feat: nvim-0.7 support + rework of utils

Pocco81 3 years ago
parent 6df82e66a5
commit 536988887f

@ -1,5 +1,5 @@
local M = {}
local util = require("catppuccin.utils.util")
local ucolors = require("catppuccin.utils.colors")
function M.get(cp)
@ -20,11 +20,11 @@ function M.get(cp)
LspReferenceRead = { bg = cp.surface1 }, -- used for highlighting "read" references
LspReferenceWrite = { bg = cp.surface1 }, -- used for highlighting "write" references
-- hightlight diagnostics in numberline
DiagnosticError = { bg = util.darken(error, darkening_percentage, cp.base), fg = error, style = virtual_text.errors }, -- Used as the mantle highlight group. Other Diagnostic highlights link to this by default
DiagnosticWarn = { bg = util.darken(warning, darkening_percentage, cp.base), fg = warning, style = virtual_text.warnings }, -- Used as the mantle highlight group. Other Diagnostic highlights link to this by default
DiagnosticInfo = { bg = util.darken(info, darkening_percentage, cp.base), fg = info, style = virtual_text.information }, -- Used as the mantle highlight group. Other Diagnostic highlights link to this by default
DiagnosticHint = { bg = util.darken(hint, darkening_percentage, cp.base), fg = hint, style = virtual_text.hints }, -- Used as the mantle highlight group. Other Diagnostic highlights link to this by default
-- util.
DiagnosticError = { bg = ucolors.darken(error, darkening_percentage, cp.base), fg = error, style = virtual_text.errors }, -- Used as the mantle highlight group. Other Diagnostic highlights link to this by default
DiagnosticWarn = { bg = ucolors.darken(warning, darkening_percentage, cp.base), fg = warning, style = virtual_text.warnings }, -- Used as the mantle highlight group. Other Diagnostic highlights link to this by default
DiagnosticInfo = { bg = ucolors.darken(info, darkening_percentage, cp.base), fg = info, style = virtual_text.information }, -- Used as the mantle highlight group. Other Diagnostic highlights link to this by default
DiagnosticHint = { bg = ucolors.darken(hint, darkening_percentage, cp.base), fg = hint, style = virtual_text.hints }, -- Used as the mantle highlight group. Other Diagnostic highlights link to this by default
-- ucolors.
-- for nvim nightly
DiagnosticUnderlineError = { style = underlines.errors, sp = error },

@ -1,5 +1,4 @@
local colors_util = require("catppuccin.utils.colors")
local util = require("catppuccin.utils.util")
local ucolors = require("catppuccin.utils.colors")
local cp
local M = {}
@ -10,7 +9,7 @@ local function get_properties()
background = "dark",
if colors_util.assert_brightness(cp.base) then
if ucolors.assert_brightness(cp.base) then
props["background"] = "light"
@ -28,7 +27,12 @@ local function get_base()
lCursor = { fg = cp.base, bg = cp.text }, -- the character under the cursor when |language-mapping| is used (see 'guicursor')
CursorIM = { fg = cp.base, bg = cp.text }, -- like Cursor, but used when in IME mode |CursorIM|
CursorColumn = { bg = cp.mantle }, -- Screen-column at the cursor, when 'cursorcolumn' is secp.
CursorLine = { bg = colors_util.vary_color({latte = util.lighten(cp.mantle, 0.70, cp.base)}, util.darken(cp.surface0, 0.64, cp.base)) }, -- Screen-line at the cursor, when 'cursorline' is secp. Low-priority if forecrust (ctermfg OR guifg) is not secp.
CursorLine = {
bg = ucolors.vary_color(
{ latte = ucolors.lighten(cp.mantle, 0.70, cp.base) },
ucolors.darken(cp.surface0, 0.64, cp.base)
}, -- Screen-line at the cursor, when 'cursorline' is secp. Low-priority if forecrust (ctermfg OR guifg) is not secp.
Directory = { fg = cp.blue }, -- directory names (and other special names in listings)
EndOfBuffer = { fg = cp.base }, -- filler lines (~) after the end of the buffer. By default, this is highlighted like |hl-NonText|.
ErrorMsg = { fg = cp.red, style = "bold,italic" }, -- error messages on the command line
@ -38,7 +42,7 @@ local function get_base()
SignColumn = { bg = cnf.transparent_background and cp.none or cp.base, fg = cp.surface1 }, -- column where |signs| are displayed
SignColumnSB = { bg = cp.crust, fg = cp.surface1 }, -- column where |signs| are displayed
Substitute = { bg = cp.surface1, fg = cp.pink }, -- |:substitute| replacement text highlighting
LineNr = { fg = cp.surface1 }, -- colors_util.vary_color({latte = cp.crust}, cp.surface1) }, -- Line number for ":number" and ":#" commands, and when 'number' or 'relativenumber' option is secp.
LineNr = { fg = cp.surface1 }, -- ucolors.vary_color({latte = cp.crust}, cp.surface1) }, -- Line number for ":number" and ":#" commands, and when 'number' or 'relativenumber' option is secp.
CursorLineNr = { fg = cp.lavender }, -- Like LineNr when 'cursorline' or 'relativenumber' is set for the cursor line. highlights the number in numberline.
MatchParen = { fg = cp.peach, style = "bold" }, -- The character under the cursor or just before it, if it is a paired bracket, and its match. |pi_paren.txt|
ModeMsg = { fg = cp.text, style = "bold" }, -- 'showmode' message (e.g., "-- INSERT -- ")

