BREAKING CHANGE: every palette was updated

Pocco81 3 years ago
parent 8a3b8925cd
commit d0030f4946

@ -1,9 +1,7 @@
local M = {}
function M.get(cp)
local delimeters = cp.gray2
-- local delimeters = cp.gray2
local operators =
local cl = cp.mauve -- conditionals, loops
local keywords = cp.mauve
@ -35,16 +33,16 @@ function M.get(cp)
-- builtin
TSConstBuiltin = { fg = cp.peach, style = cnf.styles.keywords or "NONE" }, -- For constant that are built in the language: nil in Lua.
TSFuncBuiltin = { fg = cp.sapphire, style = cnf.styles.functions or "NONE" }, -- For builtin functions: table.insert in Lua.
TSFuncBuiltin = { fg = cp.peach, style = cnf.styles.functions or "NONE" }, -- For builtin functions: table.insert in Lua.
TSNamespace = { fg =, style = "italic" }, -- For identifiers referring to modules and namespaces.
TSType = { fg = cp.cotton, style = cnf.styles.types or "NONE" }, -- For types.
TSTypeBuiltin = { fg = cp.cotton, style = or "italic" }, -- For builtin types.
TSType = { fg = cp.yellow, style = cnf.styles.types or "NONE" }, -- For types.
TSTypeBuiltin = { fg = cp.yellow, style = or "italic" }, -- For builtin types.
TSVariableBuiltin = { fg = }, -- Variable names that are defined by the languages, like this or self.
TSFunction = { fg =, style = cnf.styles.functions or "NONE" }, -- For function (calls and definitions).
TSFuncMacro = { fg = cp.teal, style = cnf.styles.functions or "NONE" }, -- For macro defined functions (calls and definitions): each macro_rules in Ruscp.
TSParameter = { fg = cp.yellow, style = "italic" }, -- For parameters of a function.
TSParameter = { fg = cp.maroon, style = "italic" }, -- For parameters of a function.
TSKeywordFunction = { fg = cp.mauve, style = cnf.styles.keywords or "NONE" }, -- For keywords used to define a fuction.
TSKeyword = { fg = keywords, style = cnf.styles.keywords or "NONE" }, -- For keywords that don't fall in previous categories.
TSKeywordReturn = { fg = cp.mauve, style = cnf.styles.keywords or "NONE" },
@ -55,7 +53,7 @@ function M.get(cp)
TSNote = { fg = cp.black2, bg = },
TSWarning = { fg = cp.black2, bg = cp.yellow },
TSDanger = { fg = cp.black2, bg = },
-- TSConstMacro = { }; -- For constants that are defined by macros: NULL in cp.
TSConstMacro = { fg = cp.mauve }; -- For constants that are defined by macros: NULL in cp.
-- TSError = { fg = }, -- For syntax/parser errors.
-- rustTSField = { fg = cp.black4 }, -- For fields.
TSLabel = { fg = cp.sapphire }, -- For labels: label: in C and :label: in Lua.
@ -64,7 +62,8 @@ function M.get(cp)
-- TSParameterReference= { }; -- For references to parameters of a function.
tomlTSProperty = { fg = }, -- Differentiates between string and properties
TSPunctDelimiter = { fg = cp.gray2 }, -- For delimiters ie: .
TSPunctBracket = { fg = delimeters }, -- For brackets and parenthesis.
-- TSPunctBracket = { fg = delimeters }, -- For brackets and parenthesis.
TSPunctBracket = { fg = cp.gray2 }, -- For brackets and parenthesis.
TSString = { fg =, style = cnf.styles.strings or "NONE" }, -- For strings.
TSStringRegex = { fg = cp.peach, style = cnf.styles.strings or "NONE" }, -- For regexes.
-- TSSymbol = { }; -- For identifiers referring to symbols or atoms.

@ -38,7 +38,7 @@ local function get_base()
SignColumnSB = { bg = cp.black0, fg = cp.black4 }, -- column where |signs| are displayed
Substitute = { bg = cp.black4, fg = }, -- |:substitute| replacement text highlighting
LineNr = { fg = cp.black4 }, -- Line number for ":number" and ":#" commands, and when 'number' or 'relativenumber' option is secp.
CursorLineNr = { fg = }, -- Like LineNr when 'cursorline' or 'relativenumber' is set for the cursor line. highlights the number in numberline.
CursorLineNr = { fg = cp.lavender }, -- Like LineNr when 'cursorline' or 'relativenumber' is set for the cursor line. highlights the number in numberline.
MatchParen = { fg = cp.peach, style = "bold" }, -- The character under the cursor or just before it, if it is a paired bracket, and its match. |pi_paren.txt|
ModeMsg = { fg = cp.white, style = "bold" }, -- 'showmode' message (e.g., "-- INSERT -- ")
MsgArea = { fg = cp.white }, -- Area for messages and cmdline

