# Alacritty Themes Making your Alacritty terminal emulator colors match your Catppucino colors is easy! Simply copy the values from the respective `.yml` file in this directory and paste it over the `colors` configuration in your `alacritty.yml` file. ## `tmux` Users If you use `tmux` inside of Alacritty you may notice that your terminal colors don't match your Catppucino colors. The solution is two-fold. First, make sure you have the following set in `alacritty.yml`: ```yml env: TERM: xterm-256color ``` Second, make sure you have the following in your `tmux.conf`: ``` set -g default-terminal "xterm-256color" set-option -ga terminal-overrides ",xterm-256color:Tc" ``` Now you should be all set! ## References + Original issue with discussion: https://github.com/Pocco81/Catppuccino.nvim/pull/9 + Alacritty-tmux true colors: https://gist.github.com/andersevenrud/015e61af2fd264371032763d4ed965b6