renamed catppuccino10 -> katppuccino9

Pocco81 3 years ago
parent fa2e8309a3
commit df71d7871b

@ -8,7 +8,7 @@ local color_palette = {
katppuccino6 = "#E7A988", -- Tumbleweed
katppuccino7 = "#ADD692", -- Granny Smith Apple
katppuccino8 = "#E3DAA3", -- Megium Champagne
catppuccino10 = "#7EA1C8", -- Cerulean Frost
katppuccino9 = "#7EA1C8", -- Cerulean Frost
catppuccino11 = "#A7B6DC", -- Wild Blue Yonder
catppuccino12 = "#6F6A8A", -- Rhythm
catppuccino13 = "#3e4058", -- Independence

@ -3,22 +3,22 @@ local M = {}
function M.get(cp)
return {
BufferCurrent = { bg = cp.catppuccino13, fg = cp.catppuccino11 },
BufferCurrentIndex = { bg = cp.catppuccino13, fg = cp.catppuccino10 },
BufferCurrentIndex = { bg = cp.catppuccino13, fg = cp.katppuccino9 },
BufferCurrentMod = { bg = cp.catppuccino13, fg = cp.katppuccino8 },
BufferCurrentSign = { bg = cp.catppuccino13, fg = cp.catppuccino10 },
BufferCurrentSign = { bg = cp.catppuccino13, fg = cp.katppuccino9 },
BufferCurrentTarget = { bg = cp.catppuccino13, fg = cp.katppuccino5 },
BufferVisible = { bg = cp.catppuccino15, fg = cp.catppuccino11 },
BufferVisibleIndex = { bg = cp.catppuccino15, fg = cp.catppuccino10 },
BufferVisibleIndex = { bg = cp.catppuccino15, fg = cp.katppuccino9 },
BufferVisibleMod = { bg = cp.catppuccino15, fg = cp.katppuccino8 },
BufferVisibleSign = { bg = cp.catppuccino15, fg = cp.catppuccino10 },
BufferVisibleSign = { bg = cp.catppuccino15, fg = cp.katppuccino9 },
BufferVisibleTarget = { bg = cp.catppuccino15, fg = cp.katppuccino5 },
BufferInactive = { bg = cp.catppuccino15, fg = cp.catppuccino12 },
BufferInactiveIndex = { bg = cp.catppuccino15, fg = cp.catppuccino12 },
BufferInactiveMod = { bg = cp.catppuccino15, fg = cp.katppuccino8 },
BufferInactiveSign = { bg = cp.catppuccino15, fg = cp.catppuccino10 },
BufferInactiveSign = { bg = cp.catppuccino15, fg = cp.katppuccino9 },
BufferInactiveTarget = { bg = cp.catppuccino15, fg = cp.katppuccino5 },
BufferTabpages = { bg = cp.catppuccino15, fg = cp.none },
BufferTabpage = { bg = cp.catppuccino15, fg = cp.catppuccino10 },
BufferTabpage = { bg = cp.catppuccino15, fg = cp.katppuccino9 },

@ -10,7 +10,7 @@ function M.get(cp)
BufferLineBufferVisible = { fg = cp.catppuccino13, bg = inactive_clr },
BufferLineBufferSelected = { fg = cp.katppuccino0, bg = cp.katppuccino1 },
BufferLineTab = { fg = cp.catppuccino13, bg = cp.katppuccino1 },
BufferLineTabSelected = { fg = cp.katppuccino5, bg = cp.catppuccino10 },
BufferLineTabSelected = { fg = cp.katppuccino5, bg = cp.katppuccino9 },
BufferLineTabClose = { fg = cp.katppuccino5, bg = inactive_clr },
BufferLineIndicatorSelected = { fg = cp.katppuccino1, bg = cp.katppuccino1 },
-- separators

@ -6,7 +6,7 @@ function M.get(cp)
CmpItemAbbrDeprecated = { fg = cp.catppuccino12, stlye = "strikethrough" },
CmpItemAbbrMatch = { fg = cp.catppuccino11, style = "bold" },
CmpItemAbbrMatchFuzzy = { fg = cp.catppuccino11, style = "bold" },
CmpItemKind = { fg = cp.catppuccino10 },
CmpItemKind = { fg = cp.katppuccino9 },
CmpItemMenu = { fg = cp.catppuccino11 },

