local M = {} local remaps_mod = require("catppuccino.core.remaps") function M.get_color_scheme(cs) cs = cs or "dark_catppuccino" local remaps = remaps_mod.get_cs_remaps() or {} local good, color_scheme = pcall(require, "catppuccino.color_schemes." .. cs) if not good then return { status = false, msg = "Catppuccino: the colorscheme '" .. cs .. "' was not recognized. Defaulting to Dark Catppuccino.", }, require("catppuccino.color_schemes.dark_catppuccino") end if not (next(remaps) == nil) then return { status = true }, vim.tbl_deep_extend("force", color_scheme, remaps) else return { status = true }, color_scheme end end return M