nullchilly ac25d91763 refactor(setting): enable -> enabled for consistency
barbar.lua BREAKING CHANGE: reworked most directories and function calls
bufferline.lua refactor(setting): enable -> enabled for consistency
cmp.lua BREAKING CHANGE: reworked most directories and function calls
coc_nvim.lua fix(formatting): stylua
dashboard.lua BREAKING CHANGE: reworked most directories and function calls
feline.lua fix: feline integration
fern.lua BREAKING CHANGE: reworked most directories and function calls
gitgutter.lua BREAKING CHANGE: reworked most directories and function calls
gitsigns.lua refactor(setting): enable -> enabled for consistency
hop.lua BREAKING CHANGE: reworked most directories and function calls
indent_blankline.lua fix(formatting): stylua
leap.lua fix(formatting): stylua
lightspeed.lua fix(formatting): stylua
lsp_saga.lua BREAKING CHANGE: reworked most directories and function calls
lsp_trouble.lua BREAKING CHANGE: reworked most directories and function calls
markdown.lua BREAKING CHANGE: reworked most directories and function calls
mini.lua BREAKING CHANGE: reworked most directories and function calls
native_lsp.lua fix(formatting): stylua
neogit.lua BREAKING CHANGE: reworked most directories and function calls
neotree.lua BREAKING CHANGE: reworked most directories and function calls
notify.lua BREAKING CHANGE: reworked most directories and function calls
nvimtree.lua fix(formatting): stylua
symbols_outline.lua BREAKING CHANGE: reworked most directories and function calls
telekasten.lua BREAKING CHANGE: reworked most directories and function calls
telescope.lua fix(telescope): Revert to old behavior
treesitter.lua fix(formatting): stylua
ts_rainbow.lua refactor(setting): enable -> enabled for consistency
vim_sneak.lua BREAKING CHANGE: reworked most directories and function calls
which_key.lua BREAKING CHANGE: reworked most directories and function calls