@ -2,7 +2,7 @@ local M = {}
function M.get(cp)
return {
FernBranchText = { fg = cp.catppuccino10 },
FernBranchText = { fg = cp.katppuccino9 },

@ -2,7 +2,7 @@ local M = {}
function M.get(cp)
return {
GitGutterAdd = { fg = cp.catppuccino10 },
GitGutterAdd = { fg = cp.katppuccino9 },
GitGutterChange = { fg = cp.katppuccino8 },
GitGutterDelete = { fg = cp.katppuccino5 },

@ -2,7 +2,7 @@ local M = {}
function M.get(cp)
return {
GitSignsAdd = { fg = cp.catppuccino10, bg = cnf.transparency and cp.none or cp.katppuccino1 }, -- diff mode: Added line |diff.txt|
GitSignsAdd = { fg = cp.katppuccino9, bg = cnf.transparency and cp.none or cp.katppuccino1 }, -- diff mode: Added line |diff.txt|
GitSignsChange = { fg = cp.katppuccino8, bg = cnf.transparency and cp.none or cp.katppuccino1 }, -- diff mode: Changed line |diff.txt|
GitSignsDelete = { fg = cp.katppuccino5, bg = cnf.transparency and cp.none or cp.katppuccino1 }, -- diff mode: Deleted line |diff.txt|

@ -3,7 +3,7 @@ local M = {}
function M.get(cp)
return {
HopNextKey = { bg = cp.katppuccino1, fg = cp.katppuccino6, style = "bold,underline" },
HopNextKey1 = { bg = cp.katppuccino1, fg = cp.catppuccino10, style = "bold" },
HopNextKey1 = { bg = cp.katppuccino1, fg = cp.katppuccino9, style = "bold" },
HopNextKey2 = { bg = cp.katppuccino1, fg = cp.katppuccino7, style = "bold,italic" },
HopUnmatched = { bg = cp.katppuccino1, fg = cp.catppuccino12 },

@ -11,7 +11,7 @@ function M.get(cp)
hi["IndentBlanklineIndent5"] = {blend = "nocombine", fg = cp.katppuccino5}
hi["IndentBlanklineIndent4"] = {blend = "nocombine", fg = cp.katppuccino7}
hi["IndentBlanklineIndent3"] = {blend = "nocombine", fg = cp.katppuccino6}
hi["IndentBlanklineIndent2"] = {blend = "nocombine", fg = cp.catppuccino10}
hi["IndentBlanklineIndent2"] = {blend = "nocombine", fg = cp.katppuccino9}
hi["IndentBlanklineIndent1"] = {blend = "nocombine", fg = cp.katppuccino4}

@ -4,23 +4,23 @@ function M.get(cp)
return {
DiagnosticError = { fg = cp.katppuccino5 },
DiagnosticWarning = { fg = cp.katppuccino8 },
DiagnosticInformation = { fg = cp.catppuccino10 },
DiagnosticInformation = { fg = cp.katppuccino9 },
DiagnosticHint = { fg = cp.hint },
LspFloatWinNormal = { bg = cp.catppuccino14 },
LspFloatWinBorder = { fg = cp.catppuccino10 },
LspFloatWinBorder = { fg = cp.katppuccino9 },
LspSagaBorderTitle = { fg = cp.katppuccino2 },
LspSagaHoverBorder = { fg = cp.catppuccino10 },
LspSagaHoverBorder = { fg = cp.katppuccino9 },
LspSagaRenameBorder = { fg = cp.katppuccino7 },
LspSagaDefPreviewBorder = { fg = cp.katppuccino7 },
LspSagaCodeActionBorder = { fg = cp.catppuccino10 },
LspSagaCodeActionBorder = { fg = cp.katppuccino9 },
LspSagaFinderSelection = { fg = cp.catppuccino13 },
LspSagaCodeActionTitle = { fg = cp.catppuccino101 },
LspSagaCodeActionTitle = { fg = cp.katppuccino91 },
LspSagaCodeActionContent = { fg = cp.purple },
LspSagaSignatureHelpBorder = { fg = cp.katppuccino5 },
ReferencesCount = { fg = cp.purple },
DefinitionCount = { fg = cp.purple },
DefinitionIcon = { fg = cp.catppuccino10 },
ReferencesIcon = { fg = cp.catppuccino10 },
DefinitionIcon = { fg = cp.katppuccino9 },
ReferencesIcon = { fg = cp.katppuccino9 },
TargetWord = { fg = cp.katppuccino2 },