@ -19,7 +19,7 @@ local color_palette = {
blue = "#8CAAEE",
lavender = "#BABBF1",
text = "#C6D0F5",
text = "#D1D9F8",
subtext1 = "#B5BFE2",
subtext0 = "#A5ADCE",
overlay2 = "#949CBB",

@ -0,0 +1,12 @@
local M = {}
function M.flavour_completion()
return vim.tbl_keys(require("catppuccin.utils.data").set_of({
return M

@ -1,6 +1,88 @@
local M = {}
local function color_is_bright(r, g, b)
local hsluv = require("catppuccin.utils.hsluv")
---@param hex_str string hexadecimal value of a color
local hex_to_rgb = function(hex_str)
local hex = "[abcdef0-9][abcdef0-9]"
local pat = "^#(" .. hex .. ")(" .. hex .. ")(" .. hex .. ")$"
hex_str = string.lower(hex_str)
assert(string.find(hex_str, pat) ~= nil, "hex_to_rgb: invalid hex_str: " .. tostring(hex_str))
local red, green, blue = string.match(hex_str, pat)
return { tonumber(red, 16), tonumber(green, 16), tonumber(blue, 16) }
---@param fg string forecrust color
---@param bg string background color
---@param alpha number number between 0 and 1. 0 results in bg, 1 results in fg
function M.blend(fg, bg, alpha)
bg = hex_to_rgb(bg)
fg = hex_to_rgb(fg)
local blendChannel = function(i)
local ret = (alpha * fg[i] + ((1 - alpha) * bg[i]))
return math.floor(math.min(math.max(0, ret), 255) + 0.5)
return string.format("#%02X%02X%02X", blendChannel(1), blendChannel(2), blendChannel(3))
function M.darken(hex, amount, bg)
return M.blend(hex, bg or M.bg, math.abs(amount))
function M.lighten(hex, amount, fg)
return M.blend(hex, fg or M.fg, math.abs(amount))
function M.brighten(color, percentage)
local hsl = hsluv.hex_to_hsluv(color)
local larpSpace = 100 - hsl[3]
if percentage < 0 then
larpSpace = hsl[3]
hsl[3] = hsl[3] + larpSpace * percentage
return hsluv.hsluv_to_hex(hsl)
function M.invertColor(color)
if color ~= "NONE" then
local hsl = hsluv.hex_to_hsluv(color)
hsl[3] = 100 - hsl[3]
if hsl[3] < 40 then
hsl[3] = hsl[3] + (100 - hsl[3]) * M.day_brightness
return hsluv.hsluv_to_hex(hsl)
return color
function M.string_to_color(colors, value, default)
if not value or value == "" then
return default
-- If the value is a hex color code then return it
local hex = "[abcdef0-9][abcdef0-9]"
local pat = "^#" .. hex .. hex .. hex .. "$"
if string.match(value, pat) then
return value
local acceptable_colors = { "black", "red", "green", "blue", "magenta", "cyan", "text", "orange", "pink" }
for _, ac in ipairs(acceptable_colors) do
if string.match(value, ac) then
return colors[value]
-- Did not match anything to return default
return default
function M.color_is_bright(r, g, b)
-- Counting the perceptive luminance - human eye favors green color
local luminance = (0.299 * r + 0.587 * g + 0.114 * b) / 255
if luminance > 0.5 then
@ -20,7 +102,7 @@ function M.assert_brightness(color)
local g = M.hex2rgb(string.sub(hex, 3, 4))
local b = M.hex2rgb(string.sub(hex, 5, 6))
if color_is_bright(tonumber(r), tonumber(g), tonumber(b)) == true then
if M.color_is_bright(tonumber(r), tonumber(g), tonumber(b)) == true then
return true -- bright

