🍨 Soothing pastel theme for NeoVim
You cannot select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.
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Pocco81 036fae70c7 fix: renamed default flavor 3 years ago
colors dev: added the rest of the flavors 3 years ago
extra fix: backgrounds in kitty integrations 3 years ago
lua fix: renamed default flavor 3 years ago
plugin dev: removed CPLoad command in favor of the builtin 'colorscheme' 3 years ago
.editorconfig dev: initial structure 4 years ago
.gitignore Initial commit 4 years ago
LICENSE Initial commit 4 years ago
README.md chore: added notice 3 years ago
stylua.toml feat: added StyLua conf file 3 years ago



Catppuccino.nvim is a NeoVim plugin that provides multiple colorschemes based on the Catppuccino color palette but varying their properties. Apart from the eye-candy colorschemes, Catppuccino.nvim also provides integrations with multiple plugins and tools you are probably already using (e.g. Treesitter, Native LSP, ...).

🌲 Table of Contents

🍨 Flavors

Catppuccino Dark

Neon Latte

Light Melya

🎁 Features

πŸ“Ί Notices

Checkout the CHANGELOG.md file for more information on the notices below:

  • 29-08-21: Refactored diffs and git related stuff + added the `CPClear` command.
  • 22-08-21: Just released!
Old notices...

πŸ“¦ Installation


Adding the plugin

You can use your favorite plugin manager for this. Here are some examples with the most popular ones:


Plug 'Pocco81/Catppuccino.nvim'


use "Pocco81/Catppuccino.nvim"


Plugin 'Pocco81/Catppuccino.nvim'


NeoBundleFetch 'Pocco81/Catppuccino.nvim'


There are already some sane defaults that you may like, however you can change them to match your taste. These are the defaults:

colorscheme = "catppuccino",
transparency = false,
styles = {
	comments = "italic",
	functions = "italic",
	keywords = "italic",
	strings = "NONE",
	variables = "NONE",
integrations = {
	treesitter = true,
	native_lsp = {
		enabled = true,
		styles = {
			errors = "italic",
			hints = "italic",
			warnings = "italic",
			information = "italic"
	lsp_trouble = false,
	lsp_saga = false,
	gitgutter = false,
	gitsigns = false,
	telescope = false,
	nvimtree = {
		enabled = false,
		show_root = false,
	which_key = false,
	indent_blankline = false,
	dashboard = false,
	neogit = false,
	vim_sneak = false,
	fern = false,
	barbar = false,
	bufferline = false,
	markdown = false,

The way you setup the settings on your configuration varies on whether you are using vimL for this or Lua.

For init.lua

local catppuccino = require("catppuccino")

-- configure it
		colorscheme = "catppuccino",
		transparency = false,
		styles = {
			comments = "italic",
			functions = "italic",
			keywords = "italic",
			strings = "NONE",
			variables = "NONE",
		integrations = {
			treesitter = true,
			native_lsp = {
				enabled = true,
				styles = {
					errors = "italic",
					hints = "italic",
					warnings = "italic",
					information = "italic"
			lsp_trouble = false,
			lsp_saga = false,
			gitgutter = false,
			gitsigns = false,
			telescope = false,
			nvimtree = {
				enabled = false,
				show_root = false,
			which_key = false,
			indent_blankline = false,
			dashboard = false,
			neogit = false,
			vim_sneak = false,
			fern = false,
			barbar = false,
			bufferline = false,
			markdown = false,

-- load it

For init.vim

lua << EOF
local catppuccino = require("catppuccino")

-- configure it
		colorscheme = "catppuccino",
		transparency = false,
		styles = {
			comments = "italic",
			functions = "italic",
			keywords = "italic",
			strings = "NONE",
			variables = "NONE",
		integrations = {
			treesitter = true,
			native_lsp = {
				enabled = true,
				styles = {
					errors = "italic",
					hints = "italic",
					warnings = "italic",
					information = "italic"
			lsp_trouble = false,
			lsp_saga = false,
			gitgutter = false,
			gitsigns = false,
			telescope = false,
			nvimtree = {
				enabled = false,
				show_root = false,
			which_key = false,
			indent_blankline = false,
			dashboard = false,
			neogit = false,
			vim_sneak = false,
			fern = false,
			barbar = false,
			bufferline = false,
			markdown = false,

-- load it

For instructions on how to configure the plugin, check out the configuration section.


This depends on your plugin manager. If, for example, you are using Packer.nvim, you can update it with this command:


πŸ€– Usage


The provides commands that follows the camel casing naming convention and have the CP prefix so that it's easy to remember that they are part of Catppuccino.nvim:

  • :CPLoad <colorscheme> loads the passed <colorscheme>.
  • :CPClear clear all highlight groups.