@ -6,8 +6,8 @@ function M.get(cp)
markdownCode = { fg = cp.katppuccino2 },
markdownCodeBlock = { fg = cp.katppuccino2 },
markdownH1 = { fg = cp.katppuccino4, style = "bold" },
markdownH2 = { fg = cp.catppuccino10, style = "bold" },
markdownLinkText = { fg = cp.catppuccino10, style = "underline" },
markdownH2 = { fg = cp.katppuccino9, style = "bold" },
markdownLinkText = { fg = cp.katppuccino9, style = "underline" },

@ -15,12 +15,12 @@ function M.get(cp)
-- hightlight diagnostics in numberline
DiagnosticError = { fg = cp.katppuccino5 }, -- Used as the base highlight group. Other Diagnostic highlights link to this by default
DiagnosticWarn = { fg = cp.katppuccino8 }, -- Used as the base highlight group. Other Diagnostic highlights link to this by default
DiagnosticInfo = { fg = cp.catppuccino10 }, -- Used as the base highlight group. Other Diagnostic highlights link to this by default
DiagnosticInfo = { fg = cp.katppuccino9 }, -- Used as the base highlight group. Other Diagnostic highlights link to this by default
DiagnosticHint = { fg = cp.hint }, -- Used as the base highlight group. Other Diagnostic highlights link to this by default
LspDiagnosticsDefaultError = { fg = cp.katppuccino5 }, -- Used as the base highlight group. Other LspDiagnostic highlights link to this by default (except Underline)
LspDiagnosticsDefaultWarning = { fg = cp.katppuccino8 }, -- Used as the base highlight group. Other LspDiagnostic highlights link to this by default (except Underline)
LspDiagnosticsDefaultInformation = { fg = cp.catppuccino10 }, -- Used as the base highlight group. Other LspDiagnostic highlights link to this by default (except Underline)
LspDiagnosticsDefaultInformation = { fg = cp.katppuccino9 }, -- Used as the base highlight group. Other LspDiagnostic highlights link to this by default (except Underline)
LspDiagnosticsDefaultHint = { fg = cp.hint }, -- Used as the base highlight group. Other LspDiagnostic highlights link to this by default (except Underline)
LspSignatureActiveParameter = { fg = cp.katppuccino6 },
-- LspDiagnosticsFloatingError = { }, -- Used to color "Error" diagnostic messages in diagnostics float
@ -30,15 +30,15 @@ function M.get(cp)
LspDiagnosticsError = { fg = cp.katppuccino5 },
LspDiagnosticsWarning = { fg = cp.katppuccino8 },
LspDiagnosticsInformation = { fg = cp.catppuccino10 },
LspDiagnosticsInformation = { fg = cp.katppuccino9 },
LspDiagnosticsHint = { fg = cp.hint },
LspDiagnosticsVirtualTextError = { fg = cp.katppuccino5, style = virtual_text.errors }, -- Used for "Error" diagnostic virtual text
LspDiagnosticsVirtualTextWarning = { fg = cp.katppuccino8, style = virtual_text.warnings }, -- Used for "Warning" diagnostic virtual text
LspDiagnosticsVirtualTextInformation = { fg = cp.catppuccino10, style = virtual_text.warnings }, -- Used for "Information" diagnostic virtual text
LspDiagnosticsVirtualTextInformation = { fg = cp.katppuccino9, style = virtual_text.warnings }, -- Used for "Information" diagnostic virtual text
LspDiagnosticsVirtualTextHint = { fg = cp.hint, style = virtual_text.hints }, -- Used for "Hint" diagnostic virtual text
LspDiagnosticsUnderlineError = { style = underlines.errors, sp = cp.katppuccino5 }, -- Used to underline "Error" diagnostics
LspDiagnosticsUnderlineWarning = { style = underlines.warnings, sp = cp.katppuccino8 }, -- Used to underline "Warning" diagnostics
LspDiagnosticsUnderlineInformation = { style = underlines.information, sp = cp.catppuccino10 }, -- Used to underline "Information" diagnostics
LspDiagnosticsUnderlineInformation = { style = underlines.information, sp = cp.katppuccino9 }, -- Used to underline "Information" diagnostics
LspDiagnosticsUnderlineHint = { style = underlines.hints, sp = cp.hint }, -- Used to underline "Hint" diagnostics
LspCodeLens = { fg = cp.catppuccino12 }, -- virtual text of the codelens

