@ -38,13 +38,13 @@ function M.get(cp)
TSNamespace = { fg = cp.catppuccin2 }, -- For identifiers referring to modules and namespaces.
-- TSNone = { }; -- TODO: docs
-- TSNumber = { }; -- For all numbers
TSOperator = { fg = cp.catppuccin2 }, -- For any operator: `+`, but also `->` and `*` in cp.
TSOperator = { fg = cp.catppuccin4 }, -- For any operator: `+`, but also `->` and `*` in cp.
TSParameter = { fg = cp.catppuccin6 }, -- For parameters of a function.
-- TSParameterReference= { }; -- For references to parameters of a function.
TSProperty = { fg = cp.catppuccin5 }, -- Same as `TSField`.
tomlTSProperty = { fg = cp.catppuccin9 }, -- Differentiates between string and properties
TSPunctDelimiter = { fg = cp.catppuccin2 }, -- For delimiters ie: `.`
TSPunctBracket = { fg = cp.catppuccin5 }, -- For brackets and parenthesis.
TSPunctBracket = { fg = cp.catppuccin11 }, -- For brackets and parenthesis.
TSPunctSpecial = { fg = cp.catppuccin0 }, -- For special punctutation that does not fall in the catagories before.
TSRepeat = { fg = cp.catppuccin5, style = cnf.styles.keywords }, -- For keywords related to loops.
-- TSString = { }; -- For strings.