@ -91,16 +91,16 @@ local function get_base()
Boolean = { fg = cp.orange_br } , -- a boolean constant: TRUE, false
Identifier = { fg = cp.catppuccino3 , style = cnf.styles . variables } , -- (preferred) any variable name
Function = { fg = cp.blue , style = cnf.styles . functions } , -- function name (also: methods for classes)
Statement = { fg = cp. magenta_br } , -- (preferred) any statement
Statement = { fg = cp. catppuccino4 } , -- (preferred) any statement
Conditional = { fg = cp.red } , -- if, then, else, endif, switch, etcp.
Repeat = { fg = cp.red } , -- for, do, while, etcp.
Label = { fg = cp. magenta_br } , -- case, default, etcp.
Label = { fg = cp. catppuccino4 } , -- case, default, etcp.
Operator = { fg = cp.fg_alt } , -- "sizeof", "+", "*", etcp.
Keyword = { fg = cp. magenta , style = cnf.styles . keywords } , -- any other keyword
Keyword = { fg = cp. catppuccino5 , style = cnf.styles . keywords } , -- any other keyword
-- Exception = { }, -- try, catch, throw
PreProc = { fg = cp. pink } , -- (preferred) generic Preprocessor
Include = { fg = cp. pink } , -- preprocessor #include
PreProc = { fg = cp. catppuccino5 } , -- (preferred) generic Preprocessor
Include = { fg = cp. catppuccino5 } , -- preprocessor #include
-- Define = { }, -- preprocessor #define
-- Macro = { }, -- same as Define
-- PreCondit = { }, -- preprocessor #if, #else, #endif, etcp.
@ -126,7 +126,7 @@ local function get_base()
Todo = { catppuccino2 = cp.yellow , fg = cp.catppuccino2 , style = " bold " } , -- (preferred) anything that needs extra attention; mostly the keywords TODO FIXME and XXX
qfLineNr = { fg = cp.yellow } ,
qfFileName = { fg = cp.blue } ,
htmlH1 = { fg = cp. magenta , style = " bold " } ,
htmlH1 = { fg = cp. catppuccino5 , style = " bold " } ,
htmlH2 = { fg = cp.blue , style = " bold " } ,
-- mkdHeading = { fg = cp.orange, style = "bold" },
-- mkdCode = { catppuccino2 = cp.terminal_black, fg = cp.fg },
@ -149,7 +149,7 @@ local function get_base()
diffNewFile = { fg = cp.orange } ,
diffFile = { fg = cp.blue } ,
diffLine = { fg = cp.comment } ,
diffIndexLine = { fg = cp. magenta } ,
diffIndexLine = { fg = cp. catppuccino5 } ,
DiffAdd = { fg = cp.diff . add , catppuccino2 = cp.catppuccino2 } , -- diff mode: Added line |diff.txt|
DiffChange = { fg = cp.diff . change , catppuccino2 = cp.catppuccino2 } , -- diff mode: Changed line |diff.txt|
DiffDelete = { fg = cp.diff . delete , catppuccino2 = cp.catppuccino2 } , -- diff mode: Deleted line |diff.txt|