@ -4,11 +4,11 @@ function M.get(cp)
return {
NeogitBranch = { fg = cp.katppuccino4 },
NeogitRemote = { fg = cp.katppuccino4 },
NeogitHunkHeader = { bg = cp.catppuccino10, fg = cp.catppuccino11 },
NeogitHunkHeaderHighlight = { bg = cp.catppuccino13, fg = cp.catppuccino10 },
NeogitHunkHeader = { bg = cp.katppuccino9, fg = cp.catppuccino11 },
NeogitHunkHeaderHighlight = { bg = cp.catppuccino13, fg = cp.katppuccino9 },
NeogitDiffContextHighlight = { bg = cp.catppuccino16, fg = cp.katppuccino0 },
NeogitDiffDeleteHighlight = { fg = cp.katppuccino5, bg = cp.katppuccino1 },
NeogitDiffAddHighlight = { fg = cp.catppuccino10, bg = cp.katppuccino1 },
NeogitDiffAddHighlight = { fg = cp.katppuccino9, bg = cp.katppuccino1 },

@ -6,22 +6,22 @@ function M.get(cp)
local root_dir_color = cp.katppuccino4
if config.integrations.nvimtree.show_root then
root_dir_color = cp.catppuccino10
root_dir_color = cp.katppuccino9
return {
NvimTreeFolderName = { fg = cp.catppuccino10 },
NvimTreeFolderIcon = { fg = cp.catppuccino10 },
NvimTreeFolderName = { fg = cp.katppuccino9 },
NvimTreeFolderIcon = { fg = cp.katppuccino9 },
NvimTreeNormal = { fg = cp.catppuccino11, bg = cp.catppuccino14 },
NvimTreeOpenedFolderName = { fg = cp.catppuccino10 },
NvimTreeEmptyFolderName = { fg = cp.catppuccino10 },
NvimTreeOpenedFolderName = { fg = cp.katppuccino9 },
NvimTreeEmptyFolderName = { fg = cp.katppuccino9 },
NvimTreeIndentMarker = { fg = cp.catppuccino12 },
NvimTreeVertSplit = { fg =, bg = },
NvimTreeRootFolder = { fg = root_dir_color, style = "bold" },
NvimTreeSymlink = { fg = cp.katppuccino4 },
NvimTreeStatuslineNc = { fg =, bg = },
NvimTreeGitDirty = { fg = cp.katppuccino8 },
NvimTreeGitNew = { fg = cp.catppuccino10 },
NvimTreeGitNew = { fg = cp.katppuccino9 },
NvimTreeGitDeleted = { fg = cp.katppuccino5 },
NvimTreeSpecialFile = { fg = cp.katppuccino2 },
NvimTreeImageFile = { fg = cp.catppuccino11 },

@ -2,10 +2,10 @@ local M = {}
function M.get(cp)
return {
TelescopeBorder = { fg = cp.catppuccino10 },
TelescopeBorder = { fg = cp.katppuccino9 },
TelescopeSelectionCaret = { fg = cp.katppuccino2 },
TelescopeSelection = { fg = cp.katppuccino2, bg = cp.catppuccino16 },
TelescopeMatching = { fg = cp.catppuccino10 },
TelescopeMatching = { fg = cp.katppuccino9 },