@ -1,28 +1,28 @@
local color_palette = {
rosewater = "#E09D90", -- Rosewater
flamingo = "#E79C9C", -- Flamingo
mauve = "#AC61DF", -- Mauve -- done
pink = "#EF9AD9", -- Pink -- done
red = "#E84746", -- Red -- done -
maroon = "#c96765", -- Maroon -- done
peach = "#E99726", -- Peach -- done -
yellow = "#EABE24", -- Yellow -- done -
green = "#89B517", -- Green -- done -
blue = "#4877D7", -- Blue -- done -
sky = "#3FC4D9", -- Sky -- done
teal = "#149C9B", -- Teal -- done -
lavender = "#939AFB", -- Lavender -- done
white = "#343b58", -- White -- works?
gray2 = "#424968", -- Gray2
gray1 = "#505677", -- Gray1
gray0 = "#606689", -- Gray0 -- done -
black4 = "#cfd8dc", -- Black4
black3 = "#eff3f4", -- Black3
black2 = "#FCFCFC", -- Black2 -- done
black1 = "#EDEDED", -- Black1
black0 = "#D3D0D2", -- Black0
rosewater = "#E5AC9F",
flamingo = "#DF7F7F",
pink = "#EC83D0",
mauve = "#8F46EF",
red = "#D20F39",
maroon = "#E63B4A",
peach = "#FE6811",
yellow = "#E49320",
green = "#509E31",
teal = "#289886",
sky = "#04A5E5",
blue = "#1D65F5",
sapphire = "#209FB5",
lavender = "#7287FD",
white = "#575279",
gray2 = "#6E6A8B",
gray1 = "#86819C",
gray0 = "#9D99AE",
black5 = "#B5B1BF",
black4 = "#CCC9D1",
black3 = "#E6E3E5",
black2 = "#FBF8F4",
black1 = "#EDEDED",
black0 = "#D3D0D2",
-- NOTE: we might have to remake our current naming convention for gray# and black#
return color_palette

@ -1,26 +1,28 @@
local color_palette = {
rosewater = "#F5E0DC", -- Rosewater
flamingo = "#F2CDCD", -- Flamingo
mauve = "#DDB6F2", -- Mauve
pink = "#F5C2E7", -- Pink
red = "#F28FAD", -- Red
maroon = "#E8A2AF", -- Maroon
peach = "#F8BD96", -- Peach
yellow = "#FAE3B0", -- Yellow
green = "#ABE9B3", -- Green
blue = "#96CDFB", -- Blue
sky = "#89DCEB", -- Sky
teal = "#B5E8E0", -- Teal
lavender = "#C9CBFF", -- Lavender
white = "#D9E0EE", -- White
gray2 = "#C3BAC6", -- Gray2
gray1 = "#988BA2", -- Gray1
gray0 = "#6E6C7E", -- Gray0
black4 = "#575268", -- Black4
black3 = "#302D41", -- Black3
black2 = "#1E1E2E", -- Black2
black1 = "#1A1826", -- Black1
black0 = "#161320", -- Black0
rosewater = "#F5E0DC",
flamingo = "#F2CDCD",
pink = "#F5C2E7",
mauve = "#CBA6F7",
red = "#F38BA8",
maroon = "#EBA0AC",
peach = "#FAB387",
yellow = "#F9E2AF",
green = "#A6E3A1",
teal = "#94E2D5",
sky = "#89DCEB",
blue = "#90C1FB",
sapphire = "#74C7EC",
lavender = "#C9CBFF",
white = "#C6D0F5",
gray2 = "#ADB5D8",
gray1 = "#959BBA",
gray0 = "#7C809D",
black5 = "#63657F",
black4 = "#4B4B62",
black3 = "#323044",
black2 = "#1E1E2E",
black1 = "#181825",
black0 = "#101019",
return color_palette

@ -1,52 +1,28 @@
local color_palette = {
pink = "#F5BFE7", -- Pink -- done -- cotton
flamingo = "#F2CBCB", -- Flamingo -- done
cotton = "#F3DCAC",
yellow = "#F1D0D8", -- Yellow -- done -
-- cotton = "#B6FFEA",
rosewater = "#F5DFDA", -- Rosewater
mauve = "#C59FF6", -- Mauve -- done -
red = "#F67E98", -- Red -- done
maroon = "#F1949B", -- Maroon -- done
peach = "#FEA571", -- Peach -- done - -
green = "#9CDA83", -- Green -- done -
-- sapphire = "#2AC3DE",
-- sapphire = "#99FFCD",
-- sapphire = "#F8DEA9",
-- sapphire = "#B6FFCE",
-- sapphire = "#2AC3DE",
-- green = "#98C379", -- Green -- done -
rosewater = "#F5DFDA",
flamingo = "#F2CBCB",
pink = "#F5BFE7",
mauve = "#C59FF6",
red = "#F67E98",
maroon = "#F1949B",
peach = "#FEA571",
yellow = "#F2DAA8",
green = "#A1DF8E",
teal = "#85E0D1",
sky = "#89DCFD",
blue = "#83ABF9",
sapphire = "#34C3DC",
-- cotton = "#E7F0C3",
-- cotton = "#CAF2D7",
-- cotton = "#CDF0EA",
-- cotton = "#F0D9FF",
-- cotton = "#F6AE99",
-- cotton = "#C1FFD7",
-- cotton = "#F3E6E3",
-- cotton = "#FFBA92",
-- sapphire = "#2AC3DE",
blue = "#83ABF9", -- Blue -- done
teal = "#78DCCC", -- Teal -- done
sky = "#89DCFD", -- Sky -- done
lavender = "#C1CAFE", -- Lavender -- done
white = "#C5CFF5", -- White -- done
gray2 = "#B9C0DB", -- Gray2
gray1 = "#6F7599", -- Gray1
gray0 = "#5E6487", -- Gray0
black4 = "#3E435E", -- Black4
black3 = "#2B3045", -- Black3
black2 = "#24273A", -- Black2 -- done
black1 = "#1F2233", -- Black1
black0 = "#1A1B26", -- Black0
lavender = "#C2CBFE",
white = "#C5CFF5",
gray2 = "#A6AFD2",
gray1 = "#8289AA",
gray0 = "#5F6587",
black5 = "#4F5473",
black4 = "#3E435E",
black3 = "#2B3045",
black2 = "#24273A",
black1 = "#1F2233",
black0 = "#1A1B26",
return color_palette
