🍨 Soothing pastel theme for NeoVim
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Pocco81 38ce0d7805 changed color of snippets and keywords 3 years ago
assets modified screenshot 3 years ago
autoload/lightline/colorscheme Provide colorscheme variable expected by lightline. 3 years ago
colors fix: plugin/ and colors/ 3 years ago
lua changed color of snippets and keywords 3 years ago
plugin fix: plugin/ and colors/ 3 years ago
.editorconfig dev: initial structure 4 years ago
.gitignore Initial commit 4 years ago
CONTRIBUTING.md license 3 years ago
LICENSE.md updated license 3 years ago
README.md updated readme 3 years ago
stylua.toml feat: added StyLua conf file 3 years ago


😸 Catppuccin for NeoVim

Warm mid-tone dark theme to show off your vibrant self!


This port of Catppuccin is special because it was the first one and the one that originated the project itself. Given this, it's important to acknowledge that it all didn't come to be what it is now out of nowhere. So, if you are interested in knowing more about the initial stages of the theme, you can find it under the old-catppuccino branch.

🎁 Features


You can use your favorite plugin manager for this. Here are some examples with the most popular ones:


Plug 'catppuccin/nvim'


	as = "catppuccin"


Plugin 'catppuccin/nvim'


NeoBundleFetch 'catppuccin/nvim'


There are already some sane defaults that you may like, however you can change them to match your taste. These are the defaults:

transparent_background = false,
term_colors = false,
styles = {
	comments = "italic",
	functions = "italic",
	keywords = "italic",
	strings = "NONE",
	variables = "NONE",
integrations = {
	treesitter = true,
	native_lsp = {
		enabled = true,
		virtual_text = {
			errors = "italic",
			hints = "italic",
			warnings = "italic",
			information = "italic",
		underlines = {
			errors = "underline",
			hints = "underline",
			warnings = "underline",
			information = "underline",
	lsp_trouble = false,
	lsp_saga = false,
	gitgutter = false,
	gitsigns = false,
	telescope = false,
	nvimtree = {
		enabled = false,
		show_root = false,
	which_key = false,
	indent_blankline = {
		enabled = false,
		colored_indent_levels = false,
	dashboard = false,
	neogit = false,
	vim_sneak = false,
	fern = false,
	barbar = false,
	bufferline = false,
	markdown = false,
	lightspeed = false,
	ts_rainbow = false,
	hop = false,

The way you setup the settings on your configuration varies on whether you are using vimL for this or Lua.

For init.lua

local catppuccin = require("catppuccin")

-- configure it
		transparent_background = false,
		term_colors = false,
		styles = {
			comments = "italic",
			functions = "italic",
			keywords = "italic",
			strings = "NONE",
			variables = "NONE",
		integrations = {
			treesitter = true,
			native_lsp = {
				enabled = true,
				virtual_text = {
					errors = "italic",
					hints = "italic",
					warnings = "italic",
					information = "italic",
				underlines = {
					errors = "underline",
					hints = "underline",
					warnings = "underline",
					information = "underline",
			lsp_trouble = false,
			lsp_saga = false,
			gitgutter = false,
			gitsigns = false,
			telescope = false,
			nvimtree = {
				enabled = false,
				show_root = false,
			which_key = false,
			indent_blankline = {
				enabled = false,
				colored_indent_levels = false,
			dashboard = false,
			neogit = false,
			vim_sneak = false,
			fern = false,
			barbar = false,
			bufferline = false,
			markdown = false,
			lightspeed = false,
			ts_rainbow = false,
			hop = false,

For init.vim

lua << EOF
local catppuccin = require("catppuccin")

-- configure it
		transparent_background = false,
		term_colors = false,
		styles = {
			comments = "italic",
			functions = "italic",
			keywords = "italic",
			strings = "NONE",
			variables = "NONE",
		integrations = {
			treesitter = true,
			native_lsp = {
				enabled = true,
				virtual_text = {
					errors = "italic",
					hints = "italic",
					warnings = "italic",
					information = "italic",
				underlines = {
					errors = "underline",
					hints = "underline",
					warnings = "underline",
					information = "underline",
			lsp_trouble = false,
			lsp_saga = false,
			gitgutter = false,
			gitsigns = false,
			telescope = false,
			nvimtree = {
				enabled = false,
				show_root = false,
			which_key = false,
			indent_blankline = {
				enabled = false,
				colored_indent_levels = false,
			dashboard = false,
			neogit = false,
			vim_sneak = false,
			fern = false,
			barbar = false,
			bufferline = false,
			markdown = false,
			lightspeed = false,
			ts_rainbow = false,
			hop = false,

After setting things up, you can load catppuccin like so:

" Vim Script
colorscheme catppuccin
-- Lua
vim.cmd[[colorscheme catppuccin]]


Although settings already have self-explanatory names, here is where you can find info about each one of them and their classifications!


This settings are unrelated to any group and are independent.

  • transparent_background: (Boolean) if true, disables setting the background color.
  • term_colors: (Boolean) if true, sets terminal colors (e.g. g:terminal_color_0).


Handles the style of general hi groups (see :h highlight-args):

  • comments: (String) changed the style of the comments.
  • functions: (String) changed the style of the functions.
  • keywords: (String) changed the style of the keywords.
  • strings: (String) changed the style of the strings.
  • variables: (String) changed the style of the variables.


These integrations allow catppuccin to set the theme of various plugins/stuff. To enable an integration you just need to set it to true, however, there are some special integrations...

If you'd like to know which highlight groups are being affected by catppuccin, checkout this directory: lua/catppuccin/core/integrations/.

Special Integrations
  • Alacritty: Instructions
  • Indent-blankline.nvim: setting enabled to true enables this integration. colored_indent_levels enables char highlights per indent level. Follow the instructions here to set the latter up.
  • Kitty: Instructions
  • Lightline: use this to set it up (Note: catppuccin is the only valid colorscheme name. It will pick the one set in your config):
let g:lightline = {'colorscheme': 'catppuccin'}
  • Lualine: use this to set it up (Note: catppuccin is the only valid theme name. It will pick the one set in your config):
require('lualine').setup {
  options = {
    theme = "catppuccin"
	-- ... the rest of your lualine config
  • Native Nvim LSP: setting enabled to true enables this integration. In the inners tables you can set the style for the diagnostics, both virtual_text (what you see on the side) and underlines (what points directly at the thing (e.g. an error)).
  • NvimTree: setting enabled to true enables this integration:
integration = {
  nvimtree = {
    enabled = true,
    show_root = true, -- makes the root folder not transparent


  • Q: "How can I view the doc from NeoVim?" A: Use :help catppuccin

💝 Thanks to