@ -13,7 +13,7 @@ function M.get(cp)
TSBoolean = { fg = cp.katppuccino6, style = cnf.styles.keywords }, -- For booleans.
-- TSCharacter = { }; -- For characters.
-- TScatppuccino12 = { }; -- For catppuccino12 blocks.
TSNote = { fg = cp.katppuccino1, bg = cp.catppuccino10 },
TSNote = { fg = cp.katppuccino1, bg = cp.katppuccino9 },
TSWarning = { fg = cp.katppuccino1, bg = cp.katppuccino8 },
TSDanger = { fg = cp.katppuccino1, bg = cp.katppuccino5 },
TSConstructor = { fg = cp.katppuccino4 }, -- For constructor calls and definitions: `= { }` in Lua, and Java constructors.
@ -26,14 +26,14 @@ function M.get(cp)
TSField = { fg = cp.katppuccino5 }, -- For fields.
-- rustTSField = { fg = cp.catppuccino13 }, -- For fields.
-- TSFloat = { }; -- For floats.
TSFunction = { fg = cp.catppuccino10, style = cnf.styles.functions }, -- For function (calls and definitions).
TSFunction = { fg = cp.katppuccino9, style = cnf.styles.functions }, -- For function (calls and definitions).
TSFuncBuiltin = { fg = cp.katppuccino2 }, -- For builtin functions: `table.insert` in Lua.
TSFuncMacro = { fg = cp.katppuccino5 }, -- For macro defined functions (calls and definitions): each `macro_rules` in Ruscp.
TSInclude = { fg = cp.katppuccino4, style = cnf.styles.keywords }, -- For includes: `#include` in C, `use` or `extern crate` in Rust, or `require` in Lua.
TSKeyword = { fg = cp.katppuccino4, style = cnf.styles.keywords }, -- For keywords that don't fall in previous categories.
TSKeywordFunction = { fg = cp.katppuccino3, style = cnf.styles.keywords }, -- For keywords used to define a fuction.
TSKeywordOperator = { fg = cp.katppuccino2, style = cnf.styles.keywords }, -- For `new` keyword operator
TSLabel = { fg = cp.catppuccino10 }, -- For labels: `label:` in C and `:label:` in Lua.
TSLabel = { fg = cp.katppuccino9 }, -- For labels: `label:` in C and `:label:` in Lua.
-- TSMethod = { }; -- For method calls and definitions.
TSNamespace = { fg = cp.katppuccino2 }, -- For identifiers referring to modules and namespaces.
-- TSNone = { }; -- TODO: docs
@ -42,13 +42,13 @@ function M.get(cp)
TSParameter = { fg = cp.katppuccino6 }, -- For parameters of a function.
-- TSParameterReference= { }; -- For references to parameters of a function.
TSProperty = { fg = cp.katppuccino5 }, -- Same as `TSField`.
tomlTSProperty = { fg = cp.catppuccino10 }, -- Differentiates between string and properties
tomlTSProperty = { fg = cp.katppuccino9 }, -- Differentiates between string and properties
TSPunctDelimiter = { fg = cp.katppuccino2 }, -- For delimiters ie: `.`
TSPunctBracket = { fg = cp.katppuccino5 }, -- For brackets and parenthesis.
TSPunctSpecial = { fg = cp.katppuccino0 }, -- For special punctutation that does not fall in the catagories before.
TSRepeat = { fg = cp.katppuccino5, style = cnf.styles.keywords }, -- For keywords related to loops.
-- TSString = { }; -- For strings.
TSStringRegex = { fg = cp.catppuccino10, style = cnf.styles.strings }, -- For regexes.
TSStringRegex = { fg = cp.katppuccino9, style = cnf.styles.strings }, -- For regexes.
TSStringEscape = { fg = cp.katppuccino4, style = cnf.styles.strings }, -- For escape characters within a string.
-- TSSymbol = { }; -- For identifiers referring to symbols or atoms.
-- TSType = { }; -- For types.

@ -5,7 +5,7 @@ function M.get(cp)
rainbowcol1 = {bg = cp.katppuccino1, fg = cp.katppuccino5},
rainbowcol2 = {bg = cp.katppuccino1, fg = cp.katppuccino7},
rainbowcol3 = {bg = cp.katppuccino1, fg = cp.katppuccino8},
rainbowcol4 = {bg = cp.katppuccino1, fg = cp.catppuccino10},
rainbowcol4 = {bg = cp.katppuccino1, fg = cp.katppuccino9},
rainbowcol5 = {bg = cp.katppuccino1, fg = cp.katppuccino4},
rainbowcol6 = {bg = cp.katppuccino1, fg = cp.katppuccino2},
rainbowcol7 = {bg = cp.katppuccino1, fg = cp.katppuccino0},