🐬 Configuration

Although settings already have self-explanatory names, here is where you can find info about each one of them and their classifications!


This settings are unrelated to any group and are independent.

  • colorscheme: (String) code name of the color-scheme to be used. All of them can be found in the section below.
  • transparency: (Boolean) if true, disables setting the background color.


Handles the style of general hi groups (see :h highlight-args):

  • comments: (String) changed the style of the comments.
  • functions: (String) changed the style of the functions.
  • keywords: (String) changed the style of the keywords.
  • strings: (String) changed the style of the strings.
  • variables: (String) changed the style of the variables.


These integrations allow Catppuccino to set the theme of various plugins/stuff. To enable an integration you just need to set it to true, however, there are some special integrations...

If you'd like to know which highlight groups are being affected by Catppuccino, checkout this directory: lua/catppuccino/core/integrations/.

Special Integrations

  • Native Nvim LSP: setting enabled to true enables this integration. In the inner table (styles) you can set that the style for virtual diagnostics.
  • Lualine: use this to set it up (Note: catppuccino is the only valid theme name. It will pick the one set in your config):
require('lualine').setup {
  options = {
    theme = "catppuccino"
	-- ... the rest of your lualine config
  • Lightline: use this to set it up (Note: catppuccino is the only valid colorscheme name. It will pick the one set in your config):
let g:lightline = {'colorscheme': 'catppuccino'}
  • Kitty: Copy and paste the file corresponding to theme you want to use from this directory on your Kitty config.
  • Alacritty: Copy and paste the file corresponding to theme you want to use from this directory on your Alacritty config.
  • NvimTree: setting enabled to true enables this integration:
integration = {
  nvimtree = {
    enabled = true,
    show_root = true, -- makes the root folder not transparent

List of colorschemes

Colorschemes Code Names
Catppuccino Dark catppuccino
Neon Latte neon_latte
Light Melya light_melya

Overriding colors

To override the colors for the Catppuccino theme you are using you'll pass the parameters to the setup() function you already used for configuring the plugin. This is the structure:

local catppuccino = require("catppuccino")
catppuccino.setup({<your_settings>}, {your_color_overrides})

Example: setting the colorscheme to Neon Latte and changing the color red to #ffffff (white).

local catppuccino = require("catppuccino")
  colorscheme = "neon_latte",
}, {
  red = "#ffffff",

All editable fields are the same as the ones mentioned in any of the colorschemes found at: lua/catppuccino/color_schemes. You could also use one as a template, if you will.


Use them to execute code at certain events [described by their names]. These are the ones available:

Function Description
before_loading() Before loading a colorscheme
after_loading() After loading a colorscheme

They can be used like so:

local catppuccino = require("catppuccino")

catppuccino.before_loading = function ()
	print("I ran before setting a colorscheme!")

πŸ™‹ FAQ

  • Q: "How can I view the doc from NeoVim?" A: Use :help Catppuccino.nvim

  • Q: "Why are the colorschemes named like that? Do they follow any convention(s)?" A: A colorscheme's name is constructed by two words: the first one is a word that represents the tonalities in the colors used and the second one is the name of a coffee drink from this list.

πŸ‘ Contribute

Pull Requests are welcomed as long as they are properly justified and there are no conflicts. If your PR has something to do with the README or in general related with the documentation, I'll gladly merge it! Also, when writing code for the project you must use the .editorconfig file on your editor so as to "maintain consistent coding styles". For instructions on how to use this file refer to EditorConfig's website.

πŸ’­ Inspirations

The following projects inspired the creation of Catppuccino.nvim. If possible, go check them out to see why they are so amazing :]

  • folke/tokyonight.nvim: A clean, dark Neovim theme written in Lua, with support for lsp, treesitter and lots of plugins. Includes additional themes for Kitty, Alacritty, iTerm and Fish.
  • norcalli/nvim-base16.lua: Programmatic lua library for setting base16 themes in Neovim.

πŸ“œ License

Catppuccino.nvim is released under the GPL v3.0 license. It grants open-source permissions for users including:

  • The right to download and run the software freely
  • The right to make changes to the software as desired
  • The right to redistribute copies of the software
  • The right to modify and distribute copies of new versions of the software

For more convoluted language, see the LICENSE file.

πŸ“‹ TO-DO

High Priority

  • Add Aquamarine FrappΓ©
  • Get rid of CPLoad and use the native colorscheme command

Low Priority

  • Finish DOC
  • Add more integrations