@ -8,4 +8,13 @@ function M.set_of(list)
return set
-- https://www.codegrepper.com/code-examples/lua/lua+split+string+on+comma
function M.split(s, delimiter)
local result = {}
for match in (s..delimiter):gmatch("(.-)"..delimiter) do
table.insert(result, match)
return result
return M

@ -1,107 +1,45 @@
local hsluv = require("catppuccin.utils.hsluv")
local udata = require("catppuccin.utils.data")
local g = vim.g
local o = vim.o
local util = {}
util.bg = "#000000"
util.fg = "#ffffff"
util.day_brightness = 0.3
---@param hex_str string hexadecimal value of a color
local hex_to_rgb = function(hex_str)
local hex = "[abcdef0-9][abcdef0-9]"
local pat = "^#(" .. hex .. ")(" .. hex .. ")(" .. hex .. ")$"
hex_str = string.lower(hex_str)
assert(string.find(hex_str, pat) ~= nil, "hex_to_rgb: invalid hex_str: " .. tostring(hex_str))
local red, green, blue = string.match(hex_str, pat)
return { tonumber(red, 16), tonumber(green, 16), tonumber(blue, 16) }
---@param fg string forecrust color
---@param bg string background color
---@param alpha number number between 0 and 1. 0 results in bg, 1 results in fg
function util.blend(fg, bg, alpha)
bg = hex_to_rgb(bg)
fg = hex_to_rgb(fg)
local blendChannel = function(i)
local ret = (alpha * fg[i] + ((1 - alpha) * bg[i]))
return math.floor(math.min(math.max(0, ret), 255) + 0.5)
local has_nvim07 = vim.fn.has("nvim-0.7")
return string.format("#%02X%02X%02X", blendChannel(1), blendChannel(2), blendChannel(3))
function util.darken(hex, amount, bg)
return util.blend(hex, bg or util.bg, math.abs(amount))
function util.lighten(hex, amount, fg)
return util.blend(hex, fg or util.fg, math.abs(amount))
function util.brighten(color, percentage)
local hsl = hsluv.hex_to_hsluv(color)
local larpSpace = 100 - hsl[3]
if percentage < 0 then
larpSpace = hsl[3]
hsl[3] = hsl[3] + larpSpace * percentage
return hsluv.hsluv_to_hex(hsl)
function util.invertColor(color)
if color ~= "NONE" then
local hsl = hsluv.hex_to_hsluv(color)
hsl[3] = 100 - hsl[3]
if hsl[3] < 40 then
hsl[3] = hsl[3] + (100 - hsl[3]) * util.day_brightness
function util.highlight(group, color)
if has_nvim07 then
if color.link then
vim.api.nvim_set_hl(0, group, {
link = color.link,
if color.style then
if color.style ~= "NONE" then
for _, style in pairs(udata.split(color.style, ",")) do
color[style] = true
color.style = nil
vim.api.nvim_set_hl(0, group, color)
return hsluv.hsluv_to_hex(hsl)
return color
function util.string_to_color(colors, value, default)
if not value or value == "" then
return default
-- If the value is a hex color code then return it
local hex = "[abcdef0-9][abcdef0-9]"
local pat = "^#" .. hex .. hex .. hex .. "$"
if string.match(value, pat) then
return value
local acceptable_colors = { "black", "red", "green", "blue", "magenta", "cyan", "text", "orange", "pink" }
for _, ac in ipairs(acceptable_colors) do
if string.match(value, ac) then
return colors[value]
-- Doc: :h highlight-gui
local style = color.style and "gui=" .. color.style or "gui=NONE"
local fg = color.fg and "guifg=" .. color.fg or "guifg=NONE"
local bg = color.bg and "guibg=" .. color.bg or "guibg=NONE"
local sp = color.sp and "guisp=" .. color.sp or ""
local blend = color.blend and "blend=" .. color.blend or ""
local hl = "highlight " .. group .. " " .. style .. " " .. fg .. " " .. bg .. " " .. sp .. " " .. blend
if color.link then
vim.cmd("highlight! link " .. group .. " " .. color.link)
-- Did not match anything to return default
return default
function util.highlight(group, color)
-- Doc: :h highlight-gui
local style = color.style and "gui=" .. color.style or "gui=NONE"
local fg = color.fg and "guifg=" .. color.fg or "guifg=NONE"
local bg = color.bg and "guibg=" .. color.bg or "guibg=NONE"
local sp = color.sp and "guisp=" .. color.sp or ""
local blend = color.blend and "blend=" .. color.blend or ""
local hl = "highlight " .. group .. " " .. style .. " " .. fg .. " " .. bg .. " " .. sp .. " " .. blend
if color.link then
vim.cmd("highlight! link " .. group .. " " .. color.link)
function util.syntax(tbl)