@ -3,7 +3,7 @@ local M = {}
function M.get(cp)
return {
WhichKey = { fg = cp.katppuccino2 },
WhichKeyGroup = { fg = cp.catppuccino10 },
WhichKeyGroup = { fg = cp.katppuccino9 },
WhichKeyDesc = { fg = cp.katppuccino4 },
WhichKeySeperator = { fg = cp.catppuccino12 },
WhichKeySeparator = { fg = cp.catppuccino12 },

@ -28,11 +28,11 @@ local function get_base()
CursorIM = { fg = cp.katppuccino1, bg = cp.catppuccino11 }, -- like Cursor, but used when in IME mode |CursorIM|
CursorColumn = { bg = cp.catppuccino16 }, -- Screen-column at the cursor, when 'cursorcolumn' is secp.
CursorLine = { bg = cp.catppuccino16 }, -- Screen-line at the cursor, when 'cursorline' is secp. Low-priority if foreground (ctermfg OR guifg) is not secp.
Directory = { fg = cp.catppuccino10 }, -- directory names (and other special names in listings)
Directory = { fg = cp.katppuccino9 }, -- directory names (and other special names in listings)
EndOfBuffer = { fg = cp.katppuccino1 }, -- filler lines (~) after the end of the buffer. By default, this is highlighted like |hl-NonText|.
ErrorMsg = { fg = cp.katppuccino5 }, -- error messages on the command line
VertSplit = { fg = cp.catppuccino14 }, -- the column separating vertically split windows
Folded = { fg = cp.catppuccino10, bg = cp.catppuccino13 }, -- line used for closed folds
Folded = { fg = cp.katppuccino9, bg = cp.catppuccino13 }, -- line used for closed folds
FoldColumn = { bg = cp.katppuccino1, fg = cp.catppuccino12 }, -- 'foldcolumn'
SignColumn = { bg = cnf.transparency and cp.none or cp.katppuccino1, fg = cp.catppuccino13 }, -- column where |signs| are displayed
SignColumnSB = { bg = cp.catppuccino14, fg = cp.catppuccino13 }, -- column where |signs| are displayed
@ -43,32 +43,32 @@ local function get_base()
ModeMsg = { fg = cp.katppuccino0, style = "bold" }, -- 'showmode' message (e.g., "-- INSERT -- ")
MsgArea = { fg = cp.katppuccino0 }, -- Area for messages and cmdline
MsgSeparator = {}, -- Separator for scrolled messages, `msgsep` flag of 'display'
MoreMsg = { fg = cp.catppuccino10 }, -- |more-prompt|
MoreMsg = { fg = cp.katppuccino9 }, -- |more-prompt|
NonText = { fg = cp.catppuccino12 }, -- '@' at the end of the window, characters from 'showbreak' and other characters that do not really exist in the text (e.g., ">" displayed when a double-wide character doesn't fit at the end of the line). See also |hl-EndOfBuffer|.
Normal = { fg = cp.catppuccino11, bg = cnf.transparency and cp.none or cp.katppuccino1 }, -- normal text
NormalNC = { fg = cp.catppuccino11, bg = cnf.transparency and cp.none or cp.katppuccino1 }, -- normal text in non-current windows
NormalSB = { fg = cp.fg, bg = cp.catppuccino14 }, -- normal text in non-current windows
NormalFloat = { fg = cp.catppuccino11, bg = cp.catppuccino14 }, -- Normal text in floating windows.
FloatBorder = { fg = cp.catppuccino10 },
FloatBorder = { fg = cp.katppuccino9 },
Pmenu = { bg = cp.catppuccino15, fg = cp.catppuccino11 }, -- Popup menu: normal item.
PmenuSel = { fg = cp.katppuccino4, bg = cp.catppuccino13 }, -- Popup menu: selected item.
PmenuSbar = { bg = cp.catppuccino13 }, -- Popup menu: scrollbar.
PmenuThumb = { bg = cp.catppuccino12 }, -- Popup menu: Thumb of the scrollbar.
Question = { fg = cp.catppuccino10 }, -- |hit-enter| prompt and yes/no questions
Question = { fg = cp.katppuccino9 }, -- |hit-enter| prompt and yes/no questions
