local M = {} -- Credit: https://github.com/EdenEast/nightfox.nvim local fmt = string.format local sysname = vim.loop.os_uname().sysname local function inspect(t) local list = {} for k, v in pairs(t) do local q = type(v) == "string" and [["]] or "" table.insert(list, fmt([[%s = %s%s%s]], k, q, v, q)) end table.sort(list) return fmt([[{ %s }]], table.concat(list, ", ")) end function M.compile() local theme = require("catppuccin.lib.mapper").apply() local lines = { [[ -- This file is autogenerated by CATPPUCCIN. -- Do not make changes directly to this file. vim.cmd("hi clear") if vim.fn.exists("syntax_on") then vim.cmd("syntax reset") end vim.g.colors_name = "catppuccin"]], } local config = require("catppuccin.config").options if sysname == "Windows" or sysname == "Windows_NT" then config.compile.path = config.compile.path:gsub("/", "\\") end for property, value in pairs(theme.properties) do if type(value) == "string" then table.insert(lines, fmt('vim.o.%s = "%s"', property, value)) elseif type(value) == "bool" then table.insert(lines, fmt("vim.o.%s = %s", property, value)) elseif type(value) == "table" then table.insert(lines, fmt("vim.o.%s = %s", property, inspect(value))) end end local tbl = vim.tbl_deep_extend("keep", theme.integrations, theme.editor) tbl = vim.tbl_deep_extend("keep", theme.syntax, tbl) tbl = vim.tbl_deep_extend("keep", config.custom_highlights, tbl) for group, color in pairs(tbl) do if color.link then table.insert(lines, fmt([[vim.api.nvim_set_hl(0, "%s", { link = "%s" })]], group, color.link)) else if color.style then if color.style ~= "NONE" then if type(color.style) == "table" then for _, style in ipairs(color.style) do color[style] = true end else color[color.style] = true end end end color.style = nil vim.api.nvim_set_hl(0, group, color) table.insert(lines, fmt([[vim.api.nvim_set_hl(0, "%s", %s)]], group, inspect(color))) end end if config.term_colors == true then for k, v in pairs(theme.terminal) do table.insert(lines, fmt('vim.g.%s = "%s"', k, v)) end end os.execute( string.format( "mkdir %s %s", (sysname == "Windows" or sysname == "Windows_NT") and "" or "-p", config.compile.path ) ) local file = io.open( config.compile.path .. ((sysname == "Windows" or sysname == "Windows_NT") and "\\" or "/") .. vim.g.catppuccin_flavour .. config.compile.suffix .. ".lua", "w" ) file:write(table.concat(lines, "\n")) file:close() end function M.clean() local config = require("catppuccin.config").options local compiled_path = config.compile.path .. ((sysname == "Windows" or sysname == "Windows_NT") and "\\" or "/") .. vim.g.catppuccin_flavour .. config.compile.suffix .. ".lua" os.remove(compiled_path) end return M