "#DCE0E8",
mantle = "#E6E9EF",
base = "#EFF1F5",
dim = "#D7D8DC",
return color_palette

@ -32,6 +32,7 @@ local color_palette = {
base = "#24273A",
mantle = "#1E2030",
crust = "#181926",
dim = "#393C4D",
return color_palette

@ -32,6 +32,7 @@ local color_palette = {
base = "#1E1E2E",
mantle = "#181825",
crust = "#11111B",
dim = "#343442",
return color_palette

@ -0,0 +1,15 @@
local M = {}
local cp = require("catppuccin.core.palettes.init").get_palette()
local cnf = require("catppuccin.config").options
local dim_percentage = cnf.dim_inactive.percentage
local ucolors = require("catppuccin.ucolors.ucolors")
function M.dim()
if cnf.dim_inactive.shade == "dark" then
return ucolors.darken(cp.base, dim_percentage, cp.crust)
return ucolors.lighten(cp.base, dim_percentage, cp.surface0)
return M