--[[ Lua implementation of HSLuv and HPLuv color spaces Homepage: http://www.hsluv.org/ Copyright (C) 2019 Alexei Boronine Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), to deal in the Software without restriction, including without limitation the rights to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software is furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions: The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in all copies or substantial portions of the Software. THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS", WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EXPRESS OR IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY, FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND NONINFRINGEMENT. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE AUTHORS OR COPYRIGHT HOLDERS BE LIABLE FOR ANY CLAIM, DAMAGES OR OTHER LIABILITY, WHETHER IN AN ACTION OF CONTRACT, TORT OR OTHERWISE, ARISING FROM, OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE SOFTWARE OR THE USE OR OTHER DEALINGS IN THE SOFTWARE. ]] local hsluv = {} local hexChars = "0123456789abcdef" local distance_line_from_origin = function(line) return math.abs(line.intercept) / math.sqrt((line.slope ^ 2) + 1) end local length_of_ray_until_intersect = function(theta, line) return line.intercept / (math.sin(theta) - line.slope * math.cos(theta)) end hsluv.get_bounds = function(l) local result = {} local sub2 local sub1 = ((l + 16) ^ 3) / 1560896 if sub1 > hsluv.epsilon then sub2 = sub1 else sub2 = l / hsluv.kappa end for i = 1, 3 do local m1 = hsluv.m[i][1] local m2 = hsluv.m[i][2] local m3 = hsluv.m[i][3] for t = 0, 1 do local top1 = (284517 * m1 - 94839 * m3) * sub2 local top2 = (838422 * m3 + 769860 * m2 + 731718 * m1) * l * sub2 - 769860 * t * l local bottom = (632260 * m3 - 126452 * m2) * sub2 + 126452 * t table.insert(result, { slope = top1 / bottom, intercept = top2 / bottom }) end end return result end hsluv.max_safe_chroma_for_l = function(l) local bounds = hsluv.get_bounds(l) local min = 1.7976931348623157e+308 for i = 1, 6 do local length = distance_line_from_origin(bounds[i]) if length >= 0 then min = math.min(min, length) end end return min end hsluv.max_safe_chroma_for_lh = function(l, h) local hrad = h / 360 * math.pi * 2 local bounds = hsluv.get_bounds(l) local min = 1.7976931348623157e+308 for i = 1, 6 do local bound = bounds[i] local length = length_of_ray_until_intersect(hrad, bound) if length >= 0 then min = math.min(min, length) end end return min end hsluv.dot_product = function(a, b) local sum = 0 for i = 1, 3 do sum = sum + a[i] * b[i] end return sum end hsluv.from_linear = function(c) if c <= 0.0031308 then return 12.92 * c else return 1.055 * (c ^ 0.416666666666666685) - 0.055 end end hsluv.to_linear = function(c) if c > 0.04045 then return ((c + 0.055) / 1.055) ^ 2.4 else return c / 12.92 end end hsluv.xyz_to_rgb = function(tuple) return { hsluv.from_linear(hsluv.dot_product(hsluv.m[1], tuple)), hsluv.from_linear(hsluv.dot_product(hsluv.m[2], tuple)), hsluv.from_linear(hsluv.dot_product(hsluv.m[3], tuple)), } end hsluv.rgb_to_xyz = function(tuple) local rgbl = { hsluv.to_linear(tuple[1]), hsluv.to_linear(tuple[2]), hsluv.to_linear(tuple[3]) } return { hsluv.dot_product(hsluv.minv[1], rgbl), hsluv.dot_product(hsluv.minv[2], rgbl), hsluv.dot_product(hsluv.minv[3], rgbl), } end hsluv.y_to_l = function(Y) if Y <= hsluv.epsilon then return Y / hsluv.refY * hsluv.kappa else return 116 * ((Y / hsluv.refY) ^ 0.333333333333333315) - 16 end end hsluv.l_to_y = function(L) if L <= 8 then return hsluv.refY * L / hsluv.kappa else return hsluv.refY * (((L + 16) / 116) ^ 3) end end hsluv.xyz_to_luv = function(tuple) local X = tuple[1] local Y = tuple[2] local divider = X + 15 * Y + 3 * tuple[3] local varU = 4 * X local varV = 9 * Y if divider ~= 0 then varU = varU / divider varV = varV / divider else varU = 0 varV = 0 end local L = hsluv.y_to_l(Y) if L == 0 then return { 0, 0, 0 } end return { L, 13 * L * (varU - hsluv.refU), 13 * L * (varV - hsluv.refV) } end hsluv.luv_to_xyz = function(tuple) local L = tuple[1] local U = tuple[2] local V = tuple[3] if L == 0 then return { 0, 0, 0 } end local varU = U / (13 * L) + hsluv.refU local varV = V / (13 * L) + hsluv.refV local Y = hsluv.l_to_y(L) local X = 0 - (9 * Y * varU) / (((varU - 4) * varV) - varU * varV) return { X, Y, (9 * Y - 15 * varV * Y - varV * X) / (3 * varV) } end hsluv.luv_to_lch = function(tuple) local L = tuple[1] local U = tuple[2] local V = tuple[3] local C = math.sqrt(U * U + V * V) local H if C < 0.00000001 then H = 0 else H = math.atan2(V, U) * 180.0 / 3.1415926535897932 if H < 0 then H = 360 + H end end return { L, C, H } end hsluv.lch_to_luv = function(tuple) local L = tuple[1] local C = tuple[2] local Hrad = tuple[3] / 360.0 * 2 * math.pi return { L, math.cos(Hrad) * C, math.sin(Hrad) * C } end hsluv.hsluv_to_lch = function(tuple) local H = tuple[1] local S = tuple[2] local L = tuple[3] if L > 99.9999999 then return { 100, 0, H } end if L < 0.00000001 then return { 0, 0, H } end return { L, hsluv.max_safe_chroma_for_lh(L, H) / 100 * S, H } end hsluv.lch_to_hsluv = function(tuple) local L = tuple[1] local C = tuple[2] local H = tuple[3] local max_chroma = hsluv.max_safe_chroma_for_lh(L, H) if L > 99.9999999 then return { H, 0, 100 } end if L < 0.00000001 then return { H, 0, 0 } end return { H, C / max_chroma * 100, L } end hsluv.hpluv_to_lch = function(tuple) local H = tuple[1] local S = tuple[2] local L = tuple[3] if L > 99.9999999 then return { 100, 0, H } end if L < 0.00000001 then return { 0, 0, H } end return { L, hsluv.max_safe_chroma_for_l(L) / 100 * S, H } end hsluv.lch_to_hpluv = function(tuple) local L = tuple[1] local C = tuple[2] local H = tuple[3] if L > 99.9999999 then return { H, 0, 100 } end if L < 0.00000001 then return { H, 0, 0 } end return { H, C / hsluv.max_safe_chroma_for_l(L) * 100, L } end hsluv.rgb_to_hex = function(tuple) local h = "#" for i = 1, 3 do local c = math.floor(tuple[i] * 255 + 0.5) local digit2 = math.fmod(c, 16) local x = (c - digit2) / 16 local digit1 = math.floor(x) h = h .. string.sub(hexChars, digit1 + 1, digit1 + 1) h = h .. string.sub(hexChars, digit2 + 1, digit2 + 1) end return h end hsluv.hex_to_rgb = function(hex) hex = string.lower(hex) local ret = {} for i = 0, 2 do local char1 = string.sub(hex, i * 2 + 2, i * 2 + 2) local char2 = string.sub(hex, i * 2 + 3, i * 2 + 3) local digit1 = string.find(hexChars, char1) - 1 local digit2 = string.find(hexChars, char2) - 1 ret[i + 1] = (digit1 * 16 + digit2) / 255.0 end return ret end hsluv.lch_to_rgb = function(tuple) return hsluv.xyz_to_rgb(hsluv.luv_to_xyz(hsluv.lch_to_luv(tuple))) end hsluv.rgb_to_lch = function(tuple) return hsluv.luv_to_lch(hsluv.xyz_to_luv(hsluv.rgb_to_xyz(tuple))) end hsluv.hsluv_to_rgb = function(tuple) return hsluv.lch_to_rgb(hsluv.hsluv_to_lch(tuple)) end hsluv.rgb_to_hsluv = function(tuple) return hsluv.lch_to_hsluv(hsluv.rgb_to_lch(tuple)) end hsluv.hpluv_to_rgb = function(tuple) return hsluv.lch_to_rgb(hsluv.hpluv_to_lch(tuple)) end hsluv.rgb_to_hpluv = function(tuple) return hsluv.lch_to_hpluv(hsluv.rgb_to_lch(tuple)) end hsluv.hsluv_to_hex = function(tuple) return hsluv.rgb_to_hex(hsluv.hsluv_to_rgb(tuple)) end hsluv.hpluv_to_hex = function(tuple) return hsluv.rgb_to_hex(hsluv.hpluv_to_rgb(tuple)) end hsluv.hex_to_hsluv = function(s) return hsluv.rgb_to_hsluv(hsluv.hex_to_rgb(s)) end hsluv.hex_to_hpluv = function(s) return hsluv.rgb_to_hpluv(hsluv.hex_to_rgb(s)) end hsluv.m = { { 3.240969941904521, -1.537383177570093, -0.498610760293 }, { -0.96924363628087, 1.87596750150772, 0.041555057407175 }, { 0.055630079696993, -0.20397695888897, 1.056971514242878 }, } hsluv.minv = { { 0.41239079926595, 0.35758433938387, 0.18048078840183 }, { 0.21263900587151, 0.71516867876775, 0.072192315360733 }, { 0.019330818715591, 0.11919477979462, 0.95053215224966 }, } hsluv.refY = 1.0 hsluv.refU = 0.19783000664283 hsluv.refV = 0.46831999493879 hsluv.kappa = 903.2962962 hsluv.epsilon = 0.0088564516 return hsluv