QuickFixLine = { bg = cp.catppuccino13, style = "bold" }, -- Current |quickfix| item in the quickfix window. Combined with |hl-CursorLine| when the cursor is there.
Search = { bg = cp.catppuccino13, fg = cp.katppuccino4 }, -- Last search pattern highlighting (see 'hlsearch'). Also used for similar items that need to stand oucp.
IncSearch = { bg = cp.katppuccino4, fg = cp.catppuccino13 }, -- 'incsearch' highlighting; also used for the text replaced with ":s///c"
SpecialKey = { fg = cp.catppuccino11 }, -- Unprintable characters: text displayed differently from what it really is. But not 'listchars' whitespace. |hl-Whitespace|
SpellBad = { sp = cp.katppuccino5, style = "undercurl" }, -- Word that is not recognized by the spellchecker. |spell| Combined with the highlighting used otherwise.
SpellCap = { sp = cp.katppuccino8, style = "undercurl" }, -- Word that should start with a capital. |spell| Combined with the highlighting used otherwise.
SpellLocal = { sp = cp.catppuccino10, style = "undercurl" }, -- Word that is recognized by the spellchecker as one that is used in another region. |spell| Combined with the highlighting used otherwise.
SpellLocal = { sp = cp.katppuccino9, style = "undercurl" }, -- Word that is recognized by the spellchecker as one that is used in another region. |spell| Combined with the highlighting used otherwise.
SpellRare = { sp = cp.katppuccino0, style = "undercurl" }, -- Word that is recognized by the spellchecker as one that is hardly ever used. |spell| Combined with the highlighting used otherwise.
StatusLine = { fg = cp.catppuccino11, bg = cp.catppuccino15 }, -- status line of current window
StatusLineNC = { fg = cp.catppuccino13, bg = cp.catppuccino15 }, -- status lines of not-current windows Note: if this is equal to "StatusLine" Vim will use "^^^" in the status line of the current window.
TabLine = { bg = cp.catppuccino15, fg = cp.catppuccino13 }, -- tab pages line, not active tab page label
TabLineFill = { bg = }, -- tab pages line, where there are no labels
TabLineSel = { fg = cp.katppuccino0, bg = cp.catppuccino13 }, -- tab pages line, active tab page label
Title = { fg = cp.catppuccino10, style = "bold" }, -- titles for output from ":set all", ":autocmd" etcp.
Title = { fg = cp.katppuccino9, style = "bold" }, -- titles for output from ":set all", ":autocmd" etcp.
Visual = { bg = cp.catppuccino16 }, -- Visual mode selection
VisualNOS = { bg = cp.catppuccino16 }, -- Visual mode selection when vim is "Not Owning the Selection".
WarningMsg = { fg = cp.katppuccino8 }, -- warning messages
@ -89,7 +89,7 @@ local function get_base()
Float = { fg = cp.katppuccino6 }, -- a floating point constant: 2.3e10
Boolean = { fg = cp.katppuccino6 }, -- a boolean constant: TRUE, false
Identifier = { fg = cp.katppuccino2, style = cnf.styles.variables }, -- (preferkatppuccino5) any variable name
Function = { fg = cp.catppuccino10, style = cnf.styles.functions }, -- function name (also: methods for classes)
Function = { fg = cp.katppuccino9, style = cnf.styles.functions }, -- function name (also: methods for classes)
Statement = { fg = cp.katppuccino3 }, -- (preferkatppuccino5) any statement
Conditional = { fg = cp.katppuccino5 }, -- if, then, else, endif, switch, etcp.
Repeat = { fg = cp.katppuccino5 }, -- for, do, while, etcp.
@ -108,7 +108,7 @@ local function get_base()
StorageClass = { fg = cp.katppuccino8 }, -- static, register, volatile, etcp.
Structure = { fg = cp.katppuccino8 }, -- struct, union, enum, etcp.
Typedef = { fg = cp.katppuccino8 }, -- A typedef
Special = { fg = cp.catppuccino10 }, -- (preferkatppuccino5) any special symbol
Special = { fg = cp.katppuccino9 }, -- (preferkatppuccino5) any special symbol
-- SpecialChar = { }, -- special character in a constant
-- Tag = { }, -- you can use CTRL-] on this
-- Delimiter = { }, -- character that needs attention
@ -124,15 +124,15 @@ local function get_base()
Error = { fg = cp.katppuccino5 }, -- (preferkatppuccino5) any erroneous construct
Todo = { bg = cp.katppuccino8, fg = cp.katppuccino1, style = "bold" }, -- (preferkatppuccino5) anything that needs extra attention; mostly the keywords TODO FIXME and XXX
qfLineNr = { fg = cp.katppuccino8 },
qfFileName = { fg = cp.catppuccino10 },
qfFileName = { fg = cp.katppuccino9 },
htmlH1 = { fg = cp.katppuccino4, style = "bold" },
htmlH2 = { fg = cp.catppuccino10, style = "bold" },
htmlH2 = { fg = cp.katppuccino9, style = "bold" },
-- mkdHeading = { fg = cp.katppuccino6, style = "bold" },
-- mkdCode = { bg = cp.terminal_black, fg = cp.catppuccino11 },
mkdCodeDelimiter = { bg = cp.katppuccino1, fg = cp.catppuccino11 },
mkdCodeStart = { fg = cp.katppuccino2, style = "bold" },
mkdCodeEnd = { fg = cp.katppuccino2, style = "bold" },
-- mkdLink = { fg = cp.catppuccino10, style = "underline" },
-- mkdLink = { fg = cp.katppuccino9, style = "underline" },
-- debugging
debugPC = { bg = cp.catppuccino14 }, -- used for highlighting the current line in terminal-debug
@ -141,18 +141,18 @@ local function get_base()
illuminatedWord = { bg = cp.catppuccino13 },
illuminatedCurWord = { bg = cp.catppuccino13 },
-- diff
diffAdded = { fg = cp.catppuccino10 },
diffAdded = { fg = cp.katppuccino9 },
diffRemoved = { fg = cp.katppuccino5 },
diffChanged = { fg = cp.katppuccino8 },
diffOldFile = { fg = cp.katppuccino8 },
diffNewFile = { fg = cp.katppuccino6 },
diffFile = { fg = cp.catppuccino10 },
diffFile = { fg = cp.katppuccino9 },
diffLine = { fg = cp.catppuccino12 },
diffIndexLine = { fg = cp.katppuccino4 },
DiffAdd = { fg = cp.catppuccino10, bg = cp.katppuccino1 }, -- diff mode: Added line |diff.txt|
DiffAdd = { fg = cp.katppuccino9, bg = cp.katppuccino1 }, -- diff mode: Added line |diff.txt|
DiffChange = { fg = cp.katppuccino8, bg = cp.katppuccino1 }, -- diff mode: Changed line |diff.txt|
DiffDelete = { fg = cp.katppuccino5, bg = cp.katppuccino1 }, -- diff mode: Deleted line |diff.txt|
DiffText = { fg = cp.catppuccino10, bg = cp.katppuccino1 }, -- diff mode: Changed text within a changed line |diff.txt|
DiffText = { fg = cp.katppuccino9, bg = cp.katppuccino1 }, -- diff mode: Changed text within a changed line |diff.txt|
-- NeoVim
healthError = { fg = cp.katppuccino5 },
healthSuccess = { fg = cp.katppuccino7 },
@ -163,7 +163,7 @@ local function get_base()
GlyphPalette1 = { fg = cp.katppuccino5 },
GlyphPalette2 = { fg = cp.katppuccino7 },
GlyphPalette3 = { fg = cp.katppuccino8 },
GlyphPalette4 = { fg = cp.catppuccino10 },
GlyphPalette4 = { fg = cp.katppuccino9 },
GlyphPalette6 = { fg = cp.katppuccino7 },
GlyphPalette7 = { fg = cp.catppuccino11 },
GlyphPalette9 = { fg = cp.katppuccino5 },
@ -217,7 +217,7 @@ local function get_terminal()
g.terminal_color_7 = cp.katppuccino6
g.terminal_color_8 = cp.katppuccino7
g.terminal_color_9 = cp.katppuccino8
g.terminal_color_10 = cp.catppuccino10
g.terminal_color_10 = cp.katppuccino9
function M.